Valley of Flood - Part 41


In the community, the aeroplane and a few helicopters are leaving the community, leaving behind dozens of survivors. The survivors did not take it to well their doctors and fighters were taken to Snake Island, while the others were left behind to fight the upcoming horde by themselves with almost nothing.

Doctors and nurses, like Mihaela were taken, while Daniel, Gancea, Ramus and Maria stayed behind with the survivors. And what about Petre? He tried to still convenience Mr. Eighteen to let more survivors and children comes with them, but Mr. Eighteen, not likening that Petre wanted to do good for everyone, he knocks Petre out and ordered his people to chain the soldier in the woods on a tree and leave him in there.

The survivors were given weapons to protect themselves, only knives and three 9mm bullets each. No gun. No protective gear against the bites and with no food to help them survive later.

Some of these survivors have tried to attack the soldiers and The Organization personnel, but they were quickly shut down after a soldier killed without any mercy a survivor. That survivor killed was the father of the daughter from Oesti. Then, the woman and the child were killed after they were crying for their dead father by the soldiers.

"Now, listen!" says Mr. Eighteen to the dozens of survivors in there, all looking shocked that these people have murdered a family of three. "You are all on your own! The upcoming horde will come here and it will take all of you from here. All you need to do is evacuate this place and get to one of the nearest islands on the Mediterranean Sea or to Black Sea Snake island. By yourself!"

Many survivors argued that this is not a great idea or plan, but the soldiers and The Organization members left the survivors there, yelling and pleading for help.

Some tried to get on the helicopter, but were quickly killed when they take one step in there by the soldiers who weren't afraid to kill their friends from this community. And others, like Gancea, Daniel, Ramus and Maria, have decided to run from the community, into the woods nearby their home, to avoid the upcoming horde.

Running through the dense forest, that was at almost one kilometre away from the community walls, the group of four survivors noticed there is someone tied to the trees. They all checked who is that person, and to their surprise, there is Petre, who was wounded very bad by the soldiers and Mr. Eighteen on the face. Three bruises on the left side of the face, and one bloody nose, wrecked.

"What they've done to you?" asks Gancea while he and Daniel are cutting the ropes that tie Petre to the tree.

"T-They… Leave us…" tries Petre to say.

"Easy, easy, man." says Gancea catching Petre and walking with him a few meters in the forest.

The four survivors are carrying the soldier to a nearby bear cave, where they are all sitting in there. Daniel and Gancea are treating the wounds of Petre, as Mihaela explained to them at a breakfast, a few days ago, how they treat wounded soldiers from a zombie fight who sustain bruises.

But, not having any medical equipment, it will make it hard for them. Luckily, Maria had some painkillers, which she was given by Mihaela, when she was still injured from the kidnapping. They administrate some of these painkillers to Petre, who is starting to feel a little better than previously was.

"T-Thank you." says Petre to Maria, he looks around and asks. "W-What happened?"

"We found you tied to a tree, and we carried you here." says Gancea to Petre.

"Tree?... Ah. They beat me."

"Who beat you?" asks Ramus to Petre.

"Mr. Eighteen… general."

"Them?" asks Gancea surprised. "B-B-But why?"

"They… They want to leave the weak… fend to themselves. While the strong ones… Are coming with them..."

"These animals." says Ramus feeling angry.

"What are we doing now?" asks Daniel to everyone.

"We stay here." says Gancea to everyone. "We wait until Petre heals, and then we'll see what we can do."

"But what about the horde?" asks Ramus. "What if they will come here? We cannot protect ourselves with only knives and bullets."

"We'll fight." says Petre coughing. "We'll stay here. And fight them. With our strength left."

The survivors, seeing they have no other choice, they all come to an agreement to stay in this cave, and wait for the wounds of Petre to heal. They remain in that cave until the horde of zombies will be approaching, and when it will do, they will leave and run to safety.

But a good thing for them is that the zombie horde will come into the woods, they will be focussing on the community when they will come.