Valley of Flood - Part 9

The soldier did hit the three attackers, but one of the attackers has managed to throw a bullet shot from his gun into the poor soldier face. Hitting his right eye. The soldier lost its balance and falls on his back into the street.

"No!" screamed Daniel seeing the soldier fallen.

The man jumps at him, he drags the corpse to safety, but as he drags him, the shoots still continue, meaning this shoot-out is far from over, and there are many more of these burglars.

"Eric!" yells a soldier who left the cabin and saw the body of the passenger.

The said soldier uses his handgun he used earlier to kill the zombies, and kills two of these burglars who were hitting in the woods. The other soldiers are leaving their truck cabin, run to cover and start to shoot their fire weapons toward the group of people who are attacking them.

"Who are these people?!" asks a soldier who is using the big rock as a cover from bullets with a colleague.

"Whoever they are." says a soldier shooting blindly his weapon. "They are dead meat if I catch them."

One bullet hits the rock and it ricochets, hitting the tree of where the truck crashed. The people that are using the rock as a shield are looking at the military truck where one soldier is leaving the truck, he aims and starts shooting blindly where the group of attackers has to shoot as he is running toward the rock, but when he was close to reach its comrades, a bad thing happens.

That soldier gets shoot in the left leg, making the person trip and falling on the ground. Thankfully, he is caught by his comrades and dragged to protection by his colleagues.

"Are you good?" asks a soldier to that injured soldier.

"I am fine, Stephan." says the soldier.

The soldier named Stephan is the soldier who is wearing sunglasses, a helmet, military uniform having that weird symbol of "The Organization" on the right shoulder, a small beard, green boots. The other soldiers are having helmets just like Stephan, but they look different from like their built, stature and way of talking.

"These fuckers got my leg." says the soldier looking at his wounded leg.

A soldier has a closer look at the leg, he observes the bullet is still in there, meaning this is a tough job for them to try and do it. The only solution being to transport this person to the community, where their surgeons and doctors could save this precious man life.

But first, they have to fight these attackers.

"What do you want, assholes?!" yells Daniel, who is hiding on the opposite side of the attackers from military truck.

"We want money, beer, rakia and women!" yells an attacker.

"You sick! You are killing people!" yells a soldier from that rock to the attackers.

"Zombies are people, too!" yells another voice of the attackers. "They are good if you know how to use them."

"At what?" yells Daniel.

"At se, of course." says an attacker.

The attackers start to advance slowly to the military truck. As they advance, Daniel could see on the small opening of the military truck cabin, that was made by a bullet hole, how there is a group of six attackers, not three, meaning there are a lot more than he thought. The soldier next to Daniel look at the bullet hole, sees the group of attackers walking close to them, and he decides to go on action.

The soldier raises from his hideout, and he runs from the opposite side, having its handgun prepared. The soldier has an idea, and wanted to apply by himself. After the person left his hideout, he aims his pistol to the attackers, shoot three bullets, and sprints faster toward a wrecked car that was on the road. The three bullets shot have killed an attacker, but did not hit the head.

"Mateo!" yells an attacker.

"Leave it!" says another attacker angrily. "Go after that man!"

Two attackers are going after the soldier, not even slow and aiming at him, they are just running to him with their handguns, who are almost emptied by the shoots they've taken earlier. The other three attackers are going to the military truck.

When that soldier has reached the wrecked car, he quickly threw the empty clip of the handgun, and put one prepared that was kept under his military bulletproof vest. After he loaded the handgun, he left his safe position, aimed his gun to the two attackers who were at seven meters away from him, and killed them of them without any mercy.

That soldier runs toward the military truck, but it wasn't the need to because the last three attackers were killed by the soldier who left their hideout, and also by Daniel, suing their handguns and assault rifles they were having at their hands.

"What happened?" asks Gancea leaving the hideout, scared shitless of what has happened outside.

The survivors are slowly, terrified and shaken to the military truck, they look around and see a lot of human corpses laying on the grounds. When all of the people from military truck got out, they look around them. There are only nine humans standing, two injured and two dead. Beside the soldier injured, there was an injured person from the cabin, that got hit on the right arm by the parts of the shotgun bullet. That person injured is Ron, the Englishman.

"I am injured." says Ron in English. "Help me, please!"

"Come here." says Mihaela helping Ron walk toward the rock where the other injured person lays, the soldier with the leg. "I can help you both."

The survivors are looking frightened around, they don't know what to do, or what to do at this moment. But the soldier, are quickly taking the radio station from the cabin, and are trying to contact the community to send a truck to take them from here, and escort them to safety. But the station is picked on by the community.

"Why they don't respond?" asks Stephan holding the station.

"Try to call the other squad." says the soldier with the handgun. "The ones from King Michael High School."

"Hope they'll pick up." says Stephan stabilizing the frequencies to contact the other squad.

As Stephan continues to stabilize the connection with the other squad and talk to them, the remaining soldiers and survivors are looking around, staying on guard because they may be attacked again. They definitely understand there are probably much more people here that are with these attackers, so they must be on guard and ready to kill at any moment.

"Who are these people?" asks Daniel to the soldier who was with him.

"Probably a group of lunatics that's for sure." says the soldier to Daniel.

Then, out of nowhere a person appears on the road, and that person is running to the group holding a spear. He is yelling as he is running toward Mihaela, but a soldier was quick to shoot his weapon to the head of the attacker who fall on its face to the cold autumn asphalt.

Nobody said anything, they all look scared at the person who was close to kill their valuable possession on this stop. Mihaela was terrified to see the corpse, so she tries to look away, and continues on treating the two injured persons.

As Mihaela is trying to take out the bolts of shotgun shells from Ron, the squad is looking on the sky and observes the sun is closing down.

"Alright, everyone." says the driver soldier. "We still have about one hour or so left of sunlight. So, we have to choose, we either wait for the squad to come, or we split up and go to the community to get help."

The survivors, all gathered to near the big rock who served as a shield to the soldiers from attacker are discussing the choices.

Most of them realize the best decision may be splitting up, so they let the soldier who came with the idea of splinting up walking with Gancea and Daniel to the community, and come back with help. They cannot take the military truck because one of the bullets shot by the attackers, have hit the gas chamber of the vehicle, making a huge leak on the road and these improvised spikes have destroyed the wheels.

The group that is leaving is carrying with them three assault rifles as a protection. They've left the protein bars and water supplies on the other group in need. Then, they tell the group to clean the road, stay on guard and make a campfire to stay warm until they'll come back.