
The man starts to Stechford his cheeks for some reason. Weird! Anyway,we reach the staircase to the upper floors at the centre of the level in silence. Speak up! I encourage."erm...mister..."I begin.

"Harith" he finishes."Yes."I smile to brake the tension." That will be quite alright" I insist.

Buzz off now! "Miss, if you aren't in an immediate rush,please let me make it up to you."He offers. What does he mean? I wonder fearing the worst. "Let me think on it a bit." I stall,hoping he'd take a hint. "Anything,even a dessert at the desserts parlour very close from here."

Did he say sweets? Well I would like some sweets since I never get any. No,don't get me wrong,it's not like I want to go with him or anything.I just want to try the sweets.

"Oh, I'm sure a moment of my time is spare."I say nonchalantly. He smiles and escorts me there without much word.