Valley of Flood - Part 30


 Back to the present, two cars are stopping in front of Rompetrol gas station, where the entrance of Curtea de Argeș is, and where a military blockage from three months ago was made. From the three vans, a total of nine soldiers and two volunteers, Gancea and Ramus, are leaving the vehicles and heading to where is suspected to be the last hideout of this criminal group.

 The leader of this mission, a masked soldier with a skull mask is looking on his clock, the time it shows is 15:32, meaning they are having more than two hours of sunlight on the sky. This will not be a problem for them because all of the soldiers are having night vision googles, only the two volunteers aren't having this equipment.

 "Squad King Michael I." says the masked leader of the six soldier and Ramus. "You are going on the backside of the building. Don't shoot your weapons. We don't want to attract Z's."

 "Roger that." says the leader of his squad.

 "Valea Iașului squad." says the masked leader to the group of three soldiers and Gancea. "You all four have to create a diversion."

 Gancea was looking at the bridge, and he spotted there is a truck, with an oil trailer, blocked ion front of several of vehicles and with a lot of corpses surround it.

 "We can try to set an explosion to this truck." says pointing at that truck.

 "We'd rather not." says the leader. "This bridge would be used to us."

 "How about the gas station?" asks a soldier.

 "No." says another soldier. "Remember what happened last time in Caracal. The explosion was so huge, the entire city was burning for three days and our plan to use this as a safe zone failed."

 "At least the zone we've taken wasn't one known for a serial killer."

 "I know." says Gancea seeing a high voltage tower near this supposed abandoned place where is the supposed headquarters of the terrorists group. "We can try to bomb the tower."

 Most of them agreed to Gancea's idea since this was one of their best strategy at the moment. They will bomb it and make it fall in this headquarter of the terrorists. But they will bomb it when they will be getting the signal from the squad of Curtea de Argeș that the prisoners are located on the safety room.

 And the operation begins.

 The Valea Iașului squad are going to that tower, planting the C-4's for the detonating of this huge high voltage electricity tower and preparing to detonate them when the signal will come. The squad stay to get away from that tower, from the radius of the explosion to not be caught in there.

 The part for the squad from Curtea de Argeș is now commencing, the entire group had kicked the door and entered in force the place. They immediately opened fire the moment they saw a man in there, about to grab his gun. Then they see more of those people coming in this room, all of them were shoot dead. All six of them were killed. All of them having the same tattoos as the ones and same clothing colours. 

 When the squad has finished with these terrorists from this room, they are going to the next room, in silence and there they see what they were looking for. The hostages, all tied up with ropes, most of them naked, crying and hurt. All of the women from there were alive, barely able to breathe.

 "These psychos." says Ramus angrily looking at the people, and he sees his cousin, naked and unconscious. "Maria."

 He runs over to the body of Maria, checks her to see if she is alive. He notices how the woman has several of beating marks all around her body, a thing that infuriates Ramus, made him takes the gun and rushes to the other room to kill the remaining of this group. 

 When he arrived at where it is supposed to be the entrance of this place, they see the truck getting out of there, but when the truck was about to make a turn it quickly got stopped by the other squad of soldiers who have opened fire on them, killed the remaining six people of this group from this headquarter.

 "We got them?" asks a soldier.

 "Yeah." says the masked leader of this mission.

 "Wasn't that to easy?" asks Ramus looking at the leader of the operation.

 "I guess. But we killed most of their numbers days ago. Hopefully these are the last ones of these psychopaths."

 "So we've planted the C-4's for nothing?" asks a soldier.

 "We will take them back." says Ramus.

 The squad starts to do their job of this mission. They take the refugees to their cars, and search this place. There were only two people searching the place, those were Gancea and a soldier from Valea Iașului. The two are searching the upstairs room where are a lot of beds, couches, food supplies, guns and a lot of other things useful to the community. They also found there the map of Romania where it has circled lots of counties such as Argeș, Cluj, Bucharest, Craiova, Dambovita, Tulcea, Deva and Baia Mare. And those circles were all having an "X" mark drawn in there, except Argeș. 

 Gancea takes the marker from the desk, and draws a red "X" into this map.

 "Now there's none." he says to himself and continues his searching.