Chapter. 16 Departure

Watching the caravan move further from the camp, Michael was a bit bummed to see them go. Not only were they a constant source of information, but they were pretty fun to be around as well.

He could tell from his interactions with them that they all had their stories, just like Aylin did, but that didn't detract from their kindness.

There was no doubt on his mind that these two days' worth of information saved his ass. If he were to run into the wilderness and count on his Skeletons for protection, he wouldn't make it even halfway through Nevesk before bandits, or Heaven knows what else would've killed him.

"Not to mention the strange vibes the trio got from that city..."

[Hmm? What did you say, Wanderer?](Al)

"*Sigh* Nothing. Still, I'm glad your son is less difficult to convince. He left ten guards here and even decided to run a testing ground for easier recipes in this camp. A good mind for business indeed."

[Mhm. He said we could test the simpler dishes on the merchants and Wanderers passing through and gauge their responses. Not only that, but he is planning to convince Master Hoduin to open up a 'restaurant' in Kyovashad. He's planning to expand his business.](Al)

Laughing and shaking his head, Michael looked towards the caravan in the distance, feeling even more grateful. Not only did they teach him vital information, but they also set the foundations needed to ensure his survival in the upcoming Quest.

[ Attack Power: 133

Armor: 163

Life: 40


Strength: 12

Intelligence: 13

Willpower: 14

Dexterity: 17 ]

He still wore the same clothes/equipment crafted by Martel, but his attributes increased by 3 points each. Not only that, but his Attack Power also gained a stupid boost of 100.

Only now did he understand that everything he gained from the trio wasn't as cheap or commonly found everywhere as he initially believed.


Riding on the horse that carried her around the entire continent, Aylin couldn't help but look back toward the camp.

[Missing the brat already?](Martel)

[*Sigh* Just worried. Nevesk was strange, and the Sanctuary handed him a Main Quest based on it. That coupled with what he told us about Lilith and her summoning to this world...](Aylin)

[You think that the two are related.](Hoduin)

[Mhm. Am I overthinking it?](Aylin)

[No. You are probably correct.](Hoduin)


[We all have our paths to walk. Plus, the Sanctuary itself is guiding him on this path. There's only so much we can do.](Hoduin)

[Is that why you gave him a Heart of the Forest? You downplayed it ridiculously, but whoever eats it before Level 10 not only gains three points to each main attribute but will also gain two points per attribute each time they level up, instead of just one.](Martel)

[What!? That was an actual pill and not a replica!?](Aylin)

[Mhm. It was a treasure I found in a fallen Druid Dungeon. It was the last one I saved up in case I decided to have children or find a suitable apprentice to teach.](Hoduin)

[Heh! Quite the big bet you've made. If he dies before becoming strong enough to pay us back, your investment will go to shit.](Martel)

[Like you're the one to talk. How is the formation doing? Should be in pieces by now, right?](Hoduin)

[What!? Why!?](Aylin)

[It's a curious gimmick created by the Rogue Encampment. While it does help indeed with gaining fighting experience, it has a unique purpose, doesn't it, Martel?](Hoduin)

[*Tch* So you knew.](Martel)

[Hahaha! It seems like I'm not the only one that likes gambling. If we compare the two 'gifts' each of us offered, I'm not confident mine is better than yours. After all, mine offers only pure attributes, but yours taught him how to utilize them fully.](Hoduin)

[Ugh... no wonder you gifted him the Heart of the Forest. They have a good synergy together. Mhm. It seems like we'll be able to retire peacefully in the future.](Martel)

[What are you two talking about!? I understand the treasure Hoduin gave Michael, but what was unique about the formation? I couldn't see anything strange.](Aylin)

[Just like the man said, it taught the brat how to use his attributes. You know how big of a difference is between having 50 points in Strength and actually being able to use those 50 points. Full attribute utilization.](Martel)

[What!? I didn't learn to do that until I reached Level 50 and opened the Paragon Board!? Did you give that to a newbie Wanderer? Are you insane!?](Aylin)

[Well, it is a bet, after all. Small stakes are not fun to play with.](Martel)

[Indeed, they are not.](Hoduin)

Seeing the two men laughing uproariously, she couldn't help but curse at these two for not tipping her in about the two treasures. They were useless to her, but she could have also given that guy a better gift.

