Chapter 324: Watch Me Play You to Death

On Xu Yang's side.

He had been keeping a close eye on Jiang Guohao and his group's movements.

He mainly wanted to see what actions Jiang Guohao and his associates would take upon learning that he used three hundred companies to encircle the bid, whether they would give up encircling the bid and go for a normal competitive bidding process.

But unexpectedly, not only did they give up on encircling the bid, they even planned to report them.

He did not see the footage, but he heard the conversation of Jiang Guohao and his people.

At this point, Xu Yang's face grew dark.

Lan Penghua returned from the restroom and, seeing Xu Yang's expression, couldn't help but ask, "President Xu, what's wrong now?"

Xu Yang took off his Bluetooth headset, a cold light flashing in his eyes, "Jiang Guohao and his group are preparing to report us for encircling the bid!"

"What!" Lan Penghua jumped up, "That bastard, he was the first to encircle the bid, and now he's reporting us, it's just shameless!"