Chapter 127

--- 3rd Person POV ---


As 1905 came, the war between the forces of Japan and Korean against the Qing and the Russia continues to wage on. Now, the Sakhalin Oblast and half of Kamchatka Krai were now under Japanese control. Primorsky Krai on the other hand were now overrun by the Korean Army, further humiliating the Russian Empire on the war as the once weak country of Korea now occupies its Primorsky province.

But the Qing Dynasty did not even leave unscratched as the after the Battle of Mukden from February 20 – March 10, 1905, the entire Liaoning Province came under the hands of the Japanese. The provinces of Jilin and half of Heilongjiang were also taken by the Koreans after continuously pushing the Qing and Russian soldiers deep into the mountains.

Not to mention that more than 100 thousand soldiers of the Qing Dynasty have already fallen since the war started. A complete disaster for the Qing Dynasty as it further shows its incompetence in battle.

The railways constructed by the Russian Empire in the region were now under the control of the Japanese and Koreans, both utilizing the railway in supplying their soldiers as the war continues. Along with this, their usual trade with the Butuan Empire and the Kingdom of Siam continues, further bringing profit for the two peaceful nations.

Although the tension in its Sabah border continues to be felt by the region's inhabitants, the governor of Sabah remains steadfast on its decision to station the Butuanon Imperial soldiers at its border, for the betterment of the people. The governors steadfast and confident decision lies to the fact that everything is under the command of the Imperial family.

By broad daylight, it is obvious that the Imperial family now once again runs the entire country, yet people remain supportive and indifference to the fact that the parliament of Sanoor is losing its power. This is for a fact that the moment Prime Minister Aguinaldo shows his true colour, the people slowly lost their trust towards the government.

There is a saying in Butuan Empire's politics, "Everything can be touched and criticized by a politician to increase his popularity. But not the Imperial family, tarnishing and betraying the family is tantamount to killing your political career." A saying that even the most famous prime minister could not escape.

But as tension grew in the Sabah region and the continual defeat being experienced by the Qing and Russia against the Japanese and Koreans. Empress Dowager Cixi releases an Imperial edict, commanding the Qing Imperial Navy on shooting any ships near its waters and the waters of the Korean Empire and the Japanese Empire. A desperate act of wanting to cut the two nations out from its trading allies.

The edict received praises and support within the halls of courts in the forbidden palace, even Yuan Shikai praises the move, calling it decisive and straight. Tsar Nicholas II also views it as a brilliant move, isolating the Japanese and Koreans, starving their nations while they made a move on reclaiming their lands. Not to mention that the Russian fleet are already in the West Butuan Sea, able to assist the blockade to be made.

Although the policy proves to be effective during the first few weeks of it being implemented as it has indeed isolated and cut the Korean Empire and Japanese Empire from the outside world. Starving the population and the military, causing minor dissatisfaction in Japan and Korea, particularly in Korea as the nation is still recovering from the ravage of the previous war and its people still gaining rise from the society.

But the policy backfires as one of the Imperial ships of the Qing Dynasty mistakenly sunken a passenger ship of the Butuan Empire, carrying with it 500 souls; 120 of which are Siamese, 50 were Japanese, and 40 were Koreans, while the remaining individuals were Butuanons.

According to the reports, the ship was bound to Tokyo full of tourist but was sunk at Okinawa without a warning, killing all of its passengers and fully destroying the ship. Prime Minister Aguinaldo and Prime Minister Chao Phraya Suriyadej jointly releases a statement, condemning the attack made by the Qing Imperial Navy.

Although both reiterated their commitment on being neutral on the war, both warned the Qing Dynasty to respect the rights of neutral nations and demanded assurances that such incidents would not happen again.

The Qing Dynasty on the other hand defended its action, emphasizing that the ship was in a declared war zone and had been carrying military supplies. Arguing that these is justified as they have already declared the entire waters as a warzone.

The attack causes a huge uproar in Siam and Butuan, demanding the Qing Dynasty to take account on its action. Originally, war sentiments within Siam and Butuan were low as the battle between Korean and Japan against the Qing and Russians were far from their location. But with the sudden attack on the passenger ship near Okinawa changes the tone of the people.

On the same note, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany arrived in Tangier, Morocco, and proclaimed German support for the Sultan of Morocco as ruler of a free and independent kingdom—a statement which directly and deliberately challenged French influence in Morocco.

