Chapter 94


--- 27th of June 1897 ---

--- 3rd POV ---



"FIRE!" A man shouted in full command as he signals the shooting towards the Japanese forces and the Royal Guards of Joseon loyal of King Sonjung.





A series of gun fires echoes through the entire area as both sides started to once again exchange gun fires with one another. Along with the gun fires are the subtle falling of soldiers from both sides, left to right. With explosions coming from the artillery units and the bombs sends from both parties.

It was a complete battle ground to say the least. Bodies after bodies of both civilians and soldiers can be seen littering to the grounds of Hanseong. As fires consume most part of the city, cries of pain and anger also echoes through the entire area.

As the battle progress on the outer part of Hanseong, peace and complete stillness embraces the Gyeongbokgung palace and its surrounding area as Butuanon forces and King Gojong's soldiers were still unable to break entrance after a fierce resistance from the military loyal to Sunjong.

But despite the peace that the Gyeongbokgung Palace have offered to its inhabitants, palace ministers can be seen flocking inside the throne hall, most were shaking in fear while others remain steadfast and arrogant. A brewing commotion is about to ensued as the issue of the approaching Butuanon forces; aided by the forces of King Gojong is nearing the inner area of Hanseong.

Murmurs and whispers of arrogance and fears mixed in the entire throne hall as the ministers started to display their true colors. The once magnificent and arrogant ministers who viewed themselves as heroes of the nation, after ousting King Gojong were now scared and feared for their lives. The once mighty and arrogant lion is now reduced to a mere pup of fragility.

But despite the noise and chaos the ministers have been displaying inside the court, one individual, wearing a regal and golden outfit of the Joseon monarch can be seen seating arrogantly and composedly as the phoenix throne. Indifference was visible on the man's face as he continues to take a look at his ministers.

Anger and disgust are what King Sunjong feels while looking at his ministers. The sheer amount of distrust that his ministers are showing towards their soldiers' angers King Sunjong who believes that the Japanese and the Royal Joseon guards are of much stronger compared to the invading forces.

The arrogance and stubbornness of a delusional monarch, swayed and manipulated into believing that he is superior, is what makes King Sunjong have an unweaving support and trust to the Japanese and his own guards. And behind all of this is his own grandfather; Heungseon Daewongun, whom have chosen to remain at his quarters for a rest.

"Your Majesty! I beg you to reconsider your decision on accepting the conditions set by the former King Gojong!" One minister shouted with great voice and resolute after not being able to bear the indifference of the monarch whom he is serving.

A momentary of silence prevails in the entire hall as ministers and guards tries to locate the origin of the voice. Only to see a minister prostrating towards the phoenix throne. Not long after, one after another, like a domino, ministers started to prostrate and echoes the minister's pleading.

King Sunjong, engulf in anger and irritation after seeing the display of weakness of his ministers shouted, "What is the meaning of this?!"

"For the survival of the kingdom and the people! We beg your majesty to reconsider the proposal made by your father! Your Majesty will then be remembered by the peace bringer of this nation!" the minister shouted in a pleading voice, undeterred by King Sunjong's presence and words.

Red is what the colour King Sunjong can only see as he takes a glance at his prostrating ministers. Since ascending the throne of Joseon, King Sunjong have never felt vulnerable and enrage by the actions made by his ministers. And King Sunjong is blaming the leaked proposal made by his deposed father; King Gojong, if he and his forces just surrenders.

According to the proposal, King Sunjong will abdicate the throne and King Gojong will be reinstated as the monarch of Joseon. King Sunjong will be under house arrest and will be barge from entering the court, but his descendants will have the possibility of inheriting the throne. The ministers whom are involved in the will be pardoned and will also suffer a house arrest for their betrayal and be barred from entering the court.

It was a great offer of King Gonjong, in the eyes of the ministers as it ensures their survival. This made the ministers bond together and put pressure to King Sunjong into accepting the proposal for their survival. The once arrogant ministers were now as feeble as an old man, fearing for death to come.

But unlike the ministers, King Sunjong knew his father. And he believes that the proposal is just a bait to lure them out from the protection of the palace. Besides, King Sunjong is confident that his father will not raze the palace into ablaze due to its importance and symbol for their family. Besides, King Sunjong believes that the Japanese can prevail and will be sending reinforcements to his side.

