Chapter 126: Investment

At ten minutes to three, the Bentley carrying Xu Yang and several others slowly stopped in front of Hui'an Pharmaceuticals.

Xu Yang and the others got out of the car.

He immediately spotted Gao Zimo in the crowd.

Gao Zimo immediately pointed out to Ye Kaifeng which one was his classmate, Xu Yang.

Thus, Ye Kaifeng immediately approached with Gao Zimo in tow.

"President Xu, hello, I am Ye Kaifeng from Hui'an Pharmaceuticals. We are very pleased to welcome you to our company for the inspection."

Ye Kaifeng came up to Xu Yang, extending his hand warmly.

"President Ye, hello," Xu Yang shook hands with him.

The two exchanged brief pleasantries before heading into the company.

They arrived at a conference room.

Next, Ye Kaifeng took out the documentation he had prepared, and Xu Yang asked his lawyers and financial team to review these materials.

Xu Yang and Yang Xin, the investment general manager, were then taken on a tour of the company's R&D department led by Ye Kaifeng.