The Sultan subsequently rejected a set of French-proposed governmental reforms and issued invitations to major world powers to a conference, precipitating a crisis among the European powers.

Maharaja Siagu XV receives the invitation but due to his health and continual recuperation, Maharaja Siagu XV instead sends his brother; Maharajkumar Sharvil to represent him to the conference, along with few ministers and diplomats of Butuan. Attended by countries like the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Russian Empire, Austria-Hungary, United States, Kingdom of Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Morocco, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Portugal.

The conference went well, in Maharajkumar Sharvil opinion. Not just was he able to represent Butuan, but he was also making sure to not be intimidated for being the only Asian country present at the conference. With Spain's representatives, Don Juan Pérez-Caballero y Ferrer and Juan Manuel Sánchez, Duke of Almodóvar del Río, Maharajkumar Sharvil did not feel an ounce of boredom.

Maharajkumar Sharvil, proficient in Spanish, even visited Spain before leaving Europe, with a goal of strengthening the connection between Spain and Butuan not just diplomatically but also religiously. As Butuan recognizes Spain's contribution into bringing Christianity in the nation. Meeting with Alfonso XIII, a trade agreement between Butuan and Spain were forge, further strengthening its connection with each other.

And by June, in response to growing dissatisfaction over Swedish rule, the Norwegian Storting (parliament) voted unanimously to dissolve Norway's union with Sweden. The act was ratified by a plebiscite on 13 August. After initial hesitation, Sweden formally recognized Norway's independence on 26 October when King Oscar II of Sweden renounced his claim to the Norwegian throne.

In Russia on the other hand, Tsar Nicholas II continues to be unpopular at the eyes of his subjects as Russia continues to lose on the war with Korea and Japan. Fuel by anger and the belief of his destiny to conquer the East, Tsar Nicholas II continues to wage war against the Koreans and Japanese, fully disregarding the advices form his mother and family.

Along with this, Empress Dowager Maria, Grand Duke Miachael, Grand Duchess Elizabeth, and Grand Duke Sergei grows restless as it's almost half of the year already and they have received no signal from Yuvraj Siagu regarding when to act. Small-scale uprising has also been happening across the empire, uprising that were targeting Tsar Nicholas II's reign.

Although financial support was provided by Yuvraj Siagu and a total of 1 thousand Imperial Butuanon Army infiltrated Saint Petersburg, meeting Butuan's ends of the deal.

But as they grew restless as days pass, a sudden news rocks them to the core. A news that they didn't expect to occur as nation across the globe have been weary of involving them into anything. They even thought that it was a false news as the Qing Dynasty were already warned but apparently, they did not listen.

At 4:10 in the afternoon, on the vast sea separating Taiwan and Japan, passengers aboard the ship Bakunawa were enjoying a peaceful journey. Some stood on the deck, savoring the fresh sea breeze as they sailed toward Japan. Laughter and cheer echoed across the ship as children ran about, playing games and enjoying their time despite the knowledge of a war raging on the other side of the sea.

Even with the ongoing conflict, people traveled from Butuan to Japan with a sense of security, assured that no nation would dare attack a vessel carrying citizens from Siam and Butuan—two powerful and respected nations.

"Such a wonderful afternoon we have here at sea, isn't it, madam?" said a middle-aged servant with a broad smile, addressing his mistress.

"Indeed," The 40-year-old fat woman noddingly replied, "a way from the chaos of battle and the safety the flag of the Empire of Butuan provided… this really is a wonderful afternoon we have in here."

Her voice carried contentment and confidence as she took a bite of the food offered to her. A woman accustomed to the luxury and comfort of her home in Maynila, she had always been proud of her Butuanon heritage. Despite warnings not to travel to Japan due to the Qing Dynasty's ongoing policy of unrestricted naval aggression, her unwavering confidence in Butuan's power had emboldened her decision to make the voyage.

It wasn't that she was fearless; rather, she believed no nation would dare provoke a confrontation with the Butuan Empire. In her eyes, Butuan was the most advanced nation in the world, even surpassing the Western powers. Her pride and faith in her country's capabilities led her to dismiss the dangers.

"If only those aeroplanes could be used to transport passengers," she mused dreamily, her gaze fixed on the endless horizon.

