Chapter 331: So What If I've Angered You?


The door of the operating room swung open, and the doctor walked out.

"Doctor, I'm the patient's husband. How is my wife?" Xu Yang hurried forward to ask.

After receiving the news, he had rushed over immediately and notified Zhao Hai.

As for his parents, Xu Yang had originally planned to inform them after the surgery was finished.

But while he was on his way to the hospital, Jiang Qiuping happened to call him.

Jiang Qiuping noticed that his mood was off and asked what was wrong. Not wanting to lie, he told her everything.

Hearing that her daughter-in-law had an accident, Jiang Qiuping couldn't sit still and immediately said she would take the high-speed train back.

The earliest flights weren't available until tomorrow. At this time, there were still high-speed trains available, and she could arrive around ten o'clock at night.