Report! I'm applying to go to the station to rob them!_1

"You're absolutely right!"

"Having so many thieves around a place like the station is outrageous."

"When I go back, I'll talk to our department head about it. We can dispatch a few officers to patrol the station for a week straight in a major operation!"

"Your station should see a significant reduction in pickpockets."

Su Xuan exclaimed excitedly, speaking with great righteousness. "I'll apply for it tomorrow!"

Clearly, he had realized the tremendous benefits of catching thieves rapidly for his system's upgrades.

Previously, when he caught the thieves, he had obtained a lot of experience points. However, this group of thieves was not all in his jurisdiction!

Now, with pickpockets running rampant, he was like a human thief detector in the crowd. No criminal could escape his watchful eye.

Catching a criminal equated to earning points, and after the recent incident, Su Xuan fully grasped the importance of accumulating points.