The Suspect's Wife Is Here?

"What kind of organization are you people from? How can you just arrest people like this?"

"My husband was working diligently at the school, and you people just arrested him. Is there no justice left?"

"Release my husband immediately!"

"Otherwise, I won't leave here today!"

The woman showed no sign of noticing the officer's silent frustration. In front of the many onlookers in the lobby, she banged on the service counter, making a loud noise.

She continued to shout out loud.

The officer took a deep breath and forced a smile. "Ma'am, may I ask who your husband is?"

Meanwhile, in the office, Su Xuan was about to head to the interrogation room to check on Qian Gui when the phone on his desk unexpectedly rang.

Su Xuan paused and returned to answer the call.

"Hello, this is Su Xuan."

"Officer Su."