The Criminal Is Dumb, How Do You Know My Name?

Thinking of this possibility, Su Xuan's expression became even more serious.

This guy was a molester!

One could easily guess what a molester wanted to do in school.

Su Xuan watched helplessly as the red dot hid somewhere upstairs and then stopped moving.

He sneered.

Did this guy really believe he had hidden so well that he couldn't be found?

In reality, if Su Xuan turned off the radar, finding the guy would be quite challenging.

After all, the upper floor wasn't just a dining hall; it had several small storage rooms, a kitchen, and other hiding spots.

If the other party heard the sound and turned a few more rounds to the side, it was not impossible for them to run in Su Xuan's blind spot.


Su Xuan lifted his feet and walked upstairs.

With a radar at his disposal, it was impossible for this fellow to escape!

In fact, Su Xuan's guess was right.