
"That was a fun birthday party, wasn't it?", Nikos asked.

"Yeah", Elena replied, "I had so much fun".

"You spent most of the time taking pictures and videos of Zephyr", Melaina deadpanned.

"Exactly", Elena retorted, "That's why it was so fun. I even have a picture of Zephyr and Alex kissing".

"When did that happen?", Nikos asked.

"After he finished opening his presents, he sneaked away with Alex", Elena answered, "I noticed and followed them. They went to the garden where Alex gave him her present, which was a bracelet she made herself. After that, Zephyr kissed Alex. And then again. And again. They kissed a few times. I don't know how many times, I left after the third. I think he noticed me though because after the first kiss he moved so I could only see his back".

"Elena!", Melaina exclaimed.

"What?", Elena questioned, unsure of what she did wrong.

"You invaded their privacy", Nikos explained, "And that's really bad"

"But I wanted pictures for their wedding", Elena complained, "And Zephyr didn't seem to mind".

"Regardless of your reason", Melaina intervened, "It was wrong".

"B-b-but they were so cute!", Elena exclaimed.

"Didn't you hear her?", Nikos asked, "No matter what your reason was, you shouldn't have done that".

"Fine", Elena huffed, "I won't do it again".

"Good. Anyways, I need to get ready for work", Melaina stated. Stretching, she made her way to the stairs, however, before she could go up, the doorbell was rung. Opening it, she was met with the sight of an old man in his early 60s. He was easily characterised by his pale skin, vivid green eyes, angular facial features, and shoulder-length white hair, which he wore divided down the middle of his head, distinguished by a typical straight line hair parting, with two separate partings on either side of his face and styled into a loose ponytail near the middle of his back. Similar to a businessman, he wore a crisp white two-piece suit with a black tie and black dress shoes. At his wrist, was a gleaming silver watch which reflected the light of the rising sun.

Seeing the man before her, Melaina halted in her steps, incapable of processing the identity of the person. "Who is it?", Nikos asked, exiting the sitting room and making his way towards the door. As soon as he saw the man at the door, Nikos halted in his tracks, an unpleasant look appeared on his face as he grit his teeth. "Why are you here?", he asked, anger evident in his tone.

"Why, can a father not visit his unfilial children?", the man replied, a smile on his face that did little to soothe Nikos' worries.

Snapping out of her stupor, Melaina questioned, "Stop speaking in such a roundabout way and tell us why you're here"

"My oh my. Why so cold daughter?", the man teased, "Do you not love your father anymore?"

Snorting, she answered, "Why would anyone love a monster like you? It's a mystery how a kind woman like Mom married a cold heartless bastard like you".

Hearing her words, the man's eyes flashed in a dangerous glint, "Don't speak of her like that", the man replied, his voice was neutral but laced with anger and a hidden threat.

"Why are you here?", Nikos forcefully asked.

"Here", the man answered, passing them a piece of paper.

Taking the paper, Melaina read over it, her eyes widening as her eyes flickered across all the words on the paper, "Is this for real?".

"Yes", the man replied.

"Let me see", Nikos exclaimed, taking the paper from her hand. Quickly scanning over the paper, his reaction mirrored Melaina's. "No way", he muttered in shock.

Snapping out of her shock, Melaina looked at the man, "Do you think that just because he's smart we'll let you take him away?"

"He's not just smart", the man argued, "He's a genius, possibly the greatest we've ever seen. If we go by the details on that paper, he's the smartest person in the world, smarter than that kid from Singapore".

"That doesn't matter", Nikos interrupted, "We won't let you do anything to him".

"Why are you so defensive?", the man asked, "I just want to meet him. Who said I'm going to do anything to him?"

"I don't trust you", Melaina stated, "You're a slippery snake".

"I'm hurt that you have such a low opinion of me", the man teased, a playful smile on his face.

"You know why", Nikos added, causing the smile on the man's face to twitch.

"It matters not whether you know of my purpose", the man remarked, "There is nothing you can do to stop me from meeting him". Finished, the man closed the door, turned around and left.

Seeing his retreating figure, a worrying frown was on Melaina's face, "We need to tell Matt".

Nikos nodded his head, and was taking his phone out when he was interrupted by Elena, "Who was that?"

"Father", Melaina answered, causing the smile on Elena's face to transform into a frown.

"Theseus is here?", Elena asked, "Why?"

"He's here for Zephyr", Nikos stated, scrolling through his contacts.

"That's bad", Elena muttered, the frown turning into a grimace.

"We know", Melaina retorted.

"Hello", Matt greeted from the other side of the phone.

"Has Zephyr gone to school?", Nikos asked.

"Yeah", Matt replied, "He seemed to be in a pretty good mood today as well"

"That's good", Nikos muttered under his breath, "Anyways. He's here".

"Who?", Matt questioned.

"Theseus", Nikos explained, "He's here for Zephyr". Immediately, the sound of crashing glass could be heard. "Matt. Matt!", Nikos exclaimed in worry, not receiving an answer. Shaking his head, he turned to look at the two women, "Let's go. We need to make sure he's okay".

"I'll tell my secretary I can't go today", Melaina said, pulling out her phone and following after Nikos who exited the house.

[Time Skip]

"I'm home", Zephyr greeted, walking into the house.

"Good", Nikos said, walking out of the living room, "We've got a lot to talk about, so come in".

Seeing the serious look on his face, Zephyr agreed, following Nikos and walking into the living room. Entering the room, he was met with the sight of Elena, Melaina and Matt sitting on some couches with grim looks on their faces. "What's wrong?", Zephyr asked, worried by the situation.

"Your grandfather is coming over", Matt answered.

"Grandpa Joe?", Zephyr asked.

"No. Your grandfather from your Mom's side", Matt clarified.

