Well, It Seems Like We've Stumbled Upon the Thief King's Lair!

"Old Zhou, why did you suddenly come to Xiangjiang City? Weren't you doing well up north? Your sudden appearance is quite surprising, haha!"

"Could it be that you thought you couldn't make it up there and decided to come find us for shelter?"

"Oh, well, if you put it that way, it's not impossible. We've got some money for you..."

Inside the hotpot chicken restaurant, there were only two occupied tables—one where Su Xuan and Zheng Wenjie sat and the other at the round table where the criminal Zhou Qiang was seated.

Several burly men entered the restaurant one by one. They approached Zhou Qiang, chatting as they took their seats at the round table, clearly showing a very familiar demeanor with him.

Su Xuan sighed involuntarily when he heard their conversation.