Chapter 58 Negotiation Part 3

--- Imperial Prince Sharvil, Duke of Cebu ---

--- Yiluan Hall ---

--- 20th of March 1897 ---

"…Your country must also provide the training necessary to our men in regards to not just handling those weapons but also in battling. These soldiers must be trained in this country and the soldiers that your country be sending will be under the supervision of our countries general. The duration of the training will last until your soldiers will be able to train a one battalion capable of standing on its own.

Of course, your country must also join us in waging war against those countries' if ever we are facing a dire situation. I know you also understand that if ever we fail to banish these people, it will not just be the Qing Dynasty who will be going down, it will also be your country.

The new addition on this one is that you will allow me to send 30 of my finest youth to study in your country for the next 5 years. So, Imperial Prince Sharvil… these are the things that I can only give and demand. This is already a stretch on my side further demands will only break this negotiation of ours." Empress Dowager replied while looking at me blankly.

A smile graces my lips upon hearing the words directly from the Empress Dowager herself. Minister Weijun and Minister Hongyi seem equally pleased—I can almost sense their smiles too. To be completely frank, all of us are content with this deal.

Furthermore, my brother, as per Minister Hongyi himself, is already content with the initial benefits our nation stands to gain by collaborating with the Empress Dowager. The trade agreement alone suffices to cover the potential risks we might face. Yet, I consulted Ministers Weijun and Hongyi about the prospect of adding more benefits to our side.

Naturally, both expressed their disapproval of my suggestion, citing concerns about the deal being compromised and leaving us in a precarious position—especially as we reclaim the land once under King Gojong's control. However, I reassured them that the odds are much higher for us to steer the deal in our favor than for it to become a dead end.

The Qing Dynasty requires our assistance not only to counter the Western Nations but also due to our nation's strategic position. Nearly holding sway over the entire Pacific Ocean, the gateway to the Qing Dynasty, elevates our significance in Empress Dowager's planned war. This is a reality she cannot overlook, compelling her to seek our support.

Moreover, if fortune favors her, the Kingdom of Siam and the soon-to-be-reinstated Kingdom of Joseon can also offer the protection she seeks, hindering the foreigners currently present in their lands from receiving aid from their home countries.

During our meeting, I observed something noteworthy - the areas currently occupied by the foreign delegates. These regions aren't just heavily guarded by Western soldiers; outside, Qing Dynasty soldiers stand watch, rigorously checking individuals entering and leaving the premises. This raises concerns. My suspicions gained further validation through a report from my informant within this nation, indicating a significant decrease in bandit activity both in the north and near the capital. Additionally, there's been a rise in assaults on Western priests actively propagating Christianity in this country.

These events paint a clearer picture of the likelihood that Empress Dowager Cixi might be more amenable to aligning with our interests. I cautioned about the potential necessity of concessions on our part, specifically, the acquisition of the lands of Xuwen and Leizhou Counties. It took them nearly a minute to weigh the pros and cons of my proposed demands, yet they ultimately agreed upon seeing the plan's potential success.

As anticipated, Empress Dowager Cixi acquiesced to our demands, albeit with the requirement for reciprocity. However, the investment is promising in the long run. Moreover, the territories of Xuwen and Leizhou hold immense economic development prospects. The Qing Dynasty's mistake lies in their fear of change, believing it would erode their government's authority, which is quite absurd.

With our nation obtaining control over Xuwen and Leizhou, we can further bolster our economy and mitigate potential food shortages. These lands likely harbor abundant resources. The manpower, primarily dedicated to agriculture and fishing, might limit their industrial potential.

"That suffices for us, Empress Dowager," I replied with a smile before continuing, "However, the stipulation regarding sending 30 individuals to study in our country raises concerns among the three of us. Could we inquire about the purpose of their stay in our nation?"

