Rap'On - Part 8

Two days later, the time of departure have arrived for the group of Paulo and Ta'Ron. From that group there is also Felicia, and many other seventeen unknown people from the hotel where the two survivors didn't have time to get to know each other. And it didn't help that the other seventeen people were shutting themselves in rooms and barely socializing with other people.

Paulo and Ta'Ron are on the rooftop, where they are the first people to be escorted into the helicopter by two soldiers. Entering the helicopter, they see there are a lot of seats in there, about twenty seats that were empty. Paulo and Ta'Ron are taking two seats from the middle of the helicopter inside. Both are putting their seatbelts and are looking at the pilot and the co-pilot who are prepared to depart from the safe house.

"Are the two okay out there?" asks the pilot, referring to the seats the two have taken.

"I am fine." responds Paulo.

"I am f-fine." says Ta'Ron, shaking.

"Alright." says the pilot, going back to his business to prepare the aircraft for his departure.

Paulo knows that Ta'Ron is afraid of flying. He saw it one time when the two were flying to Bulgaria to go on a party to a friend of them. This flight they took was short, but it made Ta'Ron go through one of the worst nightmares of his life. Well. Not the worst since the beginning of the zombie apocalypse.

Ten minutes later, the helicopter has been filled with the people from the fifth group that is scheduled to leave the safe house. All the twenty people have shown for their leaving, which was something normal because who would want it to stay in here for longer than it should since the food resources and electricity is running short on these two days since the establishment of this safehouse.

When everyone got on board from the twenty people, the helicopter leaves the rooftop of the hotel. Flying high on the black and grey sky of Albania that has been infected by the smoke of humanity, beloved architecture they've worked for generations and millennia's to perfect and make to their modern tastes. The helicopter flies high and fast, that the hotel disappears from the view after a mere minute.

"We are going to be alright?" asks a woman who is shaking like Ta'Ron after their departure from the hotel.

"We are going to be alright." assurers a male passenger sitting next to her.

"Are you afraid of flying?" asks another passenger to the woman.

"Yes. I am afraid of flying and heights." says that woman passenger. "I was always afraid of these things since I was little."

"I will assure you." says the passenger next to the woman. "Everything will be alright, nothing bad will happen to us here. Zombies couldn't reach us even if they can fly."

Three minutes later, the helicopter passes the altitude labelled with a high number, such as 900 feet. But even at this altitude, something crazy to comprehend and hard to believe if you would see it from the ground has happened. A giant boulder is flying toward the helicopter, which has resulted into an awful hit and a tragic accident. The aircraft is descending from the sky on a fast speed, with most of the passengers panicking and screaming for help as the aircraft is falling into the dense forest near the only highway built in Albania.

Looking down, the thing that has launched the boulder that weight more than one hundred kilograms was a zombie, but not any normal zombie like the ones the people on the aircraft have seen. This zombie that has launched a boulder to an altitude of 900 feet was a Class F zombie, a common evolved species that creates much more havoc that normal zombies have done in certain areas all around the infected worlds. And that class F zombie, after he saw the boulder hitting the helicopter and seeing falling to the forest, starts walking toward that direction. All alone.

That said, zombie is a huge one, measuring more than 190 centimetres in height, weighting more than 100 kilograms, and having a massive built of physical force on his body. That zombie is naked and posses a lot of fresh cuts, bullet holes and stabbing marks all over the body. as the zombie continues to walk toward the forest, from his ferocious growl, a word could be heard by human ears.
