Chapter 23. A Hero's Reward

Stopping before the gates of Nevesk, Michael looked in his inventory with uncertainty. Sighing, he followed through with his actions and continued walking toward the inn.

"Better safe than sorry..."

[ Quest Complete - Darkness Within

Reward 1: 1,505 experience points

Reward 2: 300 gold coins. ]

[ New Quest issued - A Hero's Reward

Description: Return to Nevesk. ]

Walking through the still-empty village, Michael couldn't help but notice things he didn't before. For example, the fact that most houses' doors had signs of their handles being broken.

Or the traces of blood, showing that people had been dragged out of their homes.

Swallowing loudly, Michael stopped and wanted to investigate further, but the Sanctuary wouldn't allow it.

[ Quest update: A Hero's Return

Description: Speak with Vani. ]

He grimaced at the prospect, but there wasn't much he could do about it. Some things must be seen through until the end.

There was also the possibility of his hunch being wrong, but... he knew it was more his hope than anything else.

Steadying his mind, he entered the inn. Everyone inside looked at him as if he was a ghost.

[You've returned!?](Vani)

Judging from her unbelieving tone, Michael realized that none of these people expected him to come back alive. And it's understandable, given how damn strong that X'Fal was.

He sighed and nodded.

"The old ruins are clear. Your town should be safe now."

[Truly...? Ha! By the Light, you are Heaven sent!](Vani)

The joy on her face didn't seem fake, making Michael sigh in relief. When he noticed her embarrassed expression while looking at the others in the chamber, he realized the problem.

[Oh, I'm sorry, we... haven't any coin to offer. But we have hot stew, good company, and -](Vani)

Watching her gesture to Tovri, the man immediately prepared a glass of ale and a bowl of stew. He was pretty hungry, so it was a welcomed offer.

[Stay for a pint!](Stanis)

[To wash out the taste of the stew!](Elenta)

Seeing them laugh, Michael smiled as well. He felt much more relaxed now.

[We'd be honored if you'd join us.](Vani)

He agreed and sat down to enjoy the stew, though Elenta was right about ale needed to wash away the taste.

Everyone laughed at his expression, and Isbel even took out a violin. Her musical prowess impressed Michael thoroughly, and the ale kept flowing.

[To our savior!](Stanis)

Everyone was dancing, singing, and having a good time. It made him realize just how much under pressure these people were, with the demons skulking near their homes.

Feeling tired, he sat at the table and enjoyed his cup of ale while watching everyone make merry. Unsurprisingly, he was pretty dizzy after drinking five or six cups.

The images and sounds around him seemed to blur as he placed down the cup and massaged his nose bridge.

Moments later, he collapsed on the table, but while still conscious, he could hear the music suddenly stop. Shivers went down his spine as the laughing and dancing became complete silence.

He could sense Vani walking closer to him, checking on his situation. The doors to the inn also opened at the same time.

Nobody said anything, the silence creeping him out. Then, he could hear Oswen's grunts while pushing something forward. Whatever it was, it was in some mandatory need for vaseline, as it was squeaking badly.

A pair of thick arms reached around his waist, pulled him up from the chair, and threw him on wooden boards. Judging from how close Oswen's grunts were, this was a cart of sorts.

'It seems that they're taking me out of the inn. This is certainly not the route to one of the rooms upstairs.'

Feeling the cold air hitting his face, Michael sighed in his mind. He felt the cart stop as Oswen spat on the ground and re-adjusted himself. The man began humming a tune while hauling him Heaven knows where... obviously in a good mood.

Images flashed in his mind again, but he couldn't make much of it. Until a calm voice echoed a string of words...

[I saw my corpse, and from my mouth crawled Hatred. A father burned his children on a pyre, and a mother molded a new age from the ashes...](?)

The voice was soothing yet nauseating. Oswen's humming didn't help much, either. There was a feeling of sickness and a strange discomfort as the man's voice echoed in his mind.

It felt like he was sharing his body with someone else or living through someone else's memories... it was too strange for words to describe it.

[...I saw the weak made strong, a pack of lambs feasting on wolves. Tears of blood rained on a desert jewel, and the way to Hell was torn asunder.](?)

The discomforting voice seemed to pause and look his way. Michael couldn't see the man speaking but could feel his gaze.

Oswen also stopped temporarily, and Michael could hear the man's bones popping, making it evident that he was stretching. He kept humming, the situation growing weirder by the second.

[Then came a spear of light, piercing Hatred's heart. And he who was bound in chains... was set free.](?)

A helpless sigh followed, and Michael could sense the troubled emotions of the one speaking.

Oswen's grunts stopped his analysis as he could hear the man pushing open some doors again.

Judging from the lack of wind on his face, Michael knew he was inside a room now. However... the smell was disgusting. It was metallic and...

'Blood! It smells like blood and decomposing corpses here. What the fuck is going on?'

The blood density was so thick that he could feel it on his face. Oswen finally stopped the cart and seemed to search his clothes for something, judging from the rustle of fabric.

Then, Michael felt something on his face... he couldn't see it, but instinctively knew what it was. He once saw these things fall in the chamber where Lilith was summoned as if to welcome her. Petals!

[By Mother's blood, by Mother's body, so... uh, shall you witness her glory...](Oswen)

Oswen's disgusting fingers pried open his mouth, and it was stuffed full with petals. He tried spitting them out, but his body wouldn't listen. The body's automatic reactions kicked in and swallowed the damned things.

Images of Lilith appeared in his mind; a teasing smile adorned her lips. Her face was blurry, but Michael could tell she was saying something. A flash of disappointment marred her flawless visage but was quickly gone when she noticed he couldn't hear or understand her.

