Rap'On - Part 5

Later, the three survivors have arrived in the front of the hotel doors. But arriving there, they notice the walls are barricaded with woods and metallic gates that are used after closing times to keep the vandals and burglars from entering the place.

"Open the gate!" yells Tomas knocking on the Hotel door, while Ta'Ron and Paulo are breathing heavy after this run from zombies, who are still after them.

Five zombies are coming toward where the three survivors have arrived. The three are looking at the zombies who are coming after them. Tomas continues to knock on the door and yell for them to be let in the building, while Paulo and Ta'Ron are preparing to attack the zombies. Paulo notices he sees on the ground, near a zombie corpse, a submachine gun. Paulo takes the weapon from the ground, checks its content and sees there is only fifteen bullets left.

"Good." says Paulo, looking at the magazine content, and putting it back to the gun. "Enough to kill these things."

"Wait." says Tomas, seeing Paulo preparing to shoot. "You know how to use a gun?"

"Yes. I used to do practice shooting on the shooting polygon one year ago."

"Don't shoot." says a voice from the speaker placed on the building wall. "Noise will attract more zombies."

"Then what the fuck do we do?!" asks Ta'Ron, looking at the megaphone. "Let us in already!"

"We can't." responds the voice from the speaker. "The place is full. You have to get to another safe house."

"You have got to be kidding me!" yells Ta'Ron to the speaker.

Paulo decides to drop the submachine gun magazine on the ground and use the gun as a melee weapon. He managed to crush the skull of a zombie, but this crush alone was not enough to put the thing down to the ground, making it to grab the arm of Paulo. But Ta'Ron came in time to use his wooden leg chair to aim a strong blow into the brain of the thing, shutting the monster down and making it fall on his knees.

"Thank you." says Paulo, looking at the zombie dead corpse, and at Ta'Ron.

"Anytime." says Ta'Ron to Paulo, looking scared at the zombie corpse.

"I know it is tough," says Paulo. "but don't worry, friend. We are together."

"T-Thanks." says Ta'Ron.

The other four zombies are approaching the two survivors. Where they are arming themselves and preparing to attack the four zombies coming to them.

Paulo manages to break the skull of a zombie with the back of the submachine gun he is holding, pushes the thing back, to fall on the cold ground. He hits the second zombie with the back of the submachine gun, this time, the hit was crushing the skull of the zombie and the brain, making it fall flat face to the ground. The first zombie tries to raise up, but Tomas intervenes to stab the creature head with a knife.

And Ta'Ron, he dodges the two zombies who are trying to catch him. He tried to swing his wooden chair leg to a zombie, but this was pointless. It only grazed the face of the zombie. But he did get saved in time by Paulo and Tomas, who were quick to put these monsters down to the ground with their weapons. Paulo used the submachine gun to push the thing on the ground, then used the screwdriver to stab the skull zone of the zombie. And Tomas, sued the knife to stab the backside of the skull of the zombie, and pushing with force the body of the zombie to the ground, where the bones of the skull broken into pieces who have pierced the brain.

The three are grasping for air, exhausted, and looking tired at the zombies they've killed. But as hey looked back, they see more zombies coming to them, but before they could try to arm themselves and fight again, a window of the building is being opened by a woman, who is yelling at the survivors to come here.

Ta'Ron, Paulo and Tomas did not hesitate, they ran to that window, they are climbing inside the interior of the hotel, then the woman closes the window after the last person, who was Ta'Ron entered the place. The zombies are walking toward the window the trio have used it.

"Thanks." says Paulo, breathing heavily, looking at the woman who have helped them to get inside the building.

But, before he could say something, the woman that has helped them is looking with a thirsty look at Ta'Ron. She is wearing a shirt that shows the face of Ta'Ron and is name. This brunette short hair is looking at Ta'Ron like it is a celebrity.

"Oh my god! Ta'Ron!" says the women, almost fainting.

"Um…" says Ta'Ron, taking by surprise. "Yes. Ta'Ron himself."

"I. Am. YOUR! BIGGEST FAN!" squeals the woman, and takes off from her purse a notebook. "Can you give me an autograph?"

"S-Sure." says Ta'Ron, not knowing how to process this turn of events.

Ta'Ron takes the notebook and the pen handed by her fan and writes his autograph, while the two other survivors are surprised and left for words like the woman. Tomas proceeds to whisper to Paulo.

"Is your friend really famous?"

"He had only one single." whispers Paulo. "And that single was supposed to be on the concert."

"I see." says Tomas, looking surprised by all of this.

"To whom?" asks Ta'Ron, looking at the woman who just saved them.

"To Felicia." says the girl, sounding happy.

"To Felicia." repeats Ta'Ron, writing the autograph on the notebook this fan of his is carrying.

After he handed the notebook to the girl, who was still squalling, a soldier comes here, and he is looking at the three survivors and at the woman who let them in. The soldier, having his assault rifle, on his hands, is looking at the three survivors who just fight five at the entrance. He saw the fight, and with a smile on his face, he says.

"You three are going to be a good addition."