Valley of Flood - Part 23

The group is running through the thick forest who surpassingly wasn't cut by the illegal wood manufactures at this point. This forest near the barn have given the survivors the perfect getaway point.

"Hope the village has some sort of communication radio or something like that." says Petre running through forest, leading his men.

After a while, the squad of survivors, have entered a house to rest from their running and search for some supplies. They search the place for something useful, all they could find were smartphones without any batteries, not that they would work since all of the phone lines have been cut long ago, and other electronic devices who couldn't work. Seeing they did not have any luck on finding anything useful, the group goes to the next house.

In the next house, the squad couldn't even enter it because of the locked door and broken windows that have been destroyed long ago. But when a soldier has tried to see what is it, a disgusting, awful and dead smell has hit him, making the soldier nauseous.

"I ain't going in there." says that soldier to his mates.

"How bad it can be?" asks Daniel who is taking a peek into the window.

The smell hit him, and it made him nauseous. He holds his nose, then as he is looking at the insides of this floor, he notices something incredibly scary. The entire floor of this house is stacked up with corpses, but the most disturbing thing about the corpses are children bodies. All having an awful dead smell that could be smelt from kilometres away.

"What the hell happened here?" asks Petre looking sad at that house windows, to those dozens of corpses.

"We should check the next one." says Daniel after a while.


The people have entered a next house, upon entering the house, they've encountered a zombie, who got easily destroyed due to the soldier's knife, who has decapitated the creature, then to Petre who has stomped the head of the zombie. The three people did not say anything, continuing their scavenging of this house.

Unfortunately, they found nothing on this place, nothing useful to them.

The fourth house didn't have anything useful to them, only a few human corpses who were consumed by the zombies weeks ago.

Seeing the sunlight is about to go, the group decides to head toward the zone where has the bridge collapsed. Thankfully, they will have to go only five hundred meters to there. But there are a lot of zombies on the road toward there, which will make their difficulty harder.

The group is going down the main road toward the bridge, they saw a lot of zombies on the road. There were thirty or so more on the five hundred meters road, but all of them were killed by the soldiers who have decided to fire their weapons and empty their magazines on them. All of the soldiers have emptied around six magazines of assault rifle weapons, the entire ammo they had available after the departure from the military truck.

Arriving at where it is supposed to be the bridge, the group finds it like it was told earlier, fallen, and on the way to Arges River. But the river has not risen, it is at the same level it was always before the apocalypse, only the fallen bridge with the dozens of the vehicles on the river is the new scenery of this once appreciated zone by bikers and tourists who were coming here, only for a short break or ask direction for Transfăgărășan.

Down the river, there are a lot of crates with weapons, more of them opened, destroyed and burned by the fires of this fallen military convoy. Some of these weapons may be still used for fighting the zombies, if they could work.

Down there, there are a few zombies, many of these zombies are dressed in military clothing, meaning most of the soldier have died in there and resurrect as zombies. While other soldiers weren't as lucky as their colleagues, ending in the wreckages or eaten completely by zombies from there.

The group, seeing the river can be crossed, they all decide to take the risk and cross the river on the left side rather than going front face because of the trees who are blocking the people way to the street. They all are going downhill on a fast speed toward the river, all running to the wreckage to see if there is something useful in there.

As they are running toward there, zombies were looking at them, trying to catch them all, but the survivors are good, killing any zombie who was close to their heads.

Arriving at that wreckage, they see there are several of weapons who see working, crates of ammunition and something Petre never expects to see, a pistol with signal, near him is three of those bullets that can launch a red coloured smoke into the sky to alert authorities. Petre takes this because this may be helping them to alert The Organization aerial squads if they will come in here to rescue them.

After they take all they needed, all of the people are continuing their running toward a Hotel, that is situated near the intersection of the road, near a big transmission tower who is still standing. To arrive in there, the people need to climb a hill, and kill zombies who are going down and jump to them. All of the people from this squad managed to fend the zombies, and shot zombie's heads with their weapons.

Arriving at the door of that Hotel, the group notice how the door is barricaded by planks and strong wood. The squad leader, Petre, knocks on the door, and yell for help.

"Are you people?" asks a scared voice from the inside of this hotel.

"We are." says Petre.

"You are not a zombie, right?" asks another voice, this one sounding like a female. "How can we trust you?"

"We are not bitten, not green skin, and we are immune to mushroom spores."

"… Are you military?"

"We are The Organization, ma'am." says Petre.

"Look out!" yells a soldier turning around, seeing how dozens of zombies are coming toward them, all at ten meters distance from them.

The soldiers and Gancea, having a submachine gun taken from the wreckage, are using their weapons on those dozens of zombies that are coming, killing them, and more other zombies who are crawling toward them from hill they were climbing earlier. As the soldiers of Petre kills the creatures, the leader tries to negotiate to let the people enter the Hotel to rest. The thing works, because the people from inside the hotel are opening a window for the survivors and let them enter the building, and rest in there.

All of the people from the squad are running toward the window, entering the interior of the structure and closing the window after the last person, Gancea, has managed to slip by. When the window was closed, the people from hotel are quickly moving the curtains to cover the windows, and moving a heavy furniture desk to block the zombies from coming.

"Thank you." says Petre who is apparently running out of breath, just like his people, who were on a big run.

"No problem." says a survivor.

On this room, there are seen only three humans apart from the squad of soldiers, one male and female who are standing near the window, speechless and scared, and the last person is a kid, a boy. Meaning this group of three people in this Hotel are a family.