But as she continued to stare at the ocean, a shadow loomed in the distance—three massive ships slowly emerging on the horizon. She squinted, trying to discern their origin. A creeping sense of dread gripped her heart as the ships drew closer.

The lively chatter on the deck faded into an eerie silence. The laughter of children, the murmurs of adults—all vanished. Even the crew, stationed in the ship's superstructure, stood frozen, their eyes fixed on the approaching vessels.

As the ships came closer, a shared realization dawned upon the passengers and crew: Qing ships.

And then it happened. Massive explosions tore through the air, engulfing the Bakunawa in flames. The once-proud passenger ship was obliterated in an instant, leaving behind nothing but charred debris floating on the sea.

Those below deck bore the brunt of the explosions, their bodies reduced to fragments leaving nothing but food for the fishes to feast. Some people were even sliced in half by few of the metal's shrapnel of the ship, even children and infants were not spared by the attack. On the surface, a few intact corpses drifted aimlessly on the sea, but life had already left them.

At 4:20 PM on the 17th of October, 1905, the passenger ship Bakunawa was reduced to nothing but wreckage. All 1,000 passengers and crew perished in the attack—500 Butuanons and 200 Siamese nationals among them.

By evening, the news was instantly flashed at the massive televisions of the empire and even broadcasted on the radio, catching Butuanons off-guard. The once nation that supposed to take it slumber were now once again fully awake as people started to gather near the house of Aguinaldo while others were gathering outside the palace of Sanoor, demanding justice.

Others even hasten to each temple and shrines of the Aylashan faith, seeking comfort and refuge from the devastating news they have just heard. Family of those aboard of the passenger ship Bakunawa have also gathered outside the port, waiting for news to arrive.

The news rocks the people of Butuan and Siam to a whole new level of resentment and anger as such humiliation were never felt after losing against the British and the French. The next morning, seeing that the Qing Dynasty ignores their warning, Siamese and Butuanons took up the streets and demanding justice to be brought to those who have been killed by the attack.

The streets of Butuan's capital, Sooraj, were soon flooded with protesters bearing banners that read: "Justice for Our People!" and "The Qing Must Pay!" Religious leaders of the Aylashan faith joined the chorus, holding public prayers for the victims and denouncing the Qing Dynasty for its disregard for human life. Similar scenes played out in Bangkok, where crowds gathered outside the Royal Palace and the parliament building, pleading for swift retribution.

Tabloids in both nations ran bold headlines like "Murder at Sea!" and "A Second Attack: The Qing's Disregard for Humanity." Editorials condemned the Qing's reckless aggression and urged the governments of Butuan and Siam to act decisively to protect their people. Some have even suggested to completely capitulate the Qing Dynasty just to avenge the death of the civilians.

Tsar Nicholas II, hearing what his ally have done paled in fear as he felt being cornered, facing the possibility of facing 4 enemies. Resentment started to boil down on Tsar Nicholas's mind as he felt being dragged by Empress Dowager Cixi into complete disarray with how idiotic her actions were.

Feeling the urge of seeking an advice, Tsar Nicholas II summons his mother and uncle for an advice but instead of receiving one, all he receives were cold shoulders further frustrating him to his core. On the verge of insanity and total collapse, Tsar Nicholas II ordered an all-out offensive against the Koreans and the Japanese, wanting to retake the land that was once under his control from the Koreans and the Japanese.

His action was also fuelled to the fact that he needed to look good at the eyes of his people as he slowly been feeling the brunt of resentment from the common folks towards his. Uprising have slowly been happening within his nation, and Tsar Nichols II knew that these uprising tends to make a domino effect once he continues to perform bad.

Thus, despite knowing that his soldiers were almost at their limits, Tsar Nicholas II continues to push his soldiers to their limits, with just a simple goal of retaking the lands that were theirs. Being to focus on this matter, he was unable to noticed that his wife and children already left Saint Petersburg and was sent to Denmark, Empress Dowager Maria's home country.

This is in preparation on the coming coup as Empress Dowager Maria would not want her grandchildren to suffer and experience the horror of a coup. Although not yet receiving any signal from Yuvraj Siagu, Empress Dowager Maria have already made everything in stand-by, prepared and ready capable of bringing her son out from the throne within days.

