Chapter 64 Process

--- 25th of March 1897 ---

--- Senior Eunuch Akash Sundar's POV ---

--- Honolulu, Oʻahu, Hawaii (Senior Akash Sundar's House) ---


It has already been an entire day since Wilcox and the others attacked Iolani Palace and other crucial areas in the capital. Last night, we were completely unaware of what was happening beyond the confines of my house. Members of the Kalākaua house, including the former queen, Princess Kaʻiulani, and Dowager Queen Kapiʻolani, were all deeply concerned last night. Despite most of them falling asleep before midnight from exhaustion, Queen Liliʻuokalani, Princess Kaʻiulani, Dowager Queen Kapiʻolani, and Archibald Scott Cleghorn chose to remain awake, eager to stay updated on the coup.

As a busy servant of His Imperial Highness, I had no time to spare to join them in their vigil. This was especially true since Lord Ashwin Vikram had already arrived in the nation. With Lord Ashwin's arrival, preparations were necessary to arrange his accommodations. Fortunately, this house can accommodate 25 individuals, excluding the servants, as they have separate quarters.

Last night, all the servants in the house were occupied preparing the entire second and third floors to host Lord Ashwin himself. Given that the entire estate covers a total land area of 24,862.38 square meters (6.44 hectares), having Lord Ashwin stay here would still be feasible. Moreover, I had already received information via telegraph from Vice-Admiral Marquess Alexander that I would be responsible for accommodating Lord Ashwin. We have a small telegraph communication room installed inside the house for convenient communication.

While the household staff diligently readied the entire house last night, I remained in my room, engrossed in my daily paperwork, meticulously jotting down reports and tending to my journal.

The vigilance of Queen Liliʻuokalani, Princess Kaʻiulani, Dowager Queen Kapiʻolani, and Archibald Scott Cleghorn paid off handsomely. By 3 in the morning, Second Lieutenant Nguyễn Hải Anh and Wilcox returned with papers bearing the signature of President Dole himself. This prompted a night of celebration as they proceeded to proclaim Princess Kaʻiulani as the new queen of Hawaii. Consequently, Queen Liliʻuokalani's title was changed to Queen Emerita Liliʻuokalani.

Shortly after Second Lieutenant Nguyễn Hải Anh's arrival, Lord Ashwin Vikram made his entrance. Myself, Second Lieutenant Nguyễn Hải Anh, and the household servants extended standard greetings and courtesies befitting his status as a member of Butuan nobility. Lord Ashwin retired to his room, requesting the reports I had compiled, to which I readily obliged.

Following that, things proceeded smoothly. Now, as the night of March 25th approaches, our lives have resumed their usual rhythm. However, Queen Kaʻiulani and the others have departed for their homes, while Wilcox and his men, aided by civilians, are working on cleaning the areas that were targeted in the recent attack. Additionally, a martial law has been declared across the entire nation, restricting outsider access to the island without the explicit approval of Marshal Wilson and the new Queen.

Significant changes have swept across the entire nation, notably seen here in this island nation with the alterations occurring, including the flag flying outside the Iolani Palace. Although the flag representing both the republic and kingdom of Hawaii remains the same, a notable addition has emerged—another flag, that of the royal family of Hawaii, specifically the House of Kalākaua.

Reports suggest that Captain Ramsay and the members of the USS Boston departed the nation last night. This departure followed Marshal Wilson and others ordering their exit, declaring the fall of the republic and rendering negotiations about joining the United States null and void. According to Wilcox, Captain Ramsay reluctantly left the island.

Meanwhile, President Dole and his associates have been placed under arrest, and their properties seized by Wilcox and Marshal Wilson. Wilcox indicated that a trial is in the works to properly address their cases.

The swift succession of events in the mere span of hours post the republic's downfall has left the common folk bewildered and disoriented. Many among them, unaware of the recent occurrences, seek information through whispers and announcements in the plaza. Some celebrate these changes while others express concern for their uncertain future.

However, given these recent events, my tenure in this nation has reached its conclusion. I will need to finalize matters before departing and returning to my homeland. I might accompany Captain Ahswin, Second Lieutenant Nguyễn Hải Anh, Master Sergeants Arjun Mathur, and Ravi Singh on our journey back. BEB Agusan I has sufficient space to accommodate an additional four individuals.

