CHAPTER 23 (Heir’s Conversation Part 1)

"Just a song that I knew. It is called Viva La Vida." I replied as I played the opening of the song.

Taking credit on the song is a copyright infringement, but since the band Coldplay is still not a thing… I can just claim this as my own. No hard feelings, Coldplay.

"Viva La Vida… is that Spanish?" he confusedly asked to which I replied with a nod.

"What is it all about?" he inquired again

"Remember the French King who was executed during the French Revolution?" I ask to which he nods "Well this song basically meant to be an interpretation of that king's final speech on his execution day and a retelling of the French Revolution that ended his reign from his perspective." I smilingly said at him to which he appeared to be confused

"Why are you smiling like that?"

"Hahahaha! It is just too funny to think that he really thought that he is untouchable and is above everyone else." I laughingly said after not being able to hold my laughter

"Eh?... But aren't we above everyone else? We are indeed untouchable as royals, right?" he confusedly asked

"What do you mean we are untouchable? In the context of being above to other people, is still acceptable, but being untouchable? We are not." I said in a serious tone while slowly playing the piano.

"Bah! What makes you think that we are not untouchable huh? Siagu?" He asked as he lays down on the cushion in a comfortable way possible while playing with the cushion's tassels.

"You look like a child while doing that you know?" I said while jokingly mocking him in which he only answered me with a glare.

"Hahahaha! Anyways, support from the military, our popularity to the public, scandals, total democracy, and political instability." I paused while I touch the higher notes of the song "These are some of the factors that make our monarchial institution vulnerable."

"Oh?... Hahahaha. But the people love us and the military supports us. Any revolts can be squashed by the military in a minute." he proudly said which made me stop playing the piano and focus more my attention towards him.

"Hah! If I, were you? I won't be so sure about that. Do you really believe that their support of the monarchy is permanent? People's opinion changes over time, Vajiravudh." I said while staring at him seriously "The beheaded king of France was supported by the military and his people prior to the revolution but when the revolution starts, they all turned against him."

"Today, the people and the military might support us wholeheartedly but they might hate us tomorrow." I then stand and take my walk towards the window "Times are changing Vajiravudh and our nations are not an exception to that one. If our family won't be careful, we might be the next Bourbon Dynasty of Asia."

I don't care if I sounded more mature than my actual age in lecturing Vajiravudh or threatening, but I have no choice but to help Crown Prince Vajiravudh to see the truth and be prepared on what to do to contain total democracy.

In my past life, the Thai monarchy has become very unpopular among its people. The institution was plagued with scandal after scandal, issues, and leadership failure, which causes the entire dynasty to lose a lot of prestige and face in the entire country.

A series of military coups resulted in the royal family forcibly losing some power and handing it to the government. Which is for me, a very disgraceful way of losing some power for a ruling family.

This is what I plan to change. The moment I knew that I will be soon wed to a Siamese Princess, I already have a plan to help the family survive the rise of democracy and a series of uprisings. Helping the dynasty modernize without losing too much power and influence over the country while also maintaining a huge supporter, much like the Japanese Imperial Family.

And I plan on starting the change by changing Crown Prince Vajiravudh's way of thinking. The Asian monarch's ancient mindset of thinking that the monarchy is untouchable and invincible is just too laughable to think of. This might have worked in the past millennia but in the world of industrialization and information? I don't think so.

One example of this is the Romanov Family. Tsar Nicholas II of Russia believes so much in his status of being an Emperor and an ordained Emperor by God that by the time the Bolshevik revolution starts, he and his family never leave their home. He clings so hard to these ideals that it cost him the eradication of his entire family and the destruction of the Russian Empire paving the way for the Soviet Union to appear.

In my past life, despite my 25 years of existence, I have seen and read the downfall of many monarchies after being plagued with scandals, bad management, and those who still cling to some ancient belief, especially during and after WW1 and WW2.

Emperors, Kings, Queens, Sultan, Emir, princes, and princesses, all are nothing in the eyes of revolution and anger from the people. They all end up in two paved faith, death by execution or exile. Despite their status, they all fall and die like a fly.

One monarchial family in my past life almost fall apart after a certain Prince chooses to expose his family over some money and a foreign wife, who clearly doesn't want to follow the rules and simple protocols of the family. Clinging so hard to the ideals of the loosely used word 'freedom' that by the time that woman enters his life, she's already destroying him. A total absurdity, if you ask me.

Some monarchies even tried to save their standing and face by abdicating, but it was too late, the people are now aware of the idea of total democracy, leaving the monarch and his family exiled from their homeland. The worst situation to end up with.

By changing the monarchy and influencing the people before a total democracy could even take hold of our country. A lower chance for our respective dynasty to be a total symbolical figure. A human decoration if you call it.