Thus, unable to bear the continuous shouting of his ministers, King Sunjong banged his hand to the phoenix throne and shouted in deep irritation and anger, "IDIOTS! Do you really believed that my father will follow the conditions he made the moment we surrender?! I have known my father and he is not as gentle as your old bones have thought he is! You all will be dead the moment he came back to the throne!

The Japanese and our forces have prevailed since the day the war started, and reinforcement from the Japanese army is coming! Those forces will be annihilated in no time. Calm yourselves and return to your respective quarters."

"Your Majesty…" A minister wanted to reason but was stopped by a sword pointed at his own throat by one of the royal guards. Blood started to flow on to the tip of the sword as it started to touch the skin of the minister.

"My patience is limited, my drear ministers." King Sunjong muttered as he takes his stand, "ARE MY WORDS NOT THE LAW OF THIS LAND ANYMORE?! JUST BECAUSE YOU ALL HAVE BECOME A COWARD AND STARTED TO CURL ON YOUR RESPECTIVE HOLES?!" King Sunjong shouted in anger and great authority as he pointed at his ministers with rage, "I AM THE KING OF THIS NATION AND I AM THE LAW!"

The ministers present on the other hand started to tremble in fear towards King Sunjong started to consume them. Death might be a scape from the current situation but none of the ministers are willing to face death. Trembling in fear, none voices their opinion once again as the court of Joseon enters the tyranny of Sunjong.

"I will not repeat myself again," King Sunjong staringly stated, "OUT OF THIS HALLS AND REMAIN IN YOUR QUARTERS!"

In haste, ministers of King Sunjong rally to the exit of the throne hall, not wanting to receive the wrath of King Sunjong himself. It only took the ministers a few minutes before they can fully leave the throne hall.

Exhausted because of the incompetence of his ministers and their weakness in the face of victory, in King Sunjong's mind. King Sunjong then takes a seat once again at his throne and lean to it, trying to gather relaxation energy as he further envisions himself controlling all of Joseon and punishing those who have not sided with him the moment he won against the forces of his father and Butuan.

"How was my grandfather doing?" King Sunjong inquired to the courtier standing on the side.

"Your Majesty, Heungseon Daewongun is still currently at his quarters. Refusing to see anyone to disturb his retreat." The female courtier replied with a hint of fear to her voice, afraid of incurring the wrath of her master.

Dissatisfied with the reply, King Sunjong stated, "That old man! Does he not understand that I am the King and I summoned him to accompany me in attending court matters?! Have my words been useless in this palace?!"

"Forgive me, Your Majesty!" The female courtier replied as she prostrates to the floor with fear and sweat plastered on her face. The guards guarding the hall have also felt fearful towards King Sunjong. But one thing did the courtiers and the guards have been thinking while staying on the throne hall the entire time, they have chosen the wrong side to serve.

"Tss!" King Sunjong scuff as he brushes off his peoples' words, "Continue to visit and convince my grandfather to attend tomorrow's court session. Make sure that he will be able to attend tomorrow or your life will be in danger."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The female courtier replied before bowing once more and left the throne hall.

Peace once again enters the throne hall after the ministers and the courtiers have left, leaving King Sunjong only the one present in the hall. His gaze pans to the entire hall as he tries to witness the intricate carvings and decorations that is being present in the throne hall. But the most eye catching to him is the phoenix throne itself that symbolizes his power over the entire Kingdom.

Basked in the aura of regality and greed for power and complete control, King Sunjong unknowingly scuffs as he tries to imagine himself surrendering. The mere thought of him giving up the very symbol of his power made King Sunjong mocks his idiotic and coward ministers.

"I would rather die on this throne than to give this up towards others. I am the king and I am the rightful ruler of this nation. I am the law and the voice of Joseon. And I will win this war." King Sunjong muttered to himself as he focuses his gaze towards the entrance of the hall.

Night time already arrives in Hanseong but one cannot even hear the crickets of the insects as it was replaced by smokes and crackling of an ongoing fire in the city.

Wounded civilians and soldiers were also placed on the medical area of King Gojong's side, being treated by medical units or the Butuanon Imperial Military and Navy. Some soldiers have sustained minor injuries while others lost their arms and feet due to being hit by a bomb or were badly infected.