"Simply put, they'll be there to study your nation's governance methods within a semi-constitutional monarchy framework. While I view progress as a threat to our cultural heritage and identity, one can't deny the necessity for advancement in governmental administration. Hence, their primary objective in your country is to study your governance practices alongside regular university courses," she responded confidently, devoid of any hesitation.

"Your Imperial Highness," Minister Hongyi whispered to me, muffling my response to Empress Dowager's words. "We can agree on this, but it's crucial they all remain within a single university for us to monitor them easily. These individuals may appear naive on the surface, but they possess a cunning and barbaric nature within."

"Understood. Butuan will welcome them as delegates to formalize the resumption of our diplomatic ties. Their presence will signal to the world that the Qing Dynasty and Butuan Empire are reinstating relations after months of halt communication," I replied, earning a smile and a nod from the Empress Dowager.

"Excellent! This action alone will validate recent events that transpired during your visits to my humble abode. It will keep the entire world, save for a few allies, unaware of our respective agendas. It will also streamline matters for our nations.

This marks the commencement of your nation providing us with weaponry and clandestine training for my troops. The training grounds will be situated in the northern part of the Dynasty, away from the capital and the prying eyes of Western nations.

They will be the precursor to a series of events unfolding in both our nations. Once we reach a final agreement and publicly announce the resumption of our diplomatic relationship, they will depart for your capital, Sooraj.

Following this announcement, we will also declare the transfer of Xuwen and Leizhou Counties to your nation, positioning it as a deal facilitating the funding of our modernization plans. This declaration will only occur after Butuan fulfills the payment for the County of Xuwen. Afterward, your nation will assume complete control of Xuwen and Leizhou Counties.

These are the preliminary steps once our nations finalize this deal, signaling the start of our extensive cooperation," she conveyed with a smile.

"Intriguing. How about the Russians, your other ally? Would they cooperate with us or favor you? Though our relations with Russia are strong, our interests often overlap. Also, regarding the training grounds in the north, how will the weather impact our men's training?" I inquired, expressing curiosity after her response.

"The Russians, my trusted northern ally, will be informed. No need for concern if they become aware of this deal; they're poised to assist us against the Europeans and were the ones who proposed involving your nation, believing your cooperation would further our interests.

The likelihood of them not wanting to cooperate with your nation seems slim. The world knows of the close friendship between the Imperial Russian Family and yours. As for the training camp, it will be in the city of Yumen, particularly in the township of Changma. This area, with its sparse population, vast terrain, dense forests, and mountains, is ideal for training.

Moreover, it's distant from the capital of the Gansu province, Sùzhou, where numerous foreign nationals reside due to the presence of the Russian Empire's consulate," she calmly explained.

Do the Russians really propose this idea directly to the Empress Dowager herself? Are they truly aiming to confront the other European countries? What's their thought process here? Furthermore, is the Russian Tsar simply going to disregard his grandmother, who still holds the titles of Queen of the UK and Empress of India?

Isn't he afraid of potential strong retaliation from the other European powers? Are they not considering the harsh reality that they'd bear a significant burden if a war breaks out, facing the entire might of Europe? Despite Russia's size and power, it's still somewhat behind in terms of modernity compared to Britain or even our nation.

"Why would Imperial Russia even contemplate such actions?" I pondered, acknowledging my lack of knowledge on such matters.

However, instead of the Empress Dowager responding to my query, it was Foreign Minister Hongyi who stepped in after seeking permission from both me and the dowager empress.

"Allow me to address that, Your Imperial Highness, Dowager Empress. Despite Imperial Russia sharing extensive borders with other European nations, specifically the German Empire, Austria-Hungary, the United Kingdom of Sweden and Norway, and the Ottoman Empire, the majority of the continent sees Russia as an adversary, a threat to their interests.

While the United Kingdom maintains some ties with Imperial Russia, owing to Queen Victoria's familial relationship with the Tsar and Tsarina, it's Queen Victoria who, in many ways, has fostered the closeness between Germany and Russia in their diplomatic relations. Not to mention, the Tsar of Imperial Russia and the Kaiser of the German Empire are cousins.