I dream of seeing our country become a perfect semi-constitutional monarchial country. A balance between monarchy and democracy. The perfect sharing of power between the government and the monarch.

"Are you questioning the authenticity and legitimacy of our families in our respective country, Siagu?" He said in a serious tone before I heard him take a proper sit on the cushion.

"No. I am just telling the truth." I said before facing him "And as an heir to the Imperial Throne of Butuan, I am in no way like you, who still thinks that we, as royals, are untouchable. I am not naive enough to think that we as royals are untouchable. Despite my young age, I already understand the importance of maintaining the support of the people and the military."

A long deafening silence rules the entire room as I saw Vajiravudh contemplates while dazedly staring at the ceiling.

Looks like it is working. It might take time for him to fully understand what I meant but upon his ascension to the throne by 1910, I am sure his already a new flower by then.

"Hayts… So, what do you suggest we do to change our families' standing in our respective country?" he said to me looking a bit lost "Our respective families have already enjoyed balance in power. Already shared some of their power with the government after being forced to adopt a semi-constitutional monarchial government. So, what can we do more?"

Nice! Looks like you are now a bit ready to receive some modern education.

"True. Our respective family have already shared some powers with the government but we can still do more to further strengthens our family's influence in our respective nation while maintaining a substantial democracy." I smiled towards him before I continues "And as future monarchs of our respective nations, we need to do some planning as early as possible. The longer we wait, the more fragile and narrow our pathways will be."

"Indeed. This is hard for me to admit but the total democratic movement in our country is now slowly spreading in every province and major city in our nation. The liberal party is now totally adopting this ideology of republicanism." He lamentingly said. "Good thing Siam is still a conservative nation or else we risk the abolition of our family's position."

Vajiravudh's words reminded me of our country's current situation. The ideology of total democracy or republicanism has been spreading also here in our country, even some priests are now involved. If we don't make a move now, we are risking our position as an actual head of state to being a decorative one or worst totally banished.

Especially now that the liberals are now on their side. The only saving grace, for now, is that our nation is a conservative nation, the idea of total democracy or republicanism is still not that accepted.

I have no problem with democracy in our country, but the ideology of total democracy or republic, abolishing the monarchy and shifting to the presidency is just a big no for me.

I have already seen a lot of countries being run by presidents who are chosen out of popularity and money, not because of their capabilities, and it was horrible. I don't want that to happen in this nation. I don't want to see another failed Philippines/Butuan in this world.

We can isolate ourselves from the world, the same as how the Japanese Empire did before. It might contain the idea of total democracy but we risk the wrath of other nations. We might be confident to face 2 or 3 smaller European Nations, but other great powers? I don't think so.

Besides, the isolation policy would do us more harm than good. Limited foreign influence, economic implications, security, cultural and intellectual stagnation, missed cooperation activities, diplomatic isolation, and being left behind, are the risks that our respective nations have to face when we opted for the isolationist policy.

Our nation's plan of bringing Joseon on our side would be hindered by this policy. Our nation and Siam won't be enough to face a war between other nations.

My father dreams to build our nation to dominate the entire region of Asia and this plan starts by bringing the two kingdoms on our side. And one of my goals this time to support my father is to secure the standing of each nation's monarchy, and I'll be starting that with Siam.

"We can do a lot of things actually, but what I will be telling you for now is what I think is the most important thing to prioritize. These only need our father's support and endorsement to the parliaments of our nations." I said while he is nodding, waiting for my answer "Going back to total monarchy much like Imperial Russia, is a big no for us since I predict that in a few years' time, this style of governance will be outdated and be subjected to criticism. The British and the French won't allow us also to revert back to this type of government."

"I agree. Even Father doesn't want to anger the British and the French at the moment." He spoke

"Mm-hmm… Currently, our countries are under a semi-constitutional monarchy. Divided into 3 government branches, the monarch, the executive branch, and the legislative branch." I paused before continuing "This is a good thing as this evenly distributed the power of the monarch into the other branches of the government, and this is already a good thing. As this will lessen the criticism people can throw at our families. But we needed some precautions that can benefit us in the long run."

"Hahahaha! Wait a minute." He laughingly said which earns him my confused look "Sorry… sorry… hahaha… it's just that, your country allows the criticism of the monarch? Hahahaha"

"If I, were you, I would not be laughing like that." I said blackly after realizing what he is laughing about which made him stop and stare at me.

I forgot to remember that Siam in this world passes the Lèse-majesté law at a much earlier date. The very law prohibits criticism against the monarch and the royal family in extension. A law that is widely criticised by both the locals and the West in my past life for being too broad and were used to crack down on the opposition.