While chaos started to brew in Russia, the situation within the Qing Dynasty faced mounting turmoil as Empress Dowager Cixi's collapse left a leadership vacuum. Prince Chun, acting as regent, struggled to stabilize a court fractured by factionalism and internal dissent. The emperor, Guangxu, remained under house arrest, powerless to intervene or assert authority.

18th of October 1905; 9:30 am, at the Palace of Sella, Yuvraj Siagu can be seen seated on his usual chair behind the table with Prime Minister Aguinaldo and the rest of his cabinet members present. All are with serious expressions plastered on their faces, forgetting the enmity and hatred that each have with each other as the matter they have been discussing are of far greater importance.

It has been 10 hours already since emergency meeting, called by Yuvraj Siagu, started. And since then, almost all have been divided on what course of action the empire must make after this attack. And it was only few minutes ago that it was decided that the empire must sends an ultimatum to the Qing government regarding this incident.

Yuvraj Siagu leaned back in his chair, his youthful yet commanding presence emanating throughout the chamber. The weight of the decision was palpable. The cabinet members glanced at him, awaiting his final remarks before dispatching the ultimatum.

"Ten hours," Yuvraj Siagu began, his voice measured and steady, "and yet, you all can do is to decide that the empire must sends its ultimatum in exchange of Butuan not involving on this battle? Have I gone into the world of cowards and decrepit individuals that even simple decision making on this degree could not be agreed upon within an hour or two?"

Silence of shame and embarrassment lingers on the air of the office, not one of the ministers presents have the courage to rebut with the words of Yuvraj Siagu. Not because they fear the man but because it was of truth and they have no reason to counter. Ten hours is really far longer on just to decide regarding the path the empire must take.

Even some of the cabinet members, particularly Minister Li and the others, view this as nothing but pure incompetence of their colleague. Particularly with Aguinaldo who have consistently been against the suggestions given by his fellow cabinet members.

Yuvraj Siagu sighed, his piercing gaze sweeping over the room. The boyish charm of his face was betrayed by the cold sharpness in his tone. "Ten hours wasted in a war of words," he said. "If this council cannot see the gravity of this attack, then perhaps I have overestimated the abilities of my advisors."

Prime Minister Aguinaldo shifted uneasily in his seat, his face rigid with tension. "Your Imperial Highness, while I admit the time spent deliberating was excessive, we cannot afford rash decisions that might plunge us into—"

"Silence!" Yuvraj Siagu's voice thundered, his usual calm demeanor giving way to a rare display of anger. "Rash? Was it rash when Qing's navy killed hundreds of our citizens and those of our allies? Was it rash to send a simple warning when the first attack occurred, only for it to be ignored?

Are our people's death not enough for you people to work your minds and think on this matter? Have I been duped into accepting you, Aguinaldo's, appointment as the Prime Minister? Is the parliament nothing but full of scandals and incompetent politicians?"

He rose from his seat, his slight frame now towering in authority. "Let me make one thing clear," he continued, his voice cold as ice. "This is not a decision that tolerates delay. Butuan's sovereignty and the lives of its people are not bargaining chips for political games. The ultimatum shall be sent by midday, with no room for ambiguity. Any further disapproval shall not be tolerated and be punished by nothing but death. I am tired on playing games with you all, you are all serving the crown for the sake of the people, not the other way around."

The cabinet members exchanged wary glances, nodding reluctantly. Prime Minister Aguinaldo, though clearly unhappy, offered no further objections. Yuvraj Siagu turned to his trusted aide, Senior Eunuch Radhesh, who stood at the edge of the room, silently observing.

"Prepare the document," Yuvraj Siagu ordered, his tone clipped. "Make it clear that the Empire of Butuan demands the Qing Dynasty to issue a formal apology, pay reparations for the lives lost, secede their sovereignty over the regions of Kwangtung and Kwangsi, and immediately cease any naval blockades targeting neutral vessels. Failure to comply within three days will be considered an act of war."

Senior Eunuch Radhesh bowed deeply. "As you command, Your Imperial Highness."

The room fell silent again as Yuvraj Siagu took his seat, his expression unreadable. Then, almost as an afterthought, he addressed the room, his voice low but menacing. "If the Qing do not heed our demands, rest assured, Butuan will respond. And when we do, it will not be with words.

And let this be the last warning for you all… Another incident that I find intolerable and is against the interest of the crown and the people, I will not hesitate to seek the maharaja's approval in dissolving the parliament."