Chapter 6. Hunting

After testing the Skeletons' responses to his orders, Michael sighed in relief, realizing they were fully obedient. As a result of this finding, not even ten minutes later, children were already pulling at the poor bony bastards with all their might.

The adults seemed worried initially, but his reassurance of the minions' obedience was unnecessary, as the adults (especially the brats' parents) were more concerned about displeasing him instead — something about how naughty the children were.

So, the entire village watched as four Skeletons were 'decorated' with multiple children from head to toe like Christmas trees, marching towards the camp.

[It's good to see the children enjoying themselves. Their youthful innocence and naivety have a way of relaxing the mind, no matter the problems one is facing in life...](Al)


[With the main issue handled, when do you plan to head out for the hunt? Don't get me wrong! I don't want to pressure you...](Al)

"You just want some answers since you also need to get the rest of the villagers out of your hair. I've seen the encouraging looks they give you. It seems like they respect you quite a bit, old man."

[Hehe... more or less.](Al)

"I can leave any moment now. What about your more seasoned hunters?"

[Huh? What about them?](Al)

"Well... are they ready?"

[Sorry, Wanderer, but I don't follow. Ready for what?](Al)

"To guide me, of course."

[They're coming with you!?](Al)

"What!? Of course, they are! I wouldn't know where to start looking for the wolves, and I have zero knowledge regarding tracking animals or humans. You don't think I'll walk through the mountains and woods until I happen to come across them, do you?"

[Well... no. That does make sense... Let me talk with Orlo and Bonny. They are our best and know these mountains like the back of their hands. They can also hold their own against the beasts if needed.](Al)

Watching the old man walk in the distance and talk with two lanky middle-aged men, Michael realized the difference between a game and reality. The quest mechanics wouldn't allow much room to negotiate in the game, but it's all a matter of circumstances and logic in the real world.

For example, while he had four Skeletons that could hack at whatever he ordered them to - plus his scythe and buckler - there was no way he could even hunt rabbits, much less wolves, given his lack of experience in this field. Therefore, gaining the help of a professional would put the four muscles to better use... well, bones rather than muscles, but you get the idea.

About an hour later, Michael and the two hunters left the village gates again, each dragging a sled behind them. It was more accurate to say an amalgamation of wooden planks being dragged on the ground by ropes attached to their waists, but yeah...

According to the two hunters, they would use it to transport prey back to the village with less effort. This made a lot of sense to him since using one's back doesn't provide much space, while getting blood and gore on you in a world without showers available also sounded like a deplorable idea.

They also advised against bringing the horse along since walking in the forest was tiring and dangerous to the animal, as it wasn't the terrain it was used to trod upon — something about tripping on roots and stuff that could break the poor horses' legs.

Orlo and Bonny eagerly imparted their knowledge along the way, and Michael picked up quite a bit of information from the duo. Not a lot of it was helpful, but it was sufficient to form a general idea of the common sense in these parts of the Sanctuary.

Two hours into their trek, the hunters stopped using their voices and communicated more through hand signs. They were broad and general enough for Michael to understand their overall meaning.

They gave him a heads-up before, making him understand that they were already in the wolves' territory, as marked by the fur on the tree's bark and the slight yellow patches of snow. So, more caution was needed to avoid drawing them over, even if finding them was our goal.

Something about hunting them on our terms instead of becoming the hunted.

As the three moved further inside the woods, Michael kept messing with his game interface, still amazed at the option to temporarily 'store' the Skeletons in a different dimension. The gate to the realm he summoned them from will be opened for 24 hours from when the skill was activated, so during this time, they can move between at will.

'With the Skeletons gone but able to be summoned back at a moment's notice, I am much safer. Also, as you often see in the movies, I don't have to worry about them walking around snapping branches to alert the animals. Hmm? Nice, nice! It looks like the system is finally done with overhauling the 'Character' interface. Show daddy what goodies you have for him!'

He was instantly amazed to see a live avatar of himself, including everything he was currently wearing, from clothes to weapons. The other five slots available for equipment were also shown as empty, surrounding the avatar in the middle.

Right under that, four inventory spaces appeared, each sporting a different name.

The first was 'Equipment,' making Michael think he could store most crap he gained as loot here. It was three rows of 11 slots each, allowing a total of 33 separate items to be stored, except for stackable stuff, of course.

The second one was 'Consumables,' reminding him of potions, food, and other similar stuff, though it was currently empty. That also meant that his pouch with the HP potions was separate from this particular inventory, making it quite curious. Its total space was the same as the Equipment page, making it a 3 x 11, with 33 slots.

The third one was called 'Quest,' it made him think that he could - most likely - store quest items in here, maybe even irrelevant of their actual dimensions, making life much easier when he has to bring the head of a freaking giant back or something. Its space was less compared to only a 2 x 11 configuration, giving him 22 slots.

Finally, there was the 'Aspects' page, which he had no clue what they represented. It's the same 2 x 11 configuration, though.

'Eh!? No shot! I have money?'

On the bottom left corner of the interface stood a 'Gold' tab, yet it was empty, much to Michael's disappointment.

Old man Al already explained the currency system in the Sanctuary, and it was based on the copper - silver - gold - platinum norm.

'What did he say? 100 copper for a single silver coin, 100 silver for one gold coin, and 1000 gold for a single platinum coin. It does make sense, as metals are generally pretty heavy, and if you carry thousands of coins everywhere you go, the weight itself will ruin your back and take much of your luggage. Plus, the old man didn't give any hints about the existence of a system among the natives of this world. Therefore, I'm not sure an inventory or space bags exist here.'

