What Did You Say, Say It Again?

Of course, he trusted Su Xuan's judgment. But he didn't understand how Su Xuan had discovered it. It was like every time Su Xuan could sense the criminals, and they were always one step behind...

When Zhou Qiang questioned this, Su Xuan glanced at him. He couldn't reveal that it was a prompt from the system, right? 

"From experience," Su Xuan said, reaching out to pat Zhou Qiang on the shoulder with a serious expression. "Once you have my skills, you'll be able to do it too!"

Zhou Qiang thought, "I think you're just picking a fight!"

With that, Zhou Qiang decided not to inquire further. He turned his attention back to the two men and women, narrowing his eyes and adopting a serious expression.

Meanwhile, the man continued to plead with Zhou Qiang, hoping that under the immense pressure, Zhou Qiang would release him.

"That's enough!" Zhou Qiang finally spoke, his tone firm. "Shut up! Behave!"