You're Awesome, Thief, You're Threatening the Police?

"The injury on Yue Fan's body..."

"How could it be the same as Tang Jiajia's boyfriend's?"

"Isn't he Tang Xin's boyfriend?"

When everyone saw the hand in the photo, they were shocked.

Although Tang Jiajia's online alias was low-profile, it was clear she was a cautious person. Even though she often shared her feelings, she never revealed her face. When she did share photos, they were either of a hand holding something on a dining table or two arms hand in hand while walking in a mall.

It was obvious that she was either hiding something or didn't want people to know her appearance. She was the type who liked to share but didn't like to show her face – a shy girl who couldn't resist sharing her love life.

If it weren't for Su Xuan mentioning that this was Tang Jiajia's blog alias, no one would have likely associated this with her.

However, when everyone discovered who owned this alias, they started feeling uneasy.