TTW Chapter 132: Liya

This little episode didn't bother Lin Yi at all.

As for Barnacc, this big guy, aside from being greedy for money, doesn't really have any other shortcomings.

He's loyal and would go to great lengths for his friends.

"I don't have that many gold coins, but I can offer goods instead," Lin Yi said with a smile. In front of everyone, he reached into the air and a white briefcase appeared in his hand.

This world already has a lot of magical powers, so he didn't need to deliberately hide his spatial system.

"Spatial magic?" 

Both the old blacksmith and Barnacc seemed a bit surprised.

However, Barnacc quickly put away his doubts. With the giant Armored Titan and now the spatial magic, he already considered Lin Yi to be a great magician.

"What a delicate mechanism."

The old blacksmith took the briefcase and, under Lin Yi's explanation, pressed a button. Instantly, the materials swirled and combined in the air with a metal known as Quinque steel, transforming into a black Quinque knife.

The knife had the appearance of a hunting knife, and its quality was only B-class, not very good.

But in this world, it's already a game-changing weapon.

"How is this possible, is it magic?"

The old blacksmith had worked with metals all his life and was very knowledgeable. Both the craftsmanship and the weapon's sharpness and durability far exceeded his imagination.

Moreover, this weapon was very light in hand, as if weightless, allowing the user to swing it with full force.

"How much does this knife cost?" Lin Yi asked, his face adorned with a smile.

"This knife is 1,000 gold coins. As for the new one I'll craft for you, it will be 50 gold coins. I'll pay you the difference of 950 gold coins over time," said the honest old blacksmith.

"Deal," Lin Yi agreed. He had more than enough to cover the 50 gold coins upfront, thanks to his previous adventures and accumulated loot.

He intentionally took out a B-class Quinque knife to whet the old blacksmith's appetite, naturally wanting to see what kind of spark would be generated when magical items collided with modern Quinque technology.

Lambert was also very surprised when he saw the Quinque knife, but he wasn't greedy. Lin Yi had already given him a sword worth fifty gold coins, which was a windfall for him.

"Brother Lin, whatever you ask me to do in the future, I will do it, without any hesitation."

"How about giving me your two little animals? I see that Sister Ta quite likes them," Lin Yi jokingly asked.


Lambert, who had just boasted, scratched his head awkwardly. "Brother Lin, those two dogs mean a lot to me. We've been guarding Calderock Village together; they are good friends, not items."

"I was just kidding," Lin Yi didn't mind.

Suddenly, he raised an eyebrow, noticing a figure on the street not far away, dressed in a black robe, completely covered, with a hood masking the face.

Lambert also noticed the figure and immediately became alert, his eyes sharp as an eagle's.

"What's wrong, Brother Lin? Is that guy suspicious?"

Lin Yi smiled inwardly. He had read the original work and naturally knew that this cloaked figure was actually the elf Liya, but he wouldn't say that directly.

"No, I just find this person very strange. Don't you think 'his' outfit looks sneaky?"

Reminded by Lin Yi, Lambert also realized that this could very well be a spy sent by the monsters.

"Leave it to me."

Saying so, Lambert charged forward.

"You look sneaky, clearly not a good person. Let me see your true face."

Walking on the street, Liya frowned. She was originally following the Queen's orders, preparing to place an order for 100,000 arrows from the best craftsman in the city.

Then suddenly, a young guy she didn't know charged at her.

Due to Lin Yi, the original story had some minor deviations. For example, Lambert wasn't saved by Barnac, and they never had a duel on deck, so they weren't close.

As a result, nobody had taught Lambert how to fight properly.

Liya, on the other hand, had been trained from a young age and, being an elf, had natural advantages over humans.

Besides her long lifespan, she was extremely agile and could easily jump several meters high.

Liya took a step back and easily dodged Lambert's hand, then counterattacked, subduing him with a kick, making him kneel to the ground.

"Human, why did you attack me?"

"That voice, it's a woman?" Lambert felt even more embarrassed, being subdued so easily.

"Sorry, this might be a misunderstanding. My young friend here is a bit impulsive," Lin Yi said helplessly. "Given the special times, your attire does make people suspicious."

Liya paused and looked at Lin Yi, finding him more pleasing than Lambert.

"Don't delay me any further. If this happens again, I won't be so lenient." Liya warned, releasing Lambert.

Lin Yi approached and suddenly reached out, aiming for Liya's hood.

Liya was startled and more importantly, Lin Yi was so fast that she barely dodged the 'attack', only to suddenly feel a breeze and blinding sunlight.

Her hood had been removed.

Then her adorable face was revealed, her exquisite features set like jewels, and her long, pointed ears undoubtedly revealed her identity as an elf. 

She also had her pale golden hair tied back in a ponytail, quite eye-catching.

"As I thought, an elf."

Lin Yi said with a smile, "Please also forgive my rashness, but if I didn't resolve my doubts, I probably wouldn't sleep well tonight."

Seeing that Lin Yi's goal seemed to be just removing her hood, Liya calmed down.

"Now, I'll sleep even less tonight, thinking of a blonde beauty."

"You rascal."

Liya's face turned red, and she muttered, never having heard such blunt words before. She jumped and landed on a rooftop, disappearing from view quickly.

Though the incident had been brief, it had already stirred up a lot of chatter among the onlookers.


— 50 Advance Chapters!

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