In preparation, I am currently situated on the second floor of the residence. I am in the presence of Lord Ashwin Vikram, who is attentively reviewing my comprehensive reports. He is being served yellow tea by a native Hawaiian female attendant. This specific variety of tea is Lord Ashwin's preference, as indicated by his executive officer.

The reports being reviewed by Lord Vikram encompass all of my documented activities since my arrival in this nation until today. However, certain confidential details, known solely to the imperial crown prince and me, have not been included in the report. Some information is not intended for others to know.

"Hmmm. Just as I anticipated, Senior Eunuch. The investment made by the crown prince and the Imperial Family in you has yielded remarkable results. You have executed your duties in this nation exceptionally well. It's no surprise that Radhesh holds you in high regard," commented Lord Vikram after setting down the documents and taking a sip of his tea.

"Thank you for your gracious words, My Lord. My allegiance, body, and soul are devoted to His Imperial Highness and the Imperial Family until my final breath," I replied with a smile.

I knew Lord Vikram, a man in his early 30s, was among those who harbored disdain toward me and others rescued by Imperial Crown Prince Siagu from the capital's slums. Initially, their ridicule and insults stung, but I've transcended the days of being upset or angry about such matters.

"Anyway... I assume your task here is completed, and you'll be heading back to Butuan? Have you and the others prepared everything? Presumably, someone will manage this estate, considering it's already under the ownership of His Imperial Majesty," Lord Vikram inquired, scanning the room.

"Yes, My Lord. As per Vice-Admiral Marquess Alexander's plan, I, along with Second Lieutenant Nguyễn Hải Anh, Master Sergeants Arjun Mathur, and Ravi Singh, will return to Butuan with you and your crew, My Lord. I've entrusted the entire estate to the servants, who will maintain its condition," I replied calmly, met with a smile and a nod from Lord Vikram.

Our conversation continued following the inquiry about the house. He remained seated while I stood in front of him. In Butuanon culture, servants refrain from sitting when their master or mistress is seated. This tradition symbolizes respect towards the individual who provides the servants with salary and basic needs. However, this practice is relatively recent, instituted during the reign of Emperor Charan III.

Before this tradition was established, servants were not permitted to stand in the presence of their masters. Instead, they were required to lower themselves to a position below their masters, serving them in this manner. This custom was considered inconvenient not just for the servants but also for the late emperor. Realizing this, Emperor Charan III decided to change this practice by adopting aspects of Spanish and British customs while incorporating our own, resulting in the current protocol.

Our conversation extended for several hours, discussing crucial matters concerning the empire's future plans for the nation and Hawaii's relationship with our country. Lord Vikram reminded me to personally convey this information to His Imperial Majesty, emphasizing its significant importance—an acknowledgment coveted by anyone. I wholeheartedly agreed; after all, who wouldn't desire recognition from the emperor?

However, our conversation was abruptly interrupted when Second Lieutenant Nguyễn Hải Anh and Master Sergeants Arjun Mathur and Ravi Singh burst into the room. They were panting heavily, beads of sweat forming on their faces. Lord Vikram, annoyed by their sudden entrance and lack of respect, demanded an immediate explanation for their presence. This caused the three soldiers, still catching their breath, to pause and compose themselves.

"Forgive our unannounced entry, My Lord, but it's an emergency," Master Sergeant Ravi Singh managed to say between heavy breaths.

"Yes, it's urgent. The message is from Vice-Admiral Marquess Alexander, your uncle," added Master Sergeant Arjun Mathur, also breathless.

Their interruption seemed rehearsed, as if they had prepared for this moment.

"Why? What's happened?" Lord Vikram's curiosity was piqued. I too was eager to hear what had prompted the three of them to rush here, especially considering it was a message from Vice-Admiral Marquess Alexander that had prompted their hurried arrival.

"BEB Palau and its fleet of three ships, carrying Ambassador Nguyễn Văn Phúc, his family, and their diplomatic team, were en route to the imperial capital city of Sooraj when they came under attack and sank to the bottom of the East Qing Sea (Yellow Sea) last night.

