Z stands for Zimbabwe - Part 6

A few moments later, the train that has come from Harare stops in the train station Mutare. The moment the train has stopped in the station, the group of five people are leaving the train wagons, armed with fire weapon and melee weapons. Then Akinyi, who was controlling the train the whole time, gets out of the train, with her submachine gun and sprains a few bullets to the upcoming zombies, who were walking toward her. When the woman opened fire, the others have opened fire and started to shoot the zombies coming to them.

"Where to?" asks Akinyi seeing her teammates are taking aim and shoots the upcoming zombies.

"Let's leave the station first!" says Chidi.

The whole group of six people are killing the zombies who are walking toward the group, but all of them are taken out easily by guns and the melee weapons. And there weren't as many zombies as they were in Harari, there were only sixteen zombies in this whole station. But more to come after the loud barraging of the guns the group has used to eliminate these snarling and growling zombies. The run from the station was fast and without incidents for the six people who have gone through a lot of disasters on these flowing days.

"We have to find a way to rest for the night." says Chidi to the group pointing out outside is the night, and the lights of this city are dead.

"It'll be hard to see where we will be going as this darkens." says Eze reloading his assault rifle without any problem.

"You know how to reload a gun like this?" asks Chidi to Eze looking impressed, but on this darkness, it is hard to tell.

"Yes. I learned in CS: GO 3."

"Another fellow gamer." says Akinyi approaching Eze, and raising her hand. "High Five."

Akinyi and Eze are doing a high-five, but then they are disturbed by the appearance of a zombie who just screeched on the rooftop of a building and jumped toward the survivors, but the thing smashed the skull on the pavement, at ten meters away from the survivors. For reference, the thing has screamed has jumped from a building that is at a distance from thirteen meters way from survivors.

"That thing just committed suicide?" asks Eze to the group.

"Looks like it." says Giconi, and he aims toward a nearby building, where from the front door a zombie gets out, but it is shot in the head the moment it got out from there.

"We're moving forward, guys!" says Chidi walking further the "H" Avenue.

The whole group walks for a few hundred meters into the "H" Avenue, encountering only some zombies who were coming after them, but they got killed by the fire weapons and the melee weapons the survivors are carrying with them. Most of these said gun kills were made by Chidi. Akinyi, Eze and Chimola, while Monifa, was too afraid to hold a weapon, has used the wired baseball bat that Akinyi has handed to her in exchange for the weapon Monifa had it. And Monifa has done some kills with that bat, but only three zombies who were coming from behind and close to the group.

After the group has arrived at the Herbert Chitepo Street, the first thing they see in there are a lot of cars that are forming blockages on the streets, a lot of bodies of humans who were eaten by zombies, a wrecked building and three zombies eating from a human body. The group has taken a left, ignoring those three zombies who were still munching into the dead body of that human and run on slow speed to Institute Avenue, where they have taken a right because of a truck and a trailer that is blocking the entire said street.

Coming into that Avenue, the group see there are a lot of cars packed that blocks the road, and so they are running inside a house, where they are closing the door behind them and blocking it by these zombies from outside with a large sofa. After the group moves the sofa on the door, they check the entire place to be sure it is safe from zombie activity, a check that took a few minutes. Then, the group decides to rest here for the night, and continue their run in the morning. Everyone besides Eze have gone to sleep, where Eze decides to stay on watch for the night since he was the one who has slept two hours in the train.