The High-Speed Train Doesn't Give You Seats, And You're Giving Bangles When You're Crazy?

"Su Xuan!"

Zhou Qiang heard Su Xuan's voice and immediately turned to look. When he saw Su Xuan, his initially heated brain cooled down instantly. With a face full of apologies, he declined the woman's request.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm with another person, and my partner is right here. It wouldn't be right for me to switch with you alone."

"You can find someone else to help you."

"If you feel uncomfortable on your side, you can try finding a flight attendant and see if they can arrange a seat change."

Zhou Qiang thought he had made a reasonable point. However, to his surprise, after he finished speaking, the woman in front of him suddenly had a drastic change in expression. She immediately picked up her child and started berating Zhou Qiang.

"You old jerk! If you didn't want to switch seats, you should have said so earlier."

"I wasted so much time here with you."