The incident follows Ambassador Nguyễn Văn Phúc's departure from Hanseong, the capital of Joseon, two days ago. His departure came after enduring mistreatment from the Joseon government and harassment by Japanese soldiers stationed in the Korean Peninsula. Captain Devdutt Singh and his entire fleet were assigned the task of escorting Ambassador Nguyễn Văn Phúc and his team back to Sooraj.

However, they encountered a Japanese fleet in the Eastern Qing Sea and were pursued and attacked. None of the escorting fleet or the team of Ambassador Nguyễn Văn Phúc survived. They were all casualties of the assault by the Japanese Imperial Navy," calmly stated Second Lieutenant Nguyễn Hải Anh, breaking the news to me and Lord Vikram.

I'm in a state of shock right now. While I've long been aware of Japan's aspirations to dominate Southeast and East Asia, aiming to replace our nation, I never imagined they'd be brazen enough to attack our diplomat at sea. Butuan had never retaliated when they damaged one of our ships before. However, this time is different—lives were lost due to their actions. I'm certain that the emperor and Defense Minister Ali Ahmadi bin Haji will simply let this incident pass without consequences.

"Speaking of Imperial Prince Shravil and Foreign Minister Li Hongyi, were they still in the Qing Dynasty?" Lord Vikram asked, recovering from his initial shock.

"Minister Li Hongyi was indeed still in the Qing Dynasty. Imperial Prince Sharvil, on the other hand, is currently en route back to the capital. He's under the escort of a fleet of ships sent by Vice-Admiral Marquess Alexander himself," replied Second Lieutenant Nguyễn Hải Anh, earning a nod from Lord Vikram.

"What's our course of action? Has my uncle conveyed anything?" Lord Vikram inquired after a minute of silence from Second Lieutenant Nguyễn Hải Anh and the others.

"Yes, Your Lordship," responded Master Sergeant Ravi Singh. "As Vice-Admiral Marquess Alexander himself has directed, you and your entire crew are to remain within this nation, accompanied by the four of us. We must delay our return due to the looming threat of another attack. With just a single ship at your disposal, it would not withstand an assault from a fleet."

This new directive from the Vice-Admiral has disrupted our plans to return to the capital. Outside the room, where Lord Vikram's executive officers were gathered, murmurs began to surface. Some expressed a desire to return home and join the battle, while others grumbled in dissatisfaction with the command.

Despite witnessing the anxious reactions of these four Imperial soldiers and others, who longed to return home and prepare for potential conflict, we are bound by orders. Failure to comply would constitute a crime and a violation of Imperial Military law, tarnishing not only the soldier's honor but also that of their family.

Despite our internal conflict, there's little we can do. As citizens of the empire, we're obliged to heed the commands of our superiors, especially if they are connected to the Imperial family by blood and wield authority within the military.

Driven by his frustration, Lord Vikram issued orders to Master Sergeants Ravi Singh and Arjun Mathur, directing them to the makeshift barracks of his crew and the BEB Agusan I ship. Their task was to notify the crew, alongside his executive officers, about their halt on the island. Second Lieutenant Nguyễn Hải Anh received a command from Lord Vikram to send a telegraph message to the station in Hawaii, accepting the directives of Vice-Admiral Marquess Alexander himself.

This turn of events disrupted my plans to return home. However, I found myself wondering, what could I truly do? My only course of action was to continue my duties on this island, meticulously recording and preparing everything needed for the protection of Butuan.

Moreover, HIH Imperial Crown Prince Siagu Alexie of Butuan is safely within the Imperial complex. I have unwavering confidence in my master's well-being, especially given the accuracy of his predictions. His words and visions always come to fruition.

I earnestly hope that the impending upheaval will result in a swift victory for our soldiers.



--- 26th of March 1897 ---

--- 3rd Person POV ---

--- Butuan Empire ---


It has been a day since news of Captain Devdutt's ship and his fleet sinking at the hands of the Japanese Imperial Navy reached Emperor Siagu XV and his cabinet of ministers. Since then, they have been engrossed in discussions about their next move. The ministers of defense (Ali Ahmadi bin Haji), justice (Lê Văn Tùng), social welfare (Kenji Morita), and interior (Abdul Rahman) have all voiced their support for declaring war against the Japanese and mobilizing Butuan's Imperial Army.