"Why? It is funny though." He said "I might agree with you about some changes in the monarchy but the people and the tabloids should still not be allowed to criticize the institution. This is the best for the monarchy."

"Yes. This is great maybe for now, but not in the long run." I said seriously.

If I wanted the Siamese monarchy to still retain its powers and influence in the government, I needed to convince Vajiravudh to tell his father the bad effect of this law on his future descendants.

Even the future King Bhumibol Adulyadej encouraged criticism: "Actually, I must also be criticized. I am not afraid if the criticism concerns what I do wrong, because then I know." He later then added, "But the King can do wrong"

"The monarchy must be open to criticism, Vajiravudh." I said "Through public criticism, we can know if we, as royals, have done something wrong. But that doesn't mean they can just criticize us all they want."

"Huh?" he confusedly said

"Hayst. Are you dumb or just slow?" I jokingly said while giggling

"Hey! I can have you arrested for that one!" he irritatingly said while pointing his fingers at me

"Oohh… I am scared. Help me, Mommy!" I said while acting scared at him

"Pssh! Whatever!" he grumpily said "Count yourself lucky because I am lenient to 10 years old children."

"Hahahahaha! Thank you, Your Royal Highness." I said sarcastically "I might be still 10 years old, but I am not as dumb as the others."

"The Lèse-majesté law that your country imposes is just too broad and is prone to abuse by future generations. Our nation, the Empire of Butuan, have also imposed a strict Lèse-majesté law, but my father amended this law to be much clearer so that the law will not be abused by any authority." I spoke

"How?" he said curiously

"Well, originally, my grandfather passes this law one year before his death to protect our family from any form of criticism and outside malice. This pretty much works for the most part, but this also cages our family in knowing if we are doing something bad or good for our country. That is why, my father, opted to amend the law to allow the public to criticize the monarchy." I paused a bit before continuing "But that doesn't mean that the public can just throw some false accusation towards our family. That is why, all criticism is allowed in our country's Lèse-majesté law but defamation which damages the monarch, monarchy, or Imperial family's reputation, with false statements that are either written or oral is punishable with a maximum of 6 years in prison."

"Huh? Isn't that just the same though?" he said confusedly

"No. They are not the same. Criticism can help us see where we needed to improve, although it can also be done in a harsh and personal way. Defamation on the other hand is different, its sole purpose is to throw false statements and accusations towards someone that is intended to damage that person's image or reputation." I said

"But criticism can still damage our family's image. Preserving our image as a royal family is still of the utmost importance." Vajiravudh replied calmly.

Which, I agree. Despite the positive effect of public criticism, one cannot deny the fact that it can really cause a lot of damage to the image of an institution or an individual in the long run. But there is a simple solution to that.

"Indeed. Preserving our family's image and dignity is still the utmost importance duty of every member of the family." I noddingly replied while smiling.

"Eh? Looks like you already have a solution for this one, am I right?" he replied while mischievously smiling at me.

"Oh? Hahahaha! Why did you think so?" I inquired smiling towards him

"Your smile alone says it all." He said "Tell me now… What is it?"

"Hahaha! Okay, okay… A few days after your arrival here in the capital, have you heard the newspaper agency called 'Lobestar Tribune'?" I inquired

"Mm-hmm… I heard about that newspaper agency. Isn't that one of the 3 dominant newspaper agencies in this country?" he said calmly

"Yes. Lobestar Tribune… The newspaper agency that is under my control while being managed by others…" I smilingly said before continuing. "The best way to counter the public's criticism."

"So, you mean we need to establish a newspaper agency that will be more inclined in protecting the monarchy?" he inquired "Is that what you mean?"

"Yes." I noddingly replied. "A newspaper agency that is under the monarchy's control in secret and run by your trusted person on the outside. With its main purpose of protecting the monarchy in the eyes of the public while also discrediting the opposition. This will have us hit two birds with one stone. We legitimately allow the public to criticize us while countering the damaging one with a legitimate entity."

"But they will also cover other events, right? I saw the issue of Lobestar Tribune yesterday and they have covered a lot of fields aside from the monarchy." He said

"Yes. It would be quite suspicious that the newspaper agency that the monarchy supported in secret only covers the monarchy. They must also cover other things so that they will become the largest and most widely circulated newspapers in our respective nation." I calmly replied.

"Okay… but I don't think Father would be thrilled to change our country's Lèse-majesté law. He is much more focus on strengthening our country's military and improving our people's living standard." He shruggingly said. "But I know for a fact that he will like the idea of having a newspaper agency support the monarchy."

"Yes. I get that. But at least you now have an idea of what can you do more about your country's Lèse-majesté law." I said while smiling, he nods in response.