Chapter 14. Sparing

[Where are your weapons?](Martel)

"I left mine in the room since I had to cook..."

[Rule no.1 of Sanctuary: you ALWAYS have at least two sets of weapons on you! When you take a shit, there's a weapon at your feet and one in your inventory. When you sleep, there's a weapon next to your bed and one in your inventory. When you travel, there's always a weapon in your hand and one in your inventory. Do you see a pattern here?](Martel)

"*Sigh* Yeah. Leaving aside having a spare weapon, I've been too lax, it seems. I have a magical space to store my scythe and shield, but I treated them as baggage and left them in my room this morning after waking up."

[Look, brat. I understand you're relatively new at this, and I don't want to come across as a major asshole by saying this, but you need to learn these things fast. Most of us understood this first rule the hard way after losing limbs, loved ones, or their lives. Don't think you are danger-free just because you're inside a settlement.

Do you know what the most dangerous type of enemy is?](Martel)

"An enemy stronger than you are?"

[Not really, since you can at least try to run. The most dangerous type of enemies are the humanoid ones. Between demons, beasts, and humans, the ones that look like humans but are not, are the worst threats you will ever face. Do you know why?](Martel)

He pondered for a moment. Humanoid demons and beasts should be stronger because of their higher intelligence. Also, an adventurer might make the mistake of trying to reason with them when seeing that, even though they are enemies.

It all comes back to the fact that they look human.

"Because they look human?"

[Exactly. This is a shitty world we live in, where almost every creature out there wants to see what you look inside out. Beasts do it out of instinct, for food, or just because you entered their territory. The demons do it because they are here to fuck you up. I would say still that the worst among the lot are the humans.

You never genuinely know their motive, so you must always expect the worst from them. I would love to tell you otherwise, but it's the truth. Over half of the deaths in the wilderness are due to Wanderers fighting one another for treasure, falling into traps created by ordinary people greedy for their equipment, or being backstabbed by long-time friends for Quests.

Remember this well, brat! If there is someone you can genuinely trust out there in the wilderness, it is your weapon! Not yourself, your companions, the Sanctuary, and certainly not the High Heavens. Only the weapon in your hands can guarantee that you live another day or at least die on your terms.](Martel)

Michael shuddered and processed the Rogue's words as he was sent to bring his weapon.

He thought he understood this new world's danger well enough, but it seems he subconsciously treated it like a game. So, he dropped his guard immediately after entering the camp.

After all, camps are safe areas in the game. That doesn't mean he can't die inside a camp, though. Who's to say that a demonized villager seduced by the dark side won't put poison in his food and drink?

Or who's to say that the same Fallen wouldn't sneak inside the cave and kill him and the old man in the middle of the night? Also, even the old man could become a Fallen.

It does look like he only thought he knew the dangers of this world but still treated it like he would the old Earth.

His face lost quite a bit of color upon returning to the open court of the inn, making the Rogue nod with appreciation.

[Good. That's a good look on your face. Question everything and use your head more. Don't just blindly assume that people are good and end up dead in your sleep.

It's a shitty way to live initially, but you will learn to differentiate between actual humans and scum after gaining some field experience. Here! A gift for your first passed test.](Martel)

Michael caught a small pouch thrown by the Rogue. He opened it curiously and found about ten small vials inside.

He thanked the man for the gift and used the system to inspect them.

[ Weak Antidote Potion (1 vial)

Combats most poisons under Level 10. ]

He grimaced at the description, remembering how often he ate and drank with the villagers this past month and a half. How many times could they have killed him if they wanted to harm him?

[Don't be too harsh on yourself, brat! We've all been there, and most of us had someone to teach us this lesson—either the way I'm doing now or in a harsher manner.

Now, enough about that. Just make sure you drink an antidote before eating or drinking with unknown people. It does take about ten minutes for it to work if the poison is strong, but this is the strongest one I can give you based on your level.

People in Nevesk should not have access to higher level poisons since they are around Level 5 to 7.](Martel)

Michael nodded to show his understanding but made a mental note of the flag the Rogue had just raised.

