Valley of Flood - Part 11


After half an hour, the three people have arrived at the front gates of the community on Valea Iașului. When they got in there, Gancea and Daniel are both looking amazed by the huge concrete walls of this place. Walls that can even withstand a zombie class F or a horde of normal zombies. The walls of this place are having a little blood spits all over them, meaning that at one point this place was attacked by zombies, but it survived a wave.

"Ed!" says the soldier. "Open the gate!"

A soldier, probably the one named Ed, is opening the gates from inside. The person who opened the gates is an old man, with long grey hair, long grey beard and brown eyes. The said gatekeeper is wearing a military uniform with a Kevlar vest, having on the left side of his hips a shotgun and on the other side of the hip a pistol.

"Identify yourself!" says Ed to the soldier.

"Stephen Gran." says the soldier. "Squad V.I., Soldier."

"And these two?" asks Ed looking at the two survivors, who are looking amazed and shy of this place.

"I am Gancea." says Gancea.

"Daniel." says Daniel.

"Good enough." says Ed. By this he told them the family names doesn't really matter in today's world. He takes from a pocket a thermometer like the ones used in Covid pandemic and checks the temperature of the three people.

"36 Celsius." says Ed after he checked all the three of them. "You good to go in."

"We need a truck." says Stephen to Ed. "We were attacked by a group of hooligans. And we have a few injured people on the side of the road, with other survivors."

"What?" asks Ed scared. "That group attacked you?"

"They've come here?"

"Yes. WE thought we killed all of them. They tried to enter the base, steal our resources and rape the women. Savages. Monsters." then, Ed turns around and walk with Stephen inside the community. "I will give you a truck. Need a squad?"

"No. Only a truck and three people."

"Alright." says Ed. "Go ahead, chose the truck and I will as three soldiers to come with you." he looks at the two survivors who are looking around this place like it is some sort of amusement park. "I will give your friends a small tour around this place while you are gone."

"Be nice to them." jokes Stephen to Ed.

"I will." says Ed who is going to a group of three soldiers who are sitting at a table, drinking a few bottles of water and chit-chatting about their past lives. "Hey! I need three of you to come and help me take a few of our people back to base."

"What happened?" ask a soldier.

"They were attacked by the group of hooligans who were trying to break in."

"These assholes." says the same soldiers from earlier.

The soldiers are taking their assault rifles and handguns, the three soldiers are walking to the military truck chosen by Stephen. After they enter it, the truck leaves the compound, Ed is escorting the two survivors to the interrogation room to give their information about themselves.


Meanwhile, on the zone where the military truck crashed and got attacked, the group of survivors and soldiers are staying on their one, waiting for the military truck to come and pick them up. The sun has already gone down, making the entire place darker and harder for human eye to see. Thankfully, two soldiers are making a campfire to help them get warmer and create a light in case they will attack by surprise.

But a soldier of the group, is taking watch, holding his sniper rifle and looking around the place, making sure there will not be any surprise attack coming at this very moment.

"Any dead here?" asks a soldier to the one who is keeping the watch.

"No, dude." says the soldier.

"Great." says the soldier, then he takes from his left pocket a protein bar. "Want some?"

"What you got?"

"Whey Protein Bar." says the soldier tossing a green-blue protein bar to his colleague.

"Thanks." he responds after he caught the protein bar, he unwraps it and takes a bite. "I appreciate it." says the sentence while he is eating.

The person leaves the watch man, goes to the campfire where the survivors have gathered around the fire to keep warm. When everyone got around the campfire, it was quiet for a minute. Nobody knew what to say to make some conversation to make time pass. So, Ron decides to break the ice, asking a question in his broken Romanian, to the soldiers.

"Have you guys been in the United Kingdom?"

"I was there." says a soldier in English to Ron. That is the soldier who spoke earlier English to Mihaela and Ron. "The island got overrun as well as Africa, Asia, Russia, Australia and Europe."

"Those places are overrun?" asks Mihaela.

"Only a few parts seem to be safe for us, humans." responds the soldier who is dinging through his backpack, reveals a map around the world and shows to Ron and Mihaela, and other survivors who have gathered to see it.

But before he can go further, he looks over to one of his colleagues. Who is shaking his head in approval, meaning he can tell them this classified information.

"In Europe we've got a few islands around Greece who are run by The Organization. There are also rumours that Snake Island is in control of a group of soldiers of Ukraine, Russians and Romania."

"You kidding?" asks Ron curios because years ago Ukraine was in a war with Russia due to political warfare.

"No. I am not kidding. But that doesn't matter now." he points at a few other islands on Scandinavia. "These are safe places controlled by the Organization." he points at a few drawn islands near Holland and United Kingdom. "Here are a few bases built on artificial islands. They seem to be safe for now."

"What do you mean by that?" asks Ron.

"We've got reports that there are zombies who can survive underwater and swim. Though, these reports haven't come from officials, we think this are only rumours."

"Hope they are only rumours."

"I also hope that." says the soldier. "But that is why I was going to go and check Vidraru Bridge."

"Come one, dude." says another soldier. "You really think zombies can swim? Based on a rumour of a person with mental problems?"

"That is the same thing you said about zombies who can be acting like humans, and look. We got undead on our hands."

"Undeads?" asks Ron.

"You are not familiar with them?"

"No. What are these creatures?"

"They are rare types of zombies. For now, all we know is that this type can survive a zombie transformation, full mental zombie transformation. The exterior they may look like zombies, but on the interior, they are having their carvings like ones."

"Like Murphy from Z nation?"

"Yes." says a soldier to Ron. "Like that one. But more twisted. This virus can destroy the mind of a normal human, making him become a bigger threat than a normal or an F Class Zombie."

"Have you seen one?" asks Mihaela to the soldiers.

"We have." says the soldier who talked about the map. He puts it back in the pocket. "Once. In London. One guy locked in a house for five days, all by myself, and when he came out, he saw us, and he told us to leave him alone. But unfortunately, we've had a guy on the chopper, who made a clean headshot at the poor mutation." says the soldier feeling the regret, even though it wasn't his fault. "That is the first time, and probably the one time I'll see an undead on a mission."

"Hey!" says the soldier who is taking the watch of this campfire. He looks through a scope of his sniper rifle. And sees on the road they've taken a military truck that is coming over to help them. "A military truck approaches."