"I've never met him, is that bad?", Zephyr questioned.

"Him coming is really bad", Melaina stated, "It's a massive headache dealing with him"

"He's one of the worst people you'll ever meet", Elena added, "He's a callous bastard who only cares about himself".

"Is he that bad?", Zephyr asked, shocked.

"Wherever he goes, chaos and destruction follows", Melaina explained, causing Zephyr's eyes to widen.

"Why is he here then?", Zephyr asked, worry evident in his voice.

"He's here for you", Nikos answered, clenching his fist.

"Me?", Zephyr questioned in shock, "Why?"

"You know how you took that IQ test without knowing what it was?", Elena asked.

"Yeah", Zephyr replied, "It said I was a once-in-a-lifetime genius but didn't give me an actual IQ"

"You're grandfather somehow got his hands on the results", Melaina added, "He's been desperate to find a successor and heir within the family, and he's definitely here to make you his heir"

"Isn't that a good thing?", Zephyr asked.

"No. I was supposed to be his heir, but the training he put me through was borderline inhumane", Nikos clarified, his hands trembling, "I couldn't handle his training, so I decided to give up being his heir and chose to do what Melaina did and work at a company that he couldn't influence".

"He sounds like a really, really evil person", Zephyr commented.

"You don't even know half of it", Elena muttered, placing her hand on Nikos' in an attempt to calm him down.

"So what are we going to do?", Zephyr asked.

"I don't know", Matt mumbled, his head in his hands.

"The fact that he has the results even though you took the test two weeks ago says that he's been monitoring you somehow", Meliana explained, "And the fact that we didn't realise until he revealed himself shows that even if we hide, he'll find where we are"

"I haven't felt anyone following me", Zephyr remarked, "That only points to him bugging my phone and laptop"

"That's even worse", Nikos retorted, anger laced in his words.

"Maybe he'll leave us alone", Zephyr tried, hope evident in his tone.

"He's not the type to give up easily. He's a relentless and manipulative old man", Nikos declared, "Before I was even 5, he had already planned out my whole life. He manipulated me from the age of 6 so that Elena and I would fall in love and get married so that he could strengthen ties with her family".

Grimacing, Zephyr found himself incapable of reacting. Before he could get his thoughts together, the doorbell was rung.

Getting up, Matt went over to the door and opened it. "Theseus", Matt greeted, gritting his teeth as he did so.

"Is there something wrong with your jaw, you should get it checked out Mathew", Theseus remarked.

"I'm fine, no thanks to you", Matt replied, anger evident in his tone.

"Why the hostility son-in-law", Theseus remarked, a playful tone in his voice.

"Don't you dare act like you care about me", Matt exclaimed.

"Tut tut tut", Theseus clicked his teeth, "Nyx would be hurt seeing the way you're talking to her father".

"Don't you dare speak her name!", Matt shouted, "Not after what you did to her"

"I don't know what you're talking about", Theseus replied, "I came here to visit my grandson".

"As if I'd let you get your clutches on him", Matt retorted, "I know why you're here so could you please leave my property".

"Such a poor attitude", Theseus remarked, "Did your Mom not teach you any manners?".

"Don't speak ill of my Mom when you've never even met her", Matt exclaimed with barely restrained fury in his tone.

"I'm not here for trouble", Theseus said, raising his arms as though surrendering, "I just want to speak to him".

"He won't talk to you so just go", Matt replied.

"I'd prefer to hear it from my grandson instead", Theseus spoke.

Just as Matt was about to say something, he was cut off by Zephyr who had walked out of the living room, "I'll hear him out, Dad".

Turning around, Matt looked at his son for a few moments, before sighing, "Fine. But if he does anything or if you want him gone, tell me".

"So you're Zephyr", Theseus commented, "You inherited your grandmother's eyes, you know?", his cold eyes flashed with warmth for a second before disappearing.

"I haven't seen her so I can't say", Zephyr swiftly countered, "So why are you here?"

"Quick to point. A good quality to have in a leader", Theseus commented, "I'm sure you know who I am, so I'll be direct. I want you to be my heir. Once you graduate university, you'll take over the family business".

"While that sounds great and all, nothing is free in life", Zephyr retired, "So what are the conditions?"

"You're smart. You realised that there was more to my deal than I stated. Colour me impressed.", Theseus commented, "You'll obviously have to be taught how to run a company, especially one the size of mine. You'll also have to move to Greece and stay with me until you finish university".

Not even waiting for a second, Zephyr shook his head, "No. I won't move to Greece".

"What are your reasons?", Theseus asked, curious about his reason for refusal.

"This place is my home", Zephyr answered, "It's where everyone I know lives and where I've grown up. Unless necessary, I don't want to leave".

"So you're a family man, just like your Dad", Theseus analysed, "Since you're unwilling to agree, then perhaps we can come to another agreement?"

"If you won't change the conditions, I see no reason to agree", Zephyr replied.

"You won't have to move to Greece, however, every day, you'll have to video call me and I will train you", Theseus stated, "However, you'll only inherit the company once I deem you ready instead of immediately after you finish university".

"That seems like a better deal", Zephyr agreed.

"Very well then", Theseus gave him a node. Taking a card from his pocket, he handed it to Zephyr, "My number's there, make sure to save it", before walking away.

Closing the door, Zephyr looked at his relatives, "Are you sure that was my grandfather? He wasn't like you described him to be".

"He's up to something", Matt muttered, "I know he is".

"Yes", Melaina agreed.

"He's never given up so easily", Nikos added.

"Exactly my thoughts", Elena stated.

"It doesn't matter, we'll deal with it together when the time comes", Zephyr declared.

"Of course we will", Melaina agreed.

"There's no way we're going to let you go against him by yourself", Nikos exclaimed.