Valley of Flood - Part 14


Meanwhile, on a dark room, a small room, where there's only a round table in the middle of the dark space, two chairs on the opposite side. And at those two chairs, are people, sitting and discussing. On the right side there's Gancea, while on the other, there is someone unknown who is wearing a ski mask, and anti-biting uniform. Even if he is not forced to do that, he is wearing that because it makes him feel safe.

"State your first name please." says the person on the left side.

"My name is Gancea." responds Gancea.

"Isn't that like family name? Surname doesn't matter here."

"No." says Gancea.

"I see. Sorry about the mistake. Anyway, what's your age?"

"I am 27 years old."

"Aha." says the person and starts to write some information on a piece of paper. "Previous job?"

"I was a taxi driver here in the city."

"Oh. Good. You know the city well?"

"Yes, I do."

"Good. You possess a good skill."

"Thanks." says Gancea not knowing if he would really have to take this "skill" as a taxi driver as something to help them in this situation. Plus, he was a taxi driver for five months, and he still used the GPS.

"Blood type?"




"Aha." says the person writing this info on a piece of paper. "Birth date."


"Good. Place of Birth?"


"Where you lived before the apocalypse?"

"Curtea de Arges."

"Aha." he notes the address and place of birth into the paper. "Now comes the job applications."

"Job application?" asks Gancea.

"You need a job here." says the soldier. "That's the procedure. In order to remain here for a long period of time you need an occupation. Or we can transfer you to one of the artificial islands, but at the moment, all of the artificial islands on our radius are full, doesn't have any available room for you."

"And what job do I have?"

"Personally." says the soldier checking a bit of file. "Seeing you were a taxi driver on this city. I will recommend a driver or a scavenger. But to be honest, both of these occupations can be one."

"Scavenger." says Gancea.

"Alright." responds the person in charge noting this piece of information. "You will be notified when you will be getting on the run."


"You are hired as a scavenger."

"But I don't even know what I have to do?"

"Simple. You look for supplies, survivors, vehicles and help us to extend the territory."


"And that's it. Thank you for cooperating."

"That's all?"

"Yeap. Now you can go." says the soldier who is putting the written paper into a folder.

Gancea, being reluctant at first, he raises off from his chair, and walks out of the room, letting the other person enter the room to have his interview taken. The other person who is getting his interview is Daniel. Another survivor from the restaurant group who haven't had his interview taken yet.

The man sits on the chair of where Gancea sat. Upon sitting on the chair, he saluted the soldier, but the man, takes an empty piece of paper, and starts writing the name.

"Name please."

"Uh… Bani Daniel." says Daniel taken by surprise.

"I am more interested in your first name."


"Alright. Now, your age."


"You look older than that." says the soldier who is looking at Daniel, a bit surprised by this information.

"I get that a lot." says Daniel who is usually getting this kind of feedback when he gave the people his true age. Most of them look at him and thought he is on his fifty or sixty.

"Birth date?"

"Two December Two thousand twelve."

"Aha. Blood type?"


"Previous job?"

"Middle school teacher."


"Geography. Here at Ferdinand I High School."

"You know the city well?"

"Like in my palm."

"Good, good. Married?"

"… I was." state that meaning his soulmate did not make it this far.

"Did you have kids?" he asks this question since most of the people when they are getting their interview taken and find they are married, they usually respond that they were having or have kids.


"Place of Birth?"

"Curtea de Arges."


"Albestii de Arges."

"Job application?"

"What's that?"

"You need a job here." says the soldier. "That's the procedure. In order to remain here for a long period of time you need an occupation. Or we can transfer you to one of the artificial islands, but at the moment, all of the artificial islands on our radius are full, doesn't have any available room for you."

"Aha. What do you have in mind?"

"Well… Seeing you are a teacher and know the layout of the zones… It's a tough choice. You can work as a scavenger or as a map drawer."

"Map drawer?"

"It's a bit hard to explain. But you have to go with a team of scavengers and draw the map of zones you explore. Ever draw a map?"

"Yes. In University, I used to draw a lot of maps from thesis and projects."

"Good. So, you a map drawer?"


"Great. You can go now. We are done."

"Thank you." says Daniel who is offering his hand to shake it, but the soldier didn't even look it, he prepares the papers for the next person to have his interview taken.

Daniel leaves the room, and let another person have this short interview taken. This person is one of the survivors from the military truck from last night. One who was knocked to unconsciousness by the crash and slept until this morning.