[Come. Attack me! I need to see your skills before deciding how to train you. We only have one day, after all.](Martel)

Taking a deep breath, he focused on his scythe and looked at the Rogue. Moving fast towards the man, he slashed with his scythe, aiming at his mid-section.

A knife deflected the blow, and a knuckle sandwich followed.

[What the hell was that, you dumbass? You use a Scythe, but you use it as a club!? You understand that the point of having bladed weapons is using their BLADES, right?](Martel)

Rubbing his head where the Rogue's punch hit him, Michael looked at the man in confusion.

He was expecting to have used the scythe inaccurately, but to claim that he was misusing it entirely might've been an exaggeration.

[Not convinced, I see. Tell me, brat. What's your expected result when you attack like that with your scythe?](Martel)

"To cut through the enemy."

[Cut through your stupidity, but it seems improbable due to its large size. You have a trash weapon that can barely inflict cut wounds on enemies higher than you by one or two levels, and you're expecting to cut through them!?](Martel)

"Huh!? I can't?"

[This dumb brat... Didn't you fight wolves in the forest? Were you ever able to cut them in half with your shitty scythe? That's how you killed them?](Martel)

"N...Not really... Most of the time, it was the point of the blade puncturing their vital spots."

[At least you're not a completely lost cause. That's right. Unless you have a Legendary Scythe, stop thinking of cutting things in half. Not to mention that you have a one-handed scythe. You don't aim to dismember with it, but rather, to cause wounds and drag the fight. If you get lucky, you attack the neck or the gaps in your enemy's armor.

That should be your goal. You are not a Warrior or a Barbarian. You are a Necromancer. You are supposed to create your fighting style around your spells and minions. What spells can you use if you hack like a madman with your weapon?](Martel)

Michael agreed with the appraisal and embarrassingly saw the other two watching the exchange while eating pumpkin seeds.

Complaining at the lack of entertainment in this world, he looked expectantly at the Rogue.

[Don't look at me so intently! It gives me goosebumps. There's not much for you to learn if we were to spar. I initially wanted to provide you with some experience fighting other humans, but you lack the foundations.

You're lucky I still carry this garbage around...](Martel)

The Rogue pulled out nine dummies and arranged them in a formation of sorts. Michael noticed that each had different weapons, though they were wood-made.

Probably noticing him looking at the weapons, Martel smirked and shoved him inside the formation.

[If you think you'll be fine because it is just wood, you better prepare yourself for the beating of your lifetime.

These dummies hit pretty hard.](Martel)

"So, what do I need to do? Just get pummeled?"

[What pummeled, you dumbass? Block, evade, attack! That's your goal. Block the attacks you can, dodge the ones you can't, and strike back when the situation permits. See that jewel on their forehead? It's white now but will turn black when you damage the dummies enough to 'kill' them. Get on with it!](Martel)

"Can I summon my Skeletons?"

[What would even be the point of this training session, then!? You must learn to handle yourself if the enemy avoids your summons and aims straight for your life.

Not every enemy out there is mentally unsound. If they see that dealing with your minions is a pain in the ass, they will bypass them and attack you directly.](Martel)

Scythe in his right hand, shield in the left, he eyed the dummies worriedly. The formation made out of the nine puppets had about three meters of space in the middle, just enough to give the trainee some breathing room.

He eyed the dummies for a few minutes, but they didn't move. When he was starting to wonder if the Rogue broke them inside his inventory somehow, an arrow hit his back heavily, taking the air out of his lungs.

Trying his hardest to get some air in, he heard the sardonic laugh of the Rogue in the distance.

[Forgot to mention: if you don't attack, they will.](Martel)

Cursing at the shameless Rogue in his mind, Michael was about to get up to his feet when his danger senses alerted him. Throughout the whole mess with the wolves, he learned to trust his gut more than his judgment.

So, he rolled on the ground just in time as a wooden spear hit the location he was previously at.

Barely managing to get up to one knee, he watched with increasing dread as a wooden axe approached his head.