However, the ministers of treasury (Trần Quang Minh) and public works (Gabriel Mendoza) have strongly opposed any declaration of war. They argue that such an act would not only harm the empire's economy but also result in unnecessary loss of life. They also raised concerns about the potential unpopularity of the war among the general public.

Minister Ali Ahmadi bin Haji swiftly dismissed these concerns, reminding the two ministers that Butuan, as a nation and its people, has never been more unified in protecting its interests. This unprecedented unity was only achieved after the empire's defeat at the hands of the West.

The debate over the course of action to be taken escalated between the two sides. Finally, by midnight of the 25th, Emperor Siagu XV made a definitive decision. Butuan would declare war on Japan, entrusting Aguinaldo and his government with the responsibility of making necessary war preparations. The ministers of treasury and public works sought to object, but the emperor swiftly silenced them, reminding them of their duties to the empire and its people.

Around this time, Emperor Siagu XV received a radiotelegraph from his brother, Imperial Prince Sharvil, regarding his successful mission to the Qing Empire. The message informed him of the mission's success in negotiating with the Qing Empire. Imperial Prince Sharvil also mentioned details about the lands involved in the deal and other major aspects. However, these details were merely surface-level, as Imperial Prince Sharvil intended to share the full information upon his arrival.

This news not only excited Emperor Siagu himself but also momentarily diverted the attention of both him and Prime Minister Aguinaldo from their issues with Japan. The acquisition of the lands of Xuwen and Leizhou not only granted Butuan complete access to mainland Asia but also afforded them total control of the waters north of Luzon Island. This acquisition provided the empire with an abundance of fishing waters and land for further agricultural and industrial development.

As they celebrated this development, the Lobestar Tribune was busy preparing tabloids for release the following day. Mr. Allen Faher was contacted by the secretary of Prime Minister Aguinaldo, who provided guidance on the content of tomorrow's headline. Despite the Lobestar Tribune having already chosen a headline prior to the secretary's contact, Mr. Faher willingly incorporated the government's requested news after learning about it.

For Mr. Faher, the news provided by the Office of the Prime Minister carries far greater significance than the demise of Napoleon IV himself and the collapse of the French Empire. As per the reports received by Mr. Faher, following Napoleon IV's passing, Prime Minister Félix François Faure assumed control, displacing the entire imperial family of France.

There was either no or minimal resistance, given that the aging Napoleon IV had become deeply unpopular, along with his entire family and the nobility, once revelations about widespread corruption within the monarchy surfaced. In contrast to the earlier revolution that claimed thousands of lives, this transfer of power was considerably more peaceful, resulting only in the removal of titles and authority from the entire nobility. Prime Minister Félix François Faure subsequently declared himself the President of the Third French Republic, announcing forthcoming elections within a year or two.

However, Mr. Faher's sources report emerging pockets of resistance in the southern regions of France, presenting President Félix François Faure with a test of his leadership of the Third French Republic.

While this news would merit headlines in tabloids for Mr. Allen Faher, the report of an attack resulting in the deaths of the empire's naval soldiers and an ambassador to Joseon holds far greater importance for both him and the empire's populace. Accompanying this report was a confidential message delivered by Senior Court Lady Puteri Azura on behalf of the Imperial Crown Prince during the night.

The message's content deeply unsettled Mr. Allen Faher, prompting him to question Senior Court Lady Azura about its authenticity. He hoped it was a jest, only to be disappointed as the message indeed originated from Senior Court Lady Azura's master, the Imperial Crown Prince. The message essentially permits Mr. Faher to publish the news but stresses that any critique should not target the general public of Japan but solely the military. It emphasized that the fault lay with the military, not the populace.

The revelation not only shocked but also left Mr. Faher bewildered, pondering how HIH ICP Siagu Alexie and his team, including ICP Siagu Alexie's advisor, Senior Court Lady Azura, could have known that he was already aware of the news. Adding to the surprise was the notification from the Prime Minister's office, affirming that the information remained confined to the cabinet and the Emperor. This prompted Mr. Faher to question the extent of the Imperial Crown Prince's intelligence and influence despite his youth.

Attempting to voice his disagreement after recovering from the initial shock, Mr. Faher was promptly silenced by Senior Court Lady Azura herself. She reminded him that they were servants of her master and should unfailingly adhere to his directives. She further expressed her opposition to her master's command but emphasized that, as a loyal subject and mere servant, her personal opinions held no significance. This realization reignited Mr. Faher's commitment to serving HIH Imperial Crown Prince Siagu Alexie.