He had to admit that not having even one copper coin on him made him feel poor. Even the children had 5 to 10 copper coins as pocket money from their parents, though there was nowhere to spend the money until a merchant traveled to this camp.

A sudden gesture from Bonny drew the other two's attention, prompting Orlo to join the inspection of some blood splatters. Not only that, but the snow also seemed to have been displaced in the small clearing, showing clear signs of a struggle.

[A small pack. Maybe 8 to 13 from the set of paws on the snow, though there might be more, and the scuffle hid the others' tracks. It's a young pack, so it probably has an older alpha that didn't participate in the hunt.](Bonny)

"How can you tell? I can understand the sets of paw-prints on the snow, but how did you conclude their age?"

[Wanderer, in the wilderness, especially during winter, all animals try their best to conserve their little energy reserves. Judging by the blood splatters, only a tiny deer was probably hunted, yet at least ten wolves attacked it quite ferociously, which makes no sense.](Orlo)

[Indeed. The wolves usually corner and surround the prey, and maybe only a couple of them go in for the kill. This sort of frenzied attack doesn't usually happen with experienced packs, meaning that it's undoubtedly a young one filled with vigor instead. But it's strange...](Bonny)

[That's true... It's weird.](Orlo)

"What is?"

[There's too little blood for that sort of fierce attack. Also, wolves mostly eat their 'meals' on the spot, yet they seemed to have carried their kill away this time.](Orlo)

[Do you think they carried it to their caves? It will make sense if they have freshly born cubs.](Bonny)

[But it's not the season for newborns yet... This doesn't make any sense.](Orlo)

[Wouldn't we know if we'll follow their tracks? After all, that's where our goal lies.](Bonny)

[I guess...](Orlo)

Hearing them talk like two clueless extras walking to their deaths, Michael shuddered and considered possible scenarios. There were only two that made more sense than others.

First, they dragged food back to their camp for whatever reason, which wasn't entirely unheard of. After all, they still had the rest of the pack to care for, including old and young.

Second, as strange as it might sound, the wolves were baiting them into following the tracks.

'The chances of the second scenario happening are slim, but it is a different world. Wolves are brilliant even back on Earth. Hell knows what they are capable of in the Sanctuary...'

Finally, after contemplating for a couple of minutes, he raised his head and looked at the two hunters waiting for his decision. Sighing at the lack of information, he was ready to jump in even if this was a trap, as he felt confident enough.

Plus, he needed to complete this quest and see what it unlocks. Only that way he can ensure his survival further.

'Ironic that I need to put myself in danger just to be able to survive.'

"How smart are wolves in general around these parts?"

[How smart? Well... as much as most animals, I guess?](Orlo)

[Don't overthink it, Wanderer. The tracks look pretty strange, but there's no reason for someone to fabricate them just to draw us over. As for the wolves doing that... I don't even think they are capable of such feats.](Bonny)

Nodding and giving the green to go, the trio moved further, but with weapons drawn upon Michael's insistence. At this point, and especially after hearing the two seasoned hunters' explanation, he was sure of it: it was a trap 100%.

Maybe he was paranoid, but his instincts told him this was fishy. Not feeling safe enough, he resummoned the Skeletons and rearranged the formation used to move through the forest.

As much as he didn't want to play hero, he had a shield, so he stood before the duo. Orlo had a spear, so he took the left flank, and Bonny had a bow, so he stood on the right side. The Skeletons boxed them in, each taking a cardinal position around the group.

[Say, Wanderer, aren't you overreacting a bit? Also, if we move like this, we'll draw attention to ourselves. These summons of yours aren't the quietest of the lot.](Orlo)

"I understand, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Plus, based on the sense of smell these animals possess, they should've noticed us if we were in their territory, as you claimed. I don't know much about tracking, but we're moving forward with the wind blowing from behind us. That means our scent is carried forward, alerting whatever is ahead."

Seeing the two shrug with a smile didn't do much to relieve the mental pressure on Michael's shoulders; instead, it increased it. This looked more and more like overconfident extras walking to their deaths.

The trek continued for another half an hour to an hour, though he couldn't be sure due to the lack of a good watch. It did seem like he might've overthought things... again...

[Look, in front! It's the deer the wolves hunted.](Orla)

[Damn! We're lucky! Maybe the Wanderer is right. They sensed our scent and knew we were tracking them, so they abandoned their kill and ran.](Bonny)

Seeing the two excitingly walking toward the freshly killed deer, nervousness drowned the suspicious Michael.

This didn't feel right. Not one bit!

Just moments later, alarm bells were ringing inside his head, similar to the situation with Lilith's attack in the sacrificial chamber.

[Wanderer, we're in luck...](Bonny)



The Skeletons boxed them in further, reducing the space between them. Seeing his actions, the two hunters returned to their feet and quickly ran to join their previously assigned positions.

Michael was thankful they weren't stupid enough to laugh at him until something killed them to prove his point.

But even then, the situation wasn't looking good at all.

The trio watched with trepidation as the small clearing they were in was flooded by wolves from all sides. Their numbers quickly went over the initial estimates of the hunters, sending shivers down the spines of the humans.

A low growl filled with bloodlust shook the nearby trees, as they saw the wolves behind them part, making way for another.

At least 50% bulkier and taller than the minions in his, the alpha looked sneeringly at the trio.