On the other side of the camp, piles of dead bodies can be seen on the area, majority of which were grotesquely mutilated. A local priest was hired to bless and disposed the bodies of the fallen civilians and soldiers. Cries of agony and pain lingers in the air as family lost love ones left and right. Soldiers whom have lost their comrades can also be seen lingering on the area, staring blankly at the dead bodies of their friend.

Speaking of soldiers, exhaustion and trauma have been the common expression and condition of every soldier in both sides of battle. Others have even started to show signs of breaking down while others started to stare at one place endlessly.

Children, orphaned by their parents can be seen walking aimlessly on the area, crying and seeking the comfort of their respective parents. Tattered clothing full of mud and blood were a common sight for the civilians of Joseon as they continue to wonder in the area.

Along with these, medical aid of the Butuanon soldiers started to flock the area as it became easy for the Butuanon forces to deliver medicine after the capture of the port near the capital. An aid from the Siamese Kingdom have also arrived in secrecy after King Rama V informed Maharaja Siagu XV of the aid that he is planning to send to Joseon, which was welcome by King Gojong and Maharaja Siagu XV himself with delight.

On the other hand, at the camp of Butuanon forces and King Gojong's side, just a few meters away from the palace. Five individuals can be seen congregated on the room, discussing the next move that their force must make. The people inside are the mastermind on the successive victory of the invading forces against the Japanese. King Gojong, Vice-Admira Alexander, Prince Uihwa, Lieutenant General Chitrangad Verma, and the former minister Yi Ha-je.

A table placed with the map of the entire Hanseong can be seen with objects symbolizing the soldiers and artillery units that both sides have. A majority of artillery and military men can be seen placed at the side of King Gojong while small numbers of objects were placed at the side of King Sunjong and the Japanese. It was been almost 2 hours since the battle place into hold while the meeting has been ongoing for the past an hour already.

"Assassins will be sent to infiltrate the palace tonight," said Vice-Admiral Alexander, his eyes scanning the faces of the commanders gathered around the table. "Their target is Heungseon Daewongun. With him eliminated, we can destabilize the Japanese and King Sunjong's forces and shift the momentum in our favour to ensure our final victory tomorrow."

King Gojong nodded, his face stern and determined. "Ensure they are the best. We cannot afford any mistakes."

A sense of shock can be seen at the faces of the people present in the room. The people present at the tent knew that King Gojong will be facing his own father and son in the near future, after retaking the throne. They thought that King Gojong will only hand them a sentence of imprisonment as family still holds an important aspect on Korean culture, much like the Butuanon society.

But the stern and determined voice of King Gojong while giving the go signal of the assassination of his own father brought them into disbelief. It was as if King Gojong himself have already cut his ties with his rebel family and have instead treated them as not part of his family already.

"Father, are you really sure about this?" Prince Uihwa inquired with worry on his face.

Much like the other people in the room, Prince Uihwa were as shock as them. Not knowing that the grudges and anger that his own father harbor towards his own father, son, and older brother, were as deep and immeasurable as the deep sea.

With a scuff, King Gojong replied sternly, "What is there to discuss about this? I have lost my father, son, and older brother, the day they have betrayed me and this country." anger creeps out from his voice as he continues, "I have seen my people suffer and this nation be destroyed. I cannot forgive them, nor will I be able to accept them as part of my family. My ancestors will hunt me to the deeps of the afterlife if I will ever forgive them on their treachery."

The tension in the room was palpable as King Gojong's words hung in the air. The assembled commanders and officials exchanged uneasy glances, grappling with the gravity of the situation. They understood the necessity of the king's decision, but the personal toll it exacted was evident.

Vice-Admiral Alexander broke the silence. "We must act swiftly and with precision. The assassins will need detailed layouts of the palace, guard rotations, and any secret passages. We must leave no room for error."

Former Minister Yi Ha-je stepped forward; his voice steady but low. "Nothing to worry about this one, Vice-Admiral. I have already informed the personnel of the palace layout. Besides, I have also contacted some trusted courtiers in the palace to assist them on their tasked."

The discussion continues as the night progress into its peak. Soldiers have already taken their rest to recover some energy while civilians started to congregate to comfort one another and seek solidarity. Resentment towards King Sunjong have also started to form at the hearts of the people. While hatred towards the Japanese have been minimal as the Japanese interference to the politics of Joseon were kept in secret behind walls of the palace.

