A Classic Murder Case in a Secret Room!

 Upon hearing Zhou Qiang's words, Su Xuan immediately became interested. His current case load had lightened, so he had some free time, and this case intrigued him.

Su Xuan picked up the materials that Zhou Qiang handed over. Since Zhou Qiang had been working on this case for several days, the information he provided was quite comprehensive.

The deceased was an online performer who specialized in various role-plays. When not creating videos, he will be live-streaming. On the day of his death, he was doing a cosplay live-stream from his home.

In front of countless online viewers, the performer finished his makeup and, feeling extremely hungry, decided to have instant noodles. However, it was because of this meal...

Shortly after eating the instant noodles, the performer collapsed. At first, fans and viewers thought it was a prank. It was only later that they realized the performer hadn't moved for a long time, not even blinking.