Without Queen Victoria herself present, these two nations might take actions that not only jeopardize Europe but the entire world," he calmly explained.

Jeopardize? Wait, could this be why Edmund Friedrich Gustav von Heyking, head of the German diplomats in Peking, wished to discuss further advancements in our country's relationship? Is this the reason for his desire to engage in dialogue? Are they all trying to pull us onto their side as allies, dragging us toward an imminent war?

But the paramount question here—could Queen Victoria be on the brink of passing away? While death is a sorrowful parting, Queen Victoria holds immense influence not only in Europe but also here in Asia. She expanded her nation's reach from Africa and Europe all the way to Asia.

Yet, that wasn't enough for her. She went further by forging alliances through marriages, ensuring not only the security of her descendants and their nation but also safeguarding her Empire from potential overtaking. However, with recent developments in Europe—increased Russian and German activities in the Balkans, escalating tensions between the United States and Spain, and the ongoing power struggle between the French and the British in Africa—the mighty Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom might be gravely ill.

The signs of a potential war in Europe are becoming increasingly apparent. The German Empire's aspirations for global dominance pose a direct challenge to the military authority of the British Empire worldwide. Furthermore, it seems that Imperial Russia shares similar ambitions. However, Russia's primary concern appears to be the ongoing oppression faced by the Slavic people in the Balkans, positioning itself as their protector.

Upon deeper reflection, I've come to understand why Imperial Russia might assist the Qing Empire in pushing the West away from the Qing territories. It's not merely about aiding the Qing Empire against European influence, but rather a strategic move by the Russian Empire to redirect European attention from Europe to Asia, specifically the Qing Empire.

The likelihood of proposing an invitation to the Empress Dowager to involve us in this arrangement is more about diverting suspicion away from Russia rather than being an act of pure generosity.

As I was about to speak, a guard from Yiluan Hall interrupted with urgent news from my elder brother, the emperor of Butuan. Without hesitation, I opened the letter, which contained a concise yet commanding message.

The letter conveyed a direct command, instructing Minister Hongyi and me to accept the offer from the Qing Dynasty and Russian Empire without any queries. However, what followed in the message was startling. It directed me to return home immediately after receiving the letter, leaving Minister Hongyi and Weijun, along with our associates, to continue negotiations with the Empress Dowager.

This directive caught me off guard, as I had anticipated concluding the negotiations here before heading back home. Questions flooded my mind as I finished reading the letter, yet understanding my brother's reasoning behind this immediate return was impossible without him being present.

Therefore, I resolved to conclude the meeting swiftly and have a final discussion with our ministers before departing for home.

This directive deepened my suspicions about the motives behind the alliance between the Russian Empire and the Qing Empire and their insistence on involving us.

While this alliance poses significant drawbacks to our relationships with Germany, Britain, Austria-Hungary, and Italy—nations with whom we maintain stable diplomatic ties—aligning with Russia might hold something my brother sees that I do not.

Consequently, I've made a decision, although truthfully, my mind was already set before the arrival of the letter. For me, the benefits of acquiring those lands are substantial enough to offset any losses we might incur in this deal. Money can be compensated, but the land, resources, and populace that come with it are invaluable in comparison.

"Ah, it seems we're left with no choice as we're content with your offer. Butuan will indeed accept the proposed cooperation between our three nations. As outlined in the deal, Butuan will discreetly assist your military behind the scenes. The world won't know of Butuan's aid in your men's technological progress. When your forces show signs of defeat, as the Russians would do, we'll also declare war on your enemies.

In return, the territories of Hainan, Taiwan, and Xuwen will formally belong to Butuan, and all claims of your Dynasty will be relinquished. Eventually, control over the land of Leizhou will also fall under our jurisdiction within a certain timeframe. Your declaration of neutrality, resumption of diplomatic relations between our nations, and the trade agreement will follow suit.

