Rap'On - Part 2


Meanwhile, in a trailer, that is placed on the back of the stage, a man dressed in festival clothes is going at the trailer door. That man is a bulky man, bald, with a goatee, wearing this music festival staff clothing, with a word written on his back in English language "Bodyguard". Reason for this being the fact that most of the visitors of this music festival are not coming from Albania. The bodyguard measures around 1.94 cm, and weights more than 90 kilograms, which can make any person feel intimated by this man appearance. The name of this man is Paulo, and he is the bodyguard of his childhood friend, Ta'Ron, or known by few people as Tahir Aron.

Ta'Ron was a well-known rap singer, who has made around six singles, but zero albums. This rapper is not so well known as by other musicians from Albania, but his music from social media platforms have made this man reach the fame to sing at his first music festival. Even though it is not the main attraction, he is still happy to start his rap singing debut.

"Hey, Tahir!" says Paulo, knocking on the trailer door of where Ta'Ron was waiting for his debut. "Get ready, my friend. You'll start soon."

Paulo waits for is friend response for a few seconds, but nothing is heard. The man knocks on the door again.

"Tahir. You awake, man?"

Paulo, feeling a little anxious, he opens the door and enters the trailer. Upon entering the messy trailer where Ta'Ron stays, he sees the rap singer on the couch, sleeping on it, and on top of him is a naked woman, in her twenties, blonde long and messy hair, having all sort of biting marks from Ta'Ron all over her neck.

"Tahir!" yells Paulo, and that yell wake Ta'Ron and the escort, who were sleeping and had a good time earlier.

Tahir, being sober like he mostly is, sees Paulo looking angrily at him, then he realizes he is in big trouble. He gets off from the escort, who's as sober as him, but did not care the bodyguard has entered the trailer. Tahir quickly gets his good clothes on him, washes his face from all the liquor that poured onto his face, and ties his shoes as fast as possible while Paulo is taking out the escort from the bed, gets her things, throws it at her and push her out of this trailer.

"Really? At this moment?" says Paulo to Ta'Ron.

"Yeah, I know." responds Ta'Ron, tying his shoes. "But she had good ass. And that is my weakness, man."

"I know that, but not now. You have a concert to attend."

"I am next?" asks Ta'Ron, looking shocked at Paulo.

"No. You are after Noizy. Who's now on stage."

"I understand." responds Ta'Ron, who is checking himself more carefully to look good on his debut. "How much time I have to wait?"

"About twenty minutes."

"That's good. I can exercise my vocals until then."

Paulo is walking toward a chair, he sits in there, and is looking at Ta'Ron who is tuning his phone to the music he will be singing. He is turning to his karaoke version and sings it perfectly for the next three minutes, while Paulo stayed on the couch and listened to him. After he finished, Paulo applauds his success and tells him.

"Good job. Your vocals are good."

"Still pissed, I can only sing this song today." says Ta'Ron looking at Paulo, feeling angry.

"What can I do, friend? These people who organized the event wanted for you to sing your best song. Plus, this is your first hit. And the album was just released."

"But still. I had many good songs rather than this hit."

"So, you hate the hit?"

"No. I do not hate it."

"Still. This is better than singing on the streets like you used to do."

"Yeah…" says Tahir remembering the times he used to sing in the street for spare change to buy himself bread for tonight and tomorrow for himself.

The two heard a loud knock on their door, they are both looking at the door. And before they could say something, someone opens the door wide enough to let that person enters the trailer. The person that came into the small room of Ta'Ron and Paulo is the same person from earlier, who was bitten by the "said dog". But that person looked greenish, had his dead eyes and a mouth with blood where is dripping from his mouth and teeth.

"What the fuck?!" asks Paulo Ta'Ron looking at that deranged person who is walking to Ta'Ron.

"Hey!" yells Paulo jumping from his chair and running to that zombie and tackling him.

As Paulo was pinning that zombie to the floor, he noticed the thing was trying to bite him several times, but luckily Paulo avoided every single of this incident type to happen. The man throws the zombie to the doorway, and when it hit the doorway, the neck broke and the body lies on the floor of the trailer.

Paulo and Ta'Ron are looking shocked at the body of that zombie. The neck of the body was having bones coming out of the skin and dark red blood coming out from the zones where the bones have pierced from. But, before they could check the body, the zombies raised his head, growled and tried to get up while his was in a way, on the verge of falling.

