Rap'On - Part 10

Later, the seven people have managed to make a five kilometres distance from the crash site into this forest. They decide to stop for a breathing, near a river, where the seven remaining people have all sit down on some rocks and logs who were left in there by nature. Paulo checks the injury of Ta'Ron, and notice the injury is as bad as it was when he saw it.

"We're screwed?" asks a survivor, a young adult, looking and the old pilot in military uniform.

"We are not dead." says the pilot. "The base is at three more kilometres from here I think. Arriving there, we will all be safe."

"Until when?" asks a female from the group of five males and two females.

"Until forever." says Paulo to that woman. "Now, quit y'all complaining! And rest."

"He's right." says Ta'Ron to take defence of Paulo, holding his broken hand. "We have to rest and see what we can do to the wounded ones."

"You're hurt?" asks the pilot looking at Ta'Ron.

"I broke my arm at the crash."

"Let me see."

The pilot comes closer to Ta'Ron, waits for Ta'Ron to let him look closely at his arm, and when he did, the pilot saw the arm devastated state it is in. He touched and asked Ta'Ron where does it hurt him. After he saw where the arm was hurting the most, the pilot takes from under his vest pockets a tablet of painkillers, takes one pill from there and hand it to Ta'Ron unwounded hand.

"Sorry. I don't have any water to swallow with."

"Don't worry." says Ta'Ron. "Thanks a lot."

Ta'Ron takes the painkiller on his mouth, swallows it and rests on the log while the pilot is making an improvised bandage to the broken arm of Ta'Ron by using a piece of cloth from his shirt, who was already too destroyed to be worn by a soldier of Albania. After he tied the broken arm, the pilot proceeds to go and check on the others, but then tells Paulo.

"Use some cloth piece, take some water from the river and use it as a compression for your injured friend."

"I will." says Paulo who is immediately going to business.

He rips a little cloth from his shirt, soak it into the river, twists the cloth to make the water runs out of the cloth, make it like a compression and goes with it to his friend, where he puts the compression on the forehead of Ta'Ron.

"You okay?" asks Paulo to his friend Ta'Ron.

"I am fine. But my hand isn't." says Ta'Ron.

"Rest, buddy." says Paulo to Ta'Ron. "We'll need to rest. All of us."

Paulo sits on his ass next to his friend, he looks around, and he looks at the pilot who is desperately trying to reach the headquarters by using the walkie-talkie, but it is to no use after minutes o continues and agonizing tires. He then decides to lose the station and decides to do a risky thing. The pilot looks at the group behind him.

"I have an idea." says the pilot looking without confidence. "But the plan I'll say. You all may not like it."

"Say it." says Ta'Ron.

"I will go to the safe one, get help and come back as fast as I can. But I cannot leave all of you here by yourself."

"Why not?" asks Paulo to the pilot. "I will take care of them. You go and do your thing, while I am taking care of the people."

They argue for a bit about this. but this argument was won by Paulo after more were accepting the plan to let the pilot go after help and let Paulo and Fabian, another survivor who is fit for fighting, protect this group of survivors. The pilot left the group with a knife, letting the two handguns he had to Paulo and Fabian to protect the group with in case a zombie or two shows up.

Only one zombie showed up to the camp, but it was taken down by Fabian who used the back of the handgun, smashing the skull, then stabbing the brain of the zombie by using a tree branch near him.

After this incident, things went quiet for the survivors for a few minutes, then someone, a male room of the group, decided to ask a question to start a discussion.

"You guys are all from Tirana?"

"No." says a man from the group. "From Serbia."

"You're Serbian?" asks a woman from the group. "Your Albanese is good by the way."

"Thanks. I came here for a job. I was supposed to work for this construction company, but then… This."

"I understand." says that woman. "Do you people know how long it passed?"

"About forty minutes." says a man looking on his watch from the left arm. "Do you think he made it?"

"He made it." say Paulo to make his people from the group feel better. "He is well-prepared for this."

"And the base is safe." says Ta'Ron, then he looks at everyone, confused. "Right, guys?"

"Right." says Paulo. "The base is safe. And is probably secured for us to live there until a cure is developed."

And six minutes later, the pilot comes back, but he comes back with bad news about the base. He told the group the news they did not wanted to hear from it.

"The base got overrun by zombies. Everyone from there has fled the base. Taken everything. Weapons. Food. Furniture. Cars. And communication devices."

"What are we going to do?" asks a frustrated survivor.

"I don't know." says the pilot, who is staying down, at the circle of the survivors. "This was the only plan I had. I never thought these horrible creatures would be able to overrun a base. This is not like a TV show. These things shouldn't destroy the walls of the base like it is some sort of cartoon boxes."

"These things are more dangerous than they seem." says Fabian to the pilot, and he looks at the zombie corpse he killed by himself.

"You killed that one?" asks the pilot pointing at that dead zombie.

"Yes." says Fabian to the pilot.

"Good job." says the pilot.

Before they could say anything else, they hear a growl coming from their behind. Looking at what is laying there, all the survivors got up and gone on a run from the thing that came out of the bushes. From there it was not a zombie, it was a class F zombie. The one who crashed them. But they didn't know about this fact.

"What the fuck is that thing?" yells Fabian to the pilot, as he and his group are running in the forest.

"That's a class F." says the pilot to the group.

The entire group is running into the dense forest as fast as they can. Especially the ones who are injured. Paulo and Ta'Ron have decided to run in another direction, while the rest of the group are running where the base it is.

"Shouldn't we go with them?" asks Ta'Ron running by the side of Paulo.

"We'll see them later." says Paulo. "We cannot risk it, my friend. You are severely injured."

"I am, but-"

"No. You have to stay safe." says Paulo.

The two friends are running for a few more minutes until they arrive at a traffic road, which is empty and with decayed zombie corpses. Both of them decide to walk onto this road, where it is leading to a not so well known zone by the people of Albania, Letan.