Off to Buy Another Car

It was another weekend.

"Honey, I think I want to buy another car." Xu Yang decided to consult Zhao Yuxin's opinion.

"Sure, the Maserati has been mostly mine since you're not commuting anymore. It's not convenient for you to go out without a car, so let's get another one," said Zhao Yuxin. She had no objections.

Zhao Yuxin had been driving to work herself for the time being.

Since Xu Yang had already resigned from his job, sometimes when he needed to go out, either had to take a cab or use public transportation, which wasn't as convenient.

Money wasn't an issue now, and in a while, the ring that Xu Yang had handed over to the auction house for sale would bring in another hundred million or so in income. Buying another car, one for each of them, seemed perfectly reasonable.

Zhao Yuxin asked, "Honey, what kind of car are you planning to get for the second one?"

Xu Yang asked back, "What type of car do you think would be good?"