Z stands for Zimbabwe - Part 8


Tomorrow morning, the entire group gets out of the house, armed and ready for a new day to get to safety. Their plan is to get out of the city, by getting to the Police Camp because of Chidi who thinks they can go in there, to see if there is anything valuable in there to help to get out of Zimbabwe and get to Mozambique territory. The group have agreed unanimously to go in there and check what is in there.

After a running in the streets and killing zombies on the roads, the group arrives at the front of the Police Camp, who is barely standing. The entire place has been burned from the ground, but it didn't fall completely, only partially of it. The group still, seeing the place could collapse any moment, decide to get inside the place to check for supplies. The doors of this place are wrecked, making it easier for the survivors to get inside the interior of this place.

The six humans are walking in the hallway, then they go in the first room, which is a locker room, and in there they start raiding the lockers. During their search, the group has found only a few batteries, a torch, a map of Mutare and some snacks. The group decides to go to the next room, which is an office room, and there they encounter three zombies, whom are taking down by Chidi, Chimola and Akinyi individuals of melee weapons. The group did not find anything worthy in that room, and so they go to check another room.

Upon getting in the hallway, the group observes a zombie that is coming from outside. Chimola sees the zombie is looking at them and then starts to sprint toward them. But that zombie is put down by Akinyi who used the knife and with the help of Chidi who is using his other knife to stab the brain zone.

"This thing started running." says Akinyi to the group looking at the lifeless corpse of the zombie.

"Seems like these things can run." says Giconi. "I am not sure how, but I can say it is something about the evolution of the virus."

"Check this out." says Chimola coming from a third room, carrying with her a crowbar covered in blood.

"Someone was a fighter in here." says Chidi taking that crowbar, looking at it, and then he gives it back to Chimola. "Where was it?"

"In an office room." says Chimola.

"The blood on it looks fresh." says Chidi. "Means it must've been somewhere here recently."

"Maybe they're friendly." says Akinyi to Chidi.

"Hopefully." says Chidi to Akinyi.

The group remains in this place, checking the building for a few more minutes, and then they decided to leave the place and get outside, where they are continuing their walk to the border of Mozambique to Zimbabwe. But, the two didn't make not even seventeen steps that they hear an explosion coming from nearby. The entire group were running toward the source of explosion.


The group of six people have arrived at the source where the explosion has happened. The place where the explosion occurred it's on the street known by the locals under the name of Hosgood Avenue, near Barco Chemicals Mutare. The site of the explosion it has been happening it is on a building that is labelled as Portuguese club on the internet, but by some locals it is known to be a great place to come and eat a delicious meal that can be found in Portuguese culture. But now, this place it is on flames and on zombies.

"What happened in there?" asks Giconi looking at the restaurant being in fire.

"I don't know." says Chimola to Giconi questions. "But whoever caused it, might've still been in there."

The group of six people are taking weapons and proceed to shoot the upcoming zombies whom are leaving the fire. Some of these dead humans are running to the living humans while they are burned alive. Some of them have been screaming, growling and snarling from the pain of the fire and the bullets going through their necks and heads. A few of these bullets have gone through the zombies skulls, then goes through another zombie body. More than twenty zombies have been killed in this exchange of bullets. Twenty zombies who have been put back to dead for good.

After this fight, the group reloads their weapons, they look at the building who is still on fire, but before they could decide to leave, they see someone leaving the fire. That person who left the building is someone who is wearing a firefighter costume, with mask and everything to protect him from the fire, who is someone who is also wearing a firefighter costume. The group of six people are leaving the guns down and are running to that person to help him carry that unknown person.

"Help me!" says that person dressed in firefighter costume to the group stopping from the run at a safe distance from the flames. "Help me, please!"

"We're here!" says Chidi taking that injured person that was carried by that unknown firefighter.

"What happened?" asks Monifa to that unknown person.

"Not the time…" says that person to Monifa. "Please. Help me get at the hideout. And I'll provide you with the supplies you need it."

The group of six people decide to help these two unknown people get to their hideout which is located not far from here. The group is walking to the van these two people have used to come here. The injured person in firefighter suit is carried by Chidi and Giconi, Eze and Chimola are helping the other firefighter walk since he is as injured as the one the two are carrying. And Akinyi with Monifa are running in front of the group, killing the zombies who are coming in their way, which weren't more than three who were walking and five who were crawling.

After a short run that took a minute, the group arrives at the Mercedes-Benz van these two have used to arrive here, and they place the survivors in the van. Chidi decides to go on the driver seat, and the others go on the backseat to look after the upcoming zombies. While Chidi was trying to make the van go, Eze and Akinyi have killed three zombies who were approaching very close to the van by shooting them after Monifa opened the windows on the bot sides of the car. The van starts and Chidi presses acceleration and leaves the place that is getting destructed by fire and incinerate the corpses of zombies in that restaurant.

"Where are we going?" asks Chidi driving the van through the roads with zombies, running some over and dodging some of them.

"To Museum. You know where is it?" asks the person in firefighter suit holding his friend on his arms and taking the mask off to see his state of survival.

"I am not a local." says Chidi to the firefighter.

"It's not far from here." says Chimola who is near Chidi, looking at the map they've found in that locker, and shows it where it's the museum. "Look."

"Okay. Tell me where to go, Chimola!"

"To the left." says Chimola looking at the map.

Chidi is turning to the left, running over a crawling zombie, but that run did not kill the zombies, it only destroyed its ribcage and kept the head intact. The van continues to go through the filthy street with a destination, Mutare Museum.