Now, she looks like the petty one in the group! These two annoying geezers!

[No food for you for the next week!](Aylin)

[What!? Why!?](Hoduin)

[No! I want to eat the spicy fish! I even prepared the drinks for it!](Martel)

[Hmpf! Serves you right for keeping things from me.](Aylin)

Under the confused gazes of the remaining guards and a bitterly smiling Rolo, the Rogue and the Druid did their best to appease the young Sorceress.

Who would've thought that food recipes brought by an otherworlder would create such a big ripple, to the point of affecting the Sanctuary in the near future...


Back in the camp, Michael was making his final preparations. He wasn't in too much of a rush, but the trio mentioned that Quests handed personally by the Sanctuary were unique in a bad way.

The longer you postpone completing it, the harder it will get. In extreme cases, it would fail due to circumstances surrounding the location of the Quest.

So, he planned to leave tomorrow.

[I haven't seen you swing that around before.](Al)

"Mhm. It's a gift from Aylin."

[Good lass, that one. Caring too. She knows how to cook as well. She would make for a good wife.](Al)

"Hahaha! Would you dare say that to her face, though?"

[Hmpf! I lived enough as it is. Why wouldn't I dare?](Al)

"So you do admit to getting blasted into High Heavens after saying it, yet you want to push me past this point of no return? Old man, I trusted you!"

In the middle of bantering with the old man, Michael opened the page with the information on his new weapon.

[ Sharp Scythe

Two hands: Scythe

Item Power: 55


62 Damage per Second

*(44-86) Damage per Hit

* 1 Attack per Second (Slow Weapon)

+1.5 Life On Kill ]

While the weapon was slower, and he couldn't use it with a shield, the damage more than made up for it.

Aylin told him that his current one was better used for cutting grass than attacking stronger enemies, much less those significantly stronger or bigger than himself.

"Old man, I'll be leaving tonight."

[Mhm. I figured.](Al)

"Thank you for not telling the others. Especially the children."

[*Sigh* They will kick quite the fuss when they realize you're gone tomorrow. They grew fond of you.](Al)

"And I of them. But some things can't be postponed."

[I understand. I prepared your horse and a bag filled with fodder for it. As for food, I'm sure you already took care of that.](Al)


[I checked with Rolo, and he said that you Wanderers could store the fodder for the horse, so it will make your journey much lighter. Did you map out your travel route?](Al)

"Yes. After leaving here, I'll..."

[Don't tell me! *Sigh* Child, some things are better left unsaid.](Al)

"...I understand."

[Pass by when you have the time. We'll always have a room for you.](Al)

"I promise."

Watching yet another back heading in the distance, Michael sighed and continued to move his new scythe around.

It was stronger indeed, but it was also bigger than his one-handed one. He needed to quickly get accustomed to wielding it.

He had to switch fluidly between this and the smaller one with the shield at a moment's notice.

"Different scenarios require different strategies. Fortunately, I also have my Skeletons, and with testing this past month and a half, I know I can have them move up to 50 meters away from me without any problems. Any further, the connection with them turns sluggish, while after 100 meters, I lose control of them."

Luckily for him, after the connection 'drops' when over 100 meters apart, the Skeletons stay put in 'power saving mode' until he re-enters the 50-meter area.

As for his Bone Splinters, he learned how to properly control them from Aylin, while Martel taught him how to lob them at the enemy in the sneakiest possible ways that would ensure maximum damage.

Hoduin also helped him immensely, not only through the pill that gave him an extra 3 points per attribute but through the knowledge imparted about how Quests usually work and what he should keep in mind when traveling.

Especially with demonic sightings, he taught Michael what to look for in the surrounding nature that could indicate signs of such demons nearby.

Remembering the little fuckers that almost drowned the party in his vision of Lilith, he couldn't help but shudder. Seeing how even the Druid was gearing him up to fight demons, he was now 100% sure he would have at least a few run-ins with them.

