Very Good!

The news of Wei Chaoguo, the CEO of Wei Enterprise, being taken away by the police quickly spread online. As a nationally recognized company, there were many financial journalists keeping an eye on it. It caused quite a stir in society. However, for now, these developments didn't concern Su Xuan and his team directly. Any potential connections were blocked by the city police department and Old Mai. What did concern them was Wei Chaoguo's lack of cooperation once he arrived.

In the interrogation room, Wei Chaoguo had only one topic on his mind. "I don't want to speak now. My secretary has contacted my lawyer. Please wait until my defense attorney arrives. I believe you can wait for such a short period without disturbing me. Thank you."

Seeing the lack of cooperation, Zhou Qiang's brows furrowed tightly. They had worked hard to bring the case to this point, and they had even brought the person back with them. They couldn't afford to fail at this final step.