Lan Xiaofen Was Dumbfounded. Was She the One Who Killed Her Husband?

"S...Su Xuan?!"

"Why did you...?"

Zhou Qiang's eyes widened as he witnessed the scene, and he instinctively began to speak.

On the other hand, Lan Xiaofen let out a sharp scream. "Officer Su! What are you doing?"

As she spoke, she anxiously pulled her son behind her. "You... How dare you arrest someone like this? Even if you're a police officer, you can't just arrest people arbitrarily."

"This is outrageous! Release him immediately!"

Lan Xiaofen exclaimed in shock.

In fact, it wasn't just her, everyone who witnessed this scene was left stunned.

"Mr. Chen, I have reason to suspect your involvement in a deliberate homicide case. Please come with me to the station for further questioning."

"Mr. Chen Naidong, are you really determined to protect the murderer of your father?"

Su Xuan spoke calmly.