Recognizing his error, Mr. Allen Faher assured Senior Court Lady Azura that the upcoming tabloid publications would refrain from targeting the general public of the Japanese Empire but would instead focus on the military. He pledged to ensure that the tabloids would aim to garner the sympathy of the people.

Consequently, Mr. Faher decided to modify the headline coverage in his tabloids, believing that this adjustment would rally a significant crowd to support the army against the Japanese military.

The following day, news of the attack perpetrated by the Japanese against the Butuanon Imperial Navy became widespread. It captured the attention of the masses, with both men and women expressing their concerns and anger towards Japan. While some held the Japanese military accountable, the majority of the populace placed blame on the entirety of Japan and its people.

The early morning air carried whispers of impending war, steadily gaining momentum. Even within the Parliament of Sannor, activity buzzed as debates ensued about necessary actions. Both the houses of Lord and Commons were deeply engrossed in heated discussions, almost causing chaos within the House of Commons. However, by noon, a consensus emerged after the majority of members from both houses voted to accept the emperor's decree.

It was easy for the House of Lords to accept the edict of the emperor but the House of Commons were not. With the Liberals using the businesses and the people's livelihood in exchange of war. But this was silence by Minister Ali Ahmadi bin Haji who states at, "Business or Freedom. Country or Self. Which will you choose?!"

Following the acceptance of the emperor's decree, the entire Aguinaldo cabinet once again convened to confer with him regarding the comprehensive war plan and the timing for the empire's entry into the conflict. Despite some being eager for battle, the notion of entering without adequate preparation turned the minds of Prime Minister Aguinaldo and his cabinet members upside down.

Consequently, rather than immediately announcing the plans to the public, the Aguinaldo government crafted a series of strategies in readiness for the impending confrontation with the emperor. Firstly, all military bases in the empire were notified that Butuan would be engaging in war against the Japanese, urging them to prepare. Ships patrolling closer to Japanese territories were instructed to return, while the BEB Agusan I was directed to remain stationed in Hawaii.

The Imperial Airforce expedited the construction and testing of airplanes and newly enhanced zeppelins under the oversight of Colonel Gregorio Hilario, striving to meet the expectations and deadlines set by Minister Ali Ahmadi himself. Concurrently, the production of new guns and bombs accelerated, demanding workers to toil from sunrise to sunset.

King Gojong was informed by a eunuch sent directly by Emperor Siagu XV himself. The eunuch relayed the current developments and the Japanese actions towards Captain Devdutt's fleet. This not only elicited sympathy from King Gojong for the families of those who were killed but also stirred a sense of anticipation about reclaiming the throne from his rebellious son and father. Additionally, he was concerned about his mother and other relatives who opposed his traitorous son's reign and were held captive by his father and son.

By 5 pm, public sentiment favoring a declaration of war against Japan had been rapidly gaining momentum. This put immense pressure not only on the emperor, government, and military but also heightened demands for justice and retaliation against the Japanese. Given this growing public sympathy, it seemed imminent that Emperor Siagu XV and the Aguinaldo government would need to address and contain the situation soon.

Amidst the turmoil engulfing the nation of Butuan, HIH, ICP Siagu Alexie sat comfortably in his chair while instructing his personal attendant, Senior Eunuch Radhesh Huang, to write a letter on his behalf. Dictating each word precisely, he conveyed his intentions in the letter, addressing someone who had been a longtime friend. A friend whom he envisioned as instrumental in his future plans—a friend destined to reshape the course of the entire history of the Russian Empire. This is how Imperial Crown Prince Siagu Alexie perceived this friend.

"...May the Lord bless you once more this year, Empress Dowager Maria Feodorovna of Russia," remarked Imperial Crown Prince Siagu with a smile as he placed the queen's chess piece in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Observing this scenario, Senior Eunuch Radhesh Huang couldn't help but feel sorrowful once again for the individual whom his master was manipulating. He knew that the Imperial Crown Prince Siagu Alexie of Butuan was entirely different from other children. Nevertheless, despite this awareness, Senior Eunuch Radhesh remained devoted to serving the Imperial Crown Prince without any reservations.