Sweating hard and imagining the scene of his head being bashed in by a training dummy, Michael used the shield to block the incoming strike. Unfortunately for him, a second arrow found its target in his abdomen, almost making him puke this morning's hard work.

[What do you think, Martel?](Hoduin)

[A newbie, for sure. He doesn't know shit. Like, nothing at all! Even the way he is holding his weapon is wrong. I honestly don't know where to start teaching him. After all, I haven't done this before...](Martel)

[Mhm... what about you, Aylin?](Hoduin)

[He is wholly unprepared to fight an enemy capable of using spells. Usually, a mele fighter of the same level is a mage's worst enemy before we get some invulnerability spells.

However, from the looks of it, a Level 1 Sorcerer would kill him in minutes. I've seen ordinary people fighting better than that.](Aylin)

[Haha! That's true. But, where the two of you see a lack of skill and experience, I notice a blank canvas ready to be painted on. His spatial awareness is not bad, and his hand-to-foot coordination can be improved further with Martel's 'training dummies.'

That will allow him to take on hits from spells if needed in the future, with minimum damage. All he lacks is fighting experience.](Hoduin)

The Druid looked strangely at the Rogue, but the latter avoided his gaze. Aylin didn't notice the exchange as she watched with amusement how the newbie was being tortured.

[Well, he can gain plenty of that with the training formation. I will give him some Weak Healing Potions since I have a surplus, but I will charge him gold coins. We can't keep giving him free stuff, or he will get used to it.](Aylin)



[Though, speaking of the dummies, where did you find them, Martel? I seem to have read about a similar training formation in the past...](Aylin)

[*Sigh* It's probably what you're thinking of. I found it in a Rogue Encampment.](Martel)


The loud shout distracted Michael for the briefest of moments, which unfortunately proved just enough for the wooden sword to hit his right wrist and a mace to clobber the back of his head.

He passed out instantly.

[*Sigh* Look what you did. He was doing surprisingly well.](Hoduin)

His hands touched the ground, and the grass in the yard started moving like waves in an ocean, carrying the unconscious Michael out of the training formation.

Then, he cast a spell on him, healing his superficial wounds.

[Rejuvenation? I'm surprised you actually spent skill points on it.](Martel)

[Don't change the subject! You went into those damned ruins!? Why didn't you say anything? You know how much I wanted to explore them!](Aylin)

[*Sigh* I went when you were clearing the Hawezar Dungeon with the Paladins. I was bored. Plus, you're lucky I didn't bring you along. There were so many traps in there that I almost lost my life about seven different times.](Martel)

[What about the books? Did you find any?](Aylin)

[Nothing. You know I'm just as interested in their disappearance as you are, girl. I hid the entrance; after we've finished our current Quest, we can go check the place out. Maybe there is something hidden by magic that I missed. After all... I didn't even make it halfway through before getting the hell out of there.](Martel)

[Mhm! With people like Akara who resided in these encampments, I wouldn't be too surprised if certain locations were hidden by magic. This is the first proper clue we have found in centuries! The Horadrim will lose their minds if we find the truth before them! Hoduin? Will you join?](Aylin)

[I wouldn't mind. Long lost history... it does sound like quite the adventure. However, about our Quest...](Hoduin)

[We could delay it with a couple of days to train this brat, right?](Martel)

[*Sigh* Looks like you didn't check the updates in your Quest interface.](Hoduin)

[Huh? Let me see... What the hell!? Why did we suddenly get a timer? What's this bullshit!?](Aylin)

[This... Hoduin? Is it...](Martel)

[Sanctuary intervention. It seems like we can only stay here for the planned number of days. Any more, and the Sanctuary might punish us. Interesting, don't you think? The Sanctuary doesn't want us to mess with the training plan it prepared for this young Necromancer.](Hoduin)

[Fuck! A Main Quest!? And Preferential Treatment!? Are you fucking kidding me? That kid is a Level 1! He will die!](Martel)

[*Sigh* We all have our fates, friend. Though, something tells me he won't fall easily. All we can do is pour as much knowledge that we can and are allowed to in these two days...](Hoduin)

[Ugh... I suddenly feel bad for him...](Aylin)