"What the fuck is this guy on?!" yells Ta'Ron, shocked to see the guy with a broken neck get back on his feet, yelling and gargling on blood of his.

"I don't know. But we should call the authorities!" says Paulo, looking at that guy. "Hey! Leave this trailer, asshole!"

Paulo is pushing the zombie outside of the trailer, and when the zombie got thrown out of the trailer, someone comes, and that person who came was an security guard, who shoot the zombie's head with his handgun. That body of the zombie falls on the ground.

"What the fuck?!" yells Ta'Ron and Paulo almost at the same time ot the security guard, who is running into the trailer of the two people.

"Close the door." says the security guard.

Paulo and Ta'Ron seeing the security guard has a gun on him, both of them are deciding to obey his order. So Ta'Ron closes the door after the security guard entered the trailer and they are looking at the security guard who is staying on the chair Paulo sits and tells them.

"We are in trouble. Deep trouble."

"W-What's going on?" asks Ta'Ron.

All of sudden, screaming's are heard outside of the trailer. Girls and men screaming for their lives. Gunshots could be heard outside. Gnarls of the zombies like the one who got killed earlier. And even some explosions heard outside.

"What's going on there?" asks Ta'Ron pointing outside.

"The apocalypse." says the security guard to Ta'Ron. "Like what happens in most of Europe and Asia. Viruses infecting humans and transforming them into humans eating human flesh. Just like in those zombie media that are on the internet."

"You mean there are zombies like in The Walking Dead?" asks Ta'Ron shocked.

"Yes. And from World War Z."

"And Z Nation?" asks Paulo, more scared.

"Hopefully not."

At this, Paulo dropped a sigh of relief. He was thinking there are zombies who are going to control other zombies like Murphy from Z Nation.

Even outside screaming of pain and terror could be heard, the three people haven't tried to do anything. The security guard is looking on his phone, he sees he got a message that says the following: "From the Government, all safe citizens seek shelter and go to one of the designated safe zones in Albania.". Then, the security guard is looking at Ta'Ron and Paulo.

"You two have a car?"

"Yes." says Paulo and Ta'Ron at the same time.

"Mine's bigger." says Paulo to Ta'Ron.

"So I have to follow you?"

"No." responds the security guard. "You'll abandon it here."

"Huh?" asks Ta'Ron to the security guard. "I can't leave my car here! What would happen to it?"

"Like many other vehicles. It would be unused."

"But I have a BMW." says Ta'Ron, sounding sad.

"They consume a lot of gas." says the security guard, then he looks at Paulo. "Yours. Isn't a BMW?"

"No. It's a Dacia."

"Good." says the security guard. "We'll remain here. Until the things are calming down outside. And when they'll do. We'll go to a safe zone."

"Safe zone?"

"The government send us a message." says the security guard showing the message from his smartphone.

Ta'Ron and Paulo are checking their phones. Both of them have got a message from the government to got at one of the many safe zones listed in that message. The two were looking through that message for a few moments.

"Where are we going?" asks Paulo. "What is the safe zone?"

"It is a hotel near Tirana. We'll stay in there, and wait for The Organization."

"The Organization?" ask Ta'Ron. "What's that?"

"It's complicated to say. but they're known to be the ones who are guaranteeing safety for people like you two. But there is a price for that safety, that being working for them. It's a good deal compared to what Governments can do."

"How do you know so many of this?" asks Paulo.

"…My brother. It was in Haga when the first infection was rumoured to happen. He told me how this Organization has got him into one of these islands. Where he is now working as a soldier. Last time I heard from him was two weeks ago… I am afraid my brother is mostly dead since he last time told me he was transferred into a Sweden safe zone." the security guard sees a bottle of whiskey on the ground, he is looking at the two people, who by now have taken a seat from the only two chairs remained on this trailer. "Can I drink from it?"

"S-Sure." says Ta'Ron.

"Thanks." responds the security guard walking to that bottle, taking it from the floor, and drinking the remaining from it. It was only fifty millimetres left. "By then way, the name is Ymir."

"Ta'Ron." says Ta'Ron.

"Paulo." responds Paulo, looking at the security guard.

"Nice to meet, both of you."

The security guard sits on the couch where Ta'Ron and a hooker from earlier have had a sexy time, but Ta'Ron, nor Paulo, would want to tell him about what happened on the couch. The security guard proceeds to lay in there, look at the ceiling and stay quiet for a while. And then the other two survivors are doing the same, stay in that trailer for a while until the dangers level outside will become lower.