The Fastest Police! Good heavens, the suspect had made a mess of himself!

 "Tang Jiajia, don't push it!"

"I gave you money because of our child. It's already more than you deserve!"

"Damn it, if you push me any further, I'll expose your actions, and we'll both be in trouble!"

Yue Fan stared at Tang Jiajia in front of him, his face showing frustration.

He was at his breaking point.

Since his release from prison until now, in less than six months, he had given Tang Jiajia a lot of money!

He had even used up his savings from before his imprisonment and swindled money from his new girlfriend, and it all went to Tang Jiajia.

Yue Fan felt he couldn't continue like this. He was someone who longed for freedom, and if he remained tied down like this, he wouldn't stand for it, not even for himself.

Why did Tang Jiajia have this power over him?

"Yue Fan!"

Hearing this, Tang Jiajia looked at Yue Fan in disbelief, taking a sharp breath.

"Don't forget, I still have something to hold against you!"