The day continued with him training his dexterity using the scythe as Martel indicated, but stopped in the early afternoon.

He went to sleep and practiced the form of light sleep the Rogue talked about, but was only partially successful.

"*Yawn* At least I'm rested sufficiently since I need to travel throughout the night..."

Looking at the long-darkened sky and the bright moon shining down, he stretched and got out of the somewhat comfortable bed.

It was one of the things he would miss during his supposed four-day travel to Nevesk. Sensing the stench of sweat from under his clothes, he sighed and used another Cleaning Marble, dropping his stash to only 16 left.

The entire camp was silent, except for Orla, standing guard at the gates. Ever since Michael used his Skeletons to patrol the outer perimeter of the walls, the people of the village got a much-needed break from the routine night shift.

He waved at Orla and went to the stables to bring out his mare. She was a beautiful creature and intelligent as well.

She greeted him with a snort and pushed onto his chest with her head. Patting her chestnut-coated back, he arranged the saddle and tightened it around her belly.

"Are you ready to travel, girl?"

He got another snort in response, making him laugh. Grabbing the reins, he led her out of the stables and towards the gate where Orla was patiently waiting.

[I figured you might be leaving soon. Make sure to take care of yourself out there.](Orla)

"You too. Say goodbye to Bonny on my behalf, and sorry that I had to leave like this."

[Do it yourself in person when you visit next time.](Orla)

Seeing the nonchalant manner in which the man shrugged off the request, Michael almost burst into laughter.

"I will. Who knows, it might be faster than we think."

[Mhm! Be careful, and don't trust anyone out there.](Orla)

Nodding, Michael mounted his mare and left through the opened gates. Orla will have to work overtime to guard the perimeter of the entire village without his Skeletons, but he should be fine after some rest.

Letting the excited horse gallop, he mapped out the route he wanted to take using the respective function and made his way toward the large expanse of fields in the distance.

Winter was still going strong, so everything was covered in snow. Fortunately, the way to Nevesk had already been trodden recently by Rolo's caravan, which was also one of the main reasons Michael decided to leave so early.

With snow falling gently around and only the sound of the wind accompanying him and his horse, the scenery of endless valleys and mountains in the distance appeared desolate.

The first two days passed quickly, with fields turning into forests and forests changing into mountains. He could find shelter easily at night using empty caves in the mountain wall dug by travelers. Since it was cold, he used a blanket to cover the animal and another for himself.

Every now and then, the sound of silence was disturbed by the ominous croaking of crows, making Michael want to use them as target practice for his Bone Splinter skill.

Day turned into night, and a strange thing occurred during his third day traveling.

The wind was strong, and he had to climb a mountain trail. He couldn't do so on horseback, so he had to walk while dragging the mare by the reins to move forward with his left while his right held a torch.

Fortunately, there were few animals in this area, and even fewer during a snowstorm, allowing him to use the torch to light the way, albeit dimly.

"Hmm? A statue?"

What appeared to be the statue of a hooded pilgrim stood on the left side of the road, silently guarding the path. Half of its face was normal, but the winds eroded the other half into a terrifying mess.

Initially, he didn't notice anything odd, but once he passed it, whispering could be heard, overpowering even the howling winds.

Michael was slightly unnerved, but the horse was frightened and began pulling at the reins frenziedly. Seconds later, she was running ahead of him.

"And, of course, the whispering stops now. Fucking bullshit! *Sigh* I should be only half a day's distance from Nevesk, though. Maybe I can catch up with that silly horse before that."

The sound of familiar shrieks and roars followed, so he instantly equipped his one-handed scythe and the buckler. Carefully threading in the horse's tracks, he made his way forward.

He was definitely not a stupid protagonist in a horror movie, but unfortunately, that was the direction his horse ran into, as well as the trail he was supposed to follow to his destination.

He moved forward with the torch still in hand, eventually coming across an ominous patch of red snow.

"Fucking pieces of shit! Fuck! *Sigh* You silly thing..."

On the ground, about ten meters from him, barely illuminated by the torch dimming in the wind, was the still-warm corpse of the mare.