With these terms set and both our sides finding common ground, I hope this deal brings about a bright future—a reality. That's what I mentioned before taking my stand, offering a slight bow in respect.

Respect for her compromises, despite her preference to preserve their traditional way of life. She then stands, walks down from her podium, escorted by her ladies-in-waiting and eunuchs. Smiling, she approaches my area, bending slightly, and says,

"The Dynasty is pleased with your nation's decision to accept our deal. Butuan can trust that my forces will face this war before seeking aid. May this deal mark the beginning of our nations' cooperation, preserving our interests, traditions, and culture. Let's leave behind the hatred and grudges from decades of border and interest disputes," she responds, smiling.

I nod, extending my hand for a handshake, which she receives with a smile before we both retract our hands.

"The signed agreement will be sent to you via a messenger from my hall. He'll reach your residence in the capital after a few days, having finalized the necessary documents. Also, I need to somewhat influence my incompetent nephew to comply—it'll be his downfall," she says, pausing.

It seems the emperor has been consistently opposing the empress dowager's wishes, irritating her enough to take action. Soon, another emperor will be installed, fully under the empress dowager's control.

"Anyway, as I was saying, this won't take long. A small private ceremony will include Minister Aleksandr Pavlov from the Russian Empire as one of our allies. I expect your presence as the representative of your nation, Imperial Prince Sharvil," she states.

"Forgive me, but a letter just arrived from my older brother. He commands my return home after today's meeting. However, Foreign Minister Hongyi and Minister Weijun will stay here, along with our delegates, to represent Butuan at the event," I reply calmly, as both ministers bow their heads in response.

With that, we exchange goodbyes and wishes before my men and I leave the Yiluan hall, heading straight to our quarters. I inform Ministers Hongyi and Weijun of my brother's directive, and they prepare what I need to bring back home.

In the upcoming days, I revisited the jewelry store where I had purchased jewelry for my wife. I also sought out more gifts for my nephews and children, mainly focusing on jade and pearl jewelry, considered luxurious in our nation. Additionally, I picked up some wooden toys for my nephews under 10 years old.

Once these items were ready, I gave final instructions to Foreign Minister Hongyi and Minister Weijun a few days after completing all my preparations, which took a total of 5 days. I briefed them on what needed to be done and gathered regarding the deal. Furthermore, I directed them to oversee the transfer of lands to our nation and the repatriation of those leaving the lands.

With everything in place and the final instructions given, we slowly made our way to the port via carriage, carrying the prepared gifts for my nephews and children.

Upon boarding the warship bound for Butuan, a few kilometers off the coast of the Qing Empire's capital, the captain and his lieutenant rushed to me urgently, wearing serious expressions.

Without waiting for my response, they saluted, and the captain quickly conveyed the urgent message.

"Your Imperial Highness, we've just received orders from our naval station in Guam. We're advised to hold our current position, stay vigilant, and prepare for a possible naval battle. Vice Admiral Alexander has dispatched 15 ships, including battleships, protected cruiser ships, and armored cruiser ships, to escort you safely back to Sooraj," the captain informed with utmost seriousness.

Confusion clouded my mind as to why such a directive was urgently issued by my brother-in-law. Sensing more to the situation, I queried the captain.

"What does this mean, Captain?"

"Your Imperial Highness... Apparently, Captain Devdutt Singh's ships, responsible for escorting Ambassador Nguyễn Văn Phúc and his team to the Joseon Kingdom, were attacked and sunk by the Japanese fleet in the East Qing Sea (East China Sea) last night. There has been no sight or communication from them since. There's a possibility that the entire fleet has been destroyed," he replied sternly.

His words left me in shock, overshadowing my excitement to return home. The Japanese had erred in making the first move, and they would face the consequences of their actions.

Butuan wouldn't simply let this slide; much like past events, it would stand and seek justice for its people.

A war was brewing between two suns. The world was too confined for both to shine; one would have to yield to the other. Only one would prevail and keep its light.