While the city continues its slumber in peace, it was a complete opposite to the quarter of Heungseon Daewongun. Bodies of dead soldiers and courtiers can be seen littering the grounds. Blood started to stain the grounds while 3 individuals wearing dark coloured clothing can be seen standing on the piles of dead bodies with being armed with kampilan soaked in blood.

Heungseon Daewongun can be seen indifferent while staring at the 3 mysterious individuals facing him. It was as if he was aware that he is about to die and have resigned completely to this fate. Besides Heungseon Daewongun is his only remaining palace courtier whom have been by his side for the past 15 years, Kang Min-ho.

"Heungseon, please leave the palace while I distract them." Kang Min-ho whispered as he stands in front of his master, attempting to protect his master, while visibly shaking in fear.

A smile of retirement appears on the face of Heungseon Daewongun as he witnesses his trusted aid's action, "Min-ho, I admire your dedication and loyalty. But I have already accepted my faith, besides I am old and is nearing the end of my life. It should be you instead that must escape. You are still young and has a great future ahead."

"Heungseon, your safety is of much importance than mine. His Majesty still needs your aid." Kang Min-ho stated as he turns his attention to Heungseon Daewongun while forcing him to stand, which Heungseon Daewongun complies not wanting to catch the attention of the 3 mysterious individuals.

As Kang Min-ho and Heungseon Daewongun is about to leave the house, the 3 mysterious individuals manage to be in front of Kang Min-ho and Heungseon Daewongun. Smiles of intention to kill plastered on the faces of the 3 mysterious individuals.

"Heungseon," Kang Min-ho stated firmly as he tries to shield Heungseon Daewongun with his body, "Who are you?! How dare you to be here?! Why are you doing this?! This is the quarter of Heungseon Daewongun the grandfather of the King of Joseon!" Kang Min-ho continues while staring with hostility and fear towards the 3 mysterious individuals in front of him and his master.

"We are in the right place then," one of the mysterious persons with piercing gaze stated with mockery as he jokingly swings his kampilan on the air.

Heungseon Daewongun, noticing the kampilan that the mysterious 3 individuals have been using since their arrival along with the heavy non-native Hangul speaker's accent. Heungseon Daewongun already concluded the identity and origin of the mysterious soldiers. Having seen most soldiers in Asia, Heungseon Daewongun knew for a fact that there is only one nation in Asia that uses kampilan as their secondary weapon for their soldiers.

"So, the Butuan Empire have already decided to get rid of me then?" Heungseon Daewongun stated with calm expression as he slowly resigns from resisting his faith.

 "Butuan?!" Kang Min-ho shouted in fright, "Wh-what are you doing here then?! Heungseon Daewongun is innocent!"

With fierce resistance and wanting to ensure his master's safety, Kang Min-ho took a defensive stance, his eyes darting between the three imposing figures. The tension in the room thickened, and the dim light cast long shadows, making the intruders appear even more menacing.

The leader of the group, the one with the muscular build and the mocking demeanor, stepped forward. His eyes glinted with a mixture of amusement and malice. "Innocent? Hahahaha! Instigation of the ousting of King Gojong to the throne, colliding with the Japanese, and involved in the killing of the late ambassador Nguyễn Văn Phúc and his entourage," he sneered. "He is not as innocent as he looks."

Kang Min-ho's mind raced. He had heard tales of the Butuan Empire's elite soldiers—fierce, unyielding, and deadly. Yet, the presence of these assassins in the heart of Joseon was beyond alarming. How had they infiltrated so deeply into the palace?

Heungseon Daewongun, however, remained eerily calm. His years of political maneuvering and surviving countless threats had given him an almost unnerving serenity in the face of danger. "What is it that you seek? The Butuan Empire gains nothing from my death," he spoke, his voice steady.

The second intruder, a lean man with sharp features, finally spoke up. "Your influence, old man. Your defiance against the Butuan Empire's interests. You are a thorn that needs to be removed for the greater good."

Kang Min-ho's resolve hardened. He knew he had to act swiftly. "Heungseon, run!" he shouted, lunging at the nearest attacker with a makeshift weapon he had grabbed—a candlestick. The element of surprise worked momentarily, allowing Heungseon Daewongun to make a break for the door.