Shaking her head, he turned around and vanished.

[...before you die. Haha!](Oswen)

Brought back by the ominous declaration and the sordid laughter, Michael noticed he was gaining feeling back in his limbs.

'Martel's Antidote Potion finally kicked in, signifying that whatever these deranged fuckers used to put me to sleep with was of high level. According to the trio, higher level than what it should be possible to get in this part of the map. I don't think they are wrong, so this must mean foul play. Someone helped the villagers get it.'

The sound of a weapon being sharpened drew his attention back to Oswen as he forced the brain to regain control of his body. Luckily, he could already summon back the Skeletons, so he should be out of harm's way.

Until he noticed with stupefaction a bald and tattooed head making its way past him. Oswen seemed to have noticed the new person as well.

[Not ready yet! Huh!? Argh...](Oswen)

The sound of metal hitting flesh and a body falling to the ground broke the silence of the night. Oswen's body, most likely. Then, another hit followed, though this one produced a disgusting melon squashing sound, making the Necromancer captor's fate obvious.

The killer-cum-savior was panting and appeared in his view holding a bloodied mace. The instrument of Oswen's demise. Preparing to summon the Skeletons to deal with these nutcases, Michael stopped when hearing the man's following words.

[They're coming... the whole damned village!](?)

Finding the voice familiar, he watched with a raised eyebrow as this person kicked his resting place in despair.

'Wasn't this the crazed monk that bit Oswen's finger!?'

The mace made its way toward the cart, knocking it three times in a row. Poor monk... he was pretty distressed by this fucked up situation.

And understandably so...

[Get up! Get up! We have to fight our way out!](Monk)

[There! Take them!](Isbel)

Hearing the voice of the arms dealer in this village, Michael stood up and shook his arms to rid himself of the strange numbing feeling permeating the flesh.

The monk seemed to be happy to see him stand but frowned when the Skeletons joined the fray.

He expected some backlash since the Monk was a clergy member, but he looked toward the more critical enemy and spat on the ground. He took a deep breath and raised his mace high.

[May the Light preserve us!](Monk)

The hangar gates were opened, and Michael took in his surroundings for the first time. The horrifying display of mutilated bodies around him shook his mental state.

They were mostly humans, and the skin was peeled off their flesh, then either thrown on the floor or hung on billhooks from the ceiling.

There was only one person with their hands tied hanging nearby, but judging from the paleness of their face and the blood under their feet, there was no chance of it being alive.

Seeing the approaching enemies, Michael sighed at the view of Devmir, the 'Firekeeper,' Tovri, and Isbel.

He threw a ball of Blight at the incoming enemies and motioned for his summons to attack. Then, after a couple of Bone Splinters, three more bodies were on the ground.

"Ugh... this..."

Seeing actual drops on the ground, Michael almost threw up when finally hit with the realization: he killed humans, and loot fell. Taking a deep breath to stabilize his mind didn't help either, as the smell and taste of blood in the air made him heave.

Barely getting his shit together, he watched the Monk motion towards the door, to which he nodded. Outside, the remaining Vani and Stanis greeted them.

An arrow from Vanis almost hit his face, but Michael blocked it with his Buckler. It didn't take long for the monk to bash Stani's head in while Michael's minions made short work of Vani.

[You are blessed like us now...](Vani)

[Crazy heretics! That was all of them. Light willing!](Monk)

The monk ignored the dying babble of the crazed woman, but Michael looked at her creepy smile and couldn't help but shudder. What did these fuckers put in his drink!? Or was it the petals? Is it a ritual?

[ Quest update: A Hero's Reward

Description: Speak with Iosef. ]

Distracted by the sudden prompt, he turned his head towards his 'savior.'

'So, the name of the crazy Monk was Iosef.'

Seeing the man sit on the ground panting, Michael shook his head and looked at the corpses.

This night... was truly a cursed one.

"You're the madman from the shed."

[Madman? Those heretics drugged me after I returned from the ruins, just like you. I came to my wits and escaped. Tried to get inside the chapel, but it was locked and - ](Iosef)

Listening to the monk's explanation, his stomach churned, and he almost passed out because of the pain. Michael could feel the stew and ale come back up his throat as he started retching.

After a couple of minutes of dry heaving, the Necromancer forced his body to realize that there was nothing more inside to expel but was alarmed when seeing the ghastly look on the monk's face.

[What manner of evil is this!? Petals... of blood!?](Iosef)

"Urgh! They... They must've fed them to me when I was unconscious."

[A blasphemous ritual! How did they learn this?](Iosef)

Looking behind me at the tall building near the inn, the monk shook his head.

[Perhaps the answer lies in the chapel. They kept it locked up for some reason. The key might be on that woman who was leading them.](Iosef)

Pointing at Vani, the monk made no apparent effort to get up and search the corpse, obviously delegating this task to him.

Michael grimaced and walked towards the corpse, only to see Vani's mutilated face. One of the Skeletons hacked at her neck, but she pulled back, resulting in the sword cutting through her mouth and nose.

Barely holding back the urge to vomit again, he kept reminding himself that there was nothing left in his stomach as he patted down her body.

A key was found in one of her pockets.

[ Quest Complete - A Hero's Reward

Reward 1: 440 experience points

Reward 2: 240 gold coins. ]

[ New Quest issued - Prayers for Salvation

Description: Unlock the chapel door. ]

"*Sigh* Let's go visit the chapel. I found the key."

The monk nodded and pushed open the gates leading back to the inn.

It was time to find out exactly what the hell happened here to turn these people into absolute lunatics.