Chapter 35. Honesty goes a long way

[I initially thought this lad was confusing you with someone else, but it doesn't appear to be the case...](Raskya)

"Miss Raskya. Sorry, but we cut our roaming about the city short. We're both quite hungry."

[That's fine. I can have Allen whip up something for you quickly. Try to stay alive in the meantime, lad.](Raskya)


Seeing the hostess walk away while laughing loudly, Michael raised an eyebrow at the now-embarrassed Helen.

With the reddish glow on her cheeks, he realized that she was indeed in her mid-20s at best, if not younger. Yet, just like Aylin, she was amazingly accomplished and powerful.

Remembering what he had to go through to get to Level 6, knowing that this lady was at least Level 50 earned nothing but his respect. She must've culled hoards of enemies to get to this point.

[What are you looking at?](Helen)

"A pretty lady."

[Sweet tongue you got there.](Helen)

"Hehe. You might find out later if that's the case."

[Hmpf! Let's get a table.](Helen)

Seeing her walk away flustered, Michael paused for a moment. He assumed she had enough experience in these matters due to her maturity and how she carried herself through his more lascivious comments and allusions.

'Is it not the case? Ugh... I'm not looking for a first-timer or permanent girlfriend material. Even if she's over Level 50 and she can take care of me. Actually... it wouldn't be too bad to get a sugar mommy...'

Remembering his experiences with inexperienced women back on Earth, Michael winced. There was a reason for his '25 years old or higher' rule in dating back then.

[What are you thinking about? You seem pretty lost in thought.](Helen)

"Hmm? Oh... About what Ms. Raskya said. Everybody has been acting weird ever since they heard about you agreeing to take me out for a spin around the city. I get your 'infamy,' but it doesn't explain their reactions."

[Well... I have a terrible record with my previous relationships.](Helen)

"Oh? How bad?"

[They all ended quite poorly. Most of the time, the men got beat up, and there were two that I personally killed.](Helen)

"Holy shit! What did they do?"

The question took Helen aback. People usually blame her for being rash or ask her what she did wrong.

[Why did you assume that they did something wrong?](Helen)

"Eh? Well... you seem calm enough to take stupid jokes from someone you met hours ago. Not only that, but you agreed to go out on this date with a stranger, which shows that you are both open-minded and confident in your capability to protect yourself. I don't see a scenario where you wouldn't normally break up with the guy if you would've gotten bored with him or the relationship didn't work out. It's not like the guy could force you to stay together."

[I see. Go on.](Helen)

"Uhm... If I were to guess, I'd say that the previous 'boyfriends' made an attempt at your other sisters."

[Wow... That was right on the money! The ones that got just beaten up were the ones that only tried to get in bed with the other girls after getting in mine. As for the ones that died, they actually tried to force themselves on my sisters. Even if they spared them after their attempt, I didn't.](Helen)

"Understandable... Nobody would like to be betrayed in such a way. Also, I can't seem to understand where that greed comes from. You seem more than a handful by yourself, but those people actually tried to get more. To say that greed is the cardinal sin isn't wrong..."

Seeing him so understanding of her situation helped Michael score a high number of points in the beauty's book. Yes, he told her what she wanted to hear, but he wasn't lying.

'When you managed to score such a hottie, you also tried to rape her sisters!? The fuck kind of dumbass would do such a retarded thing? They say you won't die if you don't court death, which couldn't be truer.'

Thankfully, while he was horny due to his prolonged abstinence, he had his fair share of sexual interactions with the opposite sex. His brain was still functioning properly.

The one time he tried a threesome, he realized that it wasn't as fun and pleasant as he thought since he had to physically and mentally please two girls at the same time.

'It was more of a chore than anything else. After you outgrow the horny phase, sex doesn't become as important as compatibility on an emotional and intellectual level. Though, now that I'm in the Sanctuary, there's also the matter of physical prowess. With bodies improved through attributes and increased physical activity, would a Level 6 be capable of pleasing a Level 50+ in bed!?'

Just as he started sweating heavily at the sudden enlightenment, Helen decided to change the subject.

[Overall, there were five men I entered a relationship with, but only three managed to trick me into their beds. Two of them are dead.](Helen)

"Yes, yes. You're amazingly powerful... Still, only three physical relationships in your adult life seem fewer than I would expect from a beauty such as yourself."

[Well, it's hard to find someone decent when they can't even look me properly in the eye without their gaze moving on my breasts or ass during a conversation. That's IF they can hold a proper conversation.](Helen)

"Well... guilty as charged here as well, but in my defense, I'm trying my best."

Helen laughed at the joke, and Michael managed to fool himself into believing that those five 'sisters' shouldn't all be Wanderers at a higher level than her.

Also, keeping her age in mind, such a low body count was impressive, judging by her beauty level and Earth's standards.

"If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?"

[I'm 26. Why would I mind?](Helen)

"I've once heard that asking a woman about her age is not polite."

[I guess it might be so... I am not bothered by such trivialities. What about you? How old are you?](Helen)

Stumped for a moment, Michael remembered that his mental age was that of his body back on Earth which hit 30, while this body seemed to be around 20 in the best-case scenario.

Using some quick math, he decided to shoot for the middle ground.

"I'm 25."

[25? You seem younger.](Helen)

"What can I say? I have good genetics."


"Uhm... it's a term for bloodlines in my hometown. You can inherit different traits through them."

[Oh, I see. A strong bloodline might indeed make your body look younger. It does help that you're a Necromancer as well since it keeps your skin whiter than most other men.](Helen)

"Yes. I did notice that, too."

[What about yourself? Any stories you might want to share about your intimate life? I did my part.](Helen)

"Haha, that's true. I'm afraid that I have to disappoint you, though. My relationships tended to be on the more normal scale, with the exception of this one time I met a girl, went back to her place, and her ex-boyfriend decided to drop by for a visit. Ended up in a scuffle with the guy, but realized that it was the girl's fault at the end."

[Hahaha! Normal is better. I also would prefer my relationships to have been less complicated. What about the number?](Helen)

"As in the number of women I've been with? Eh..."

[Hmpf... judging by how used you are to throwing flowery words and compliments around, it can't be low. How many young ladies did you fool?](Helen)

"I honestly don't remember the exact number, but it's over thirty. Before you say anything, though, I was fairly young at that point and did lots of stupid things."

[Stupid things like what?](Helen)

"Like dating five girls at the same time. Again, in my defense, they knew about each other, and it was a very stupid idea since I almost ended up in the hospital due to exhaustion."


"A building specialized for healing injuries, but without the use of magic or potions."

[I see. Interesting concept. So, how did everything end? You say you were young and foolish, but it can't be long ago. What changed?](Helen)

"I grew up. I realized that while sex is interesting and fun, it's not important enough to spend most of my time hunting for different women. So, I started focusing on my studies and job instead. Though, unlike you, most of my relationships, if not all of them, were only physical in nature. I can't say I had a proper relationship based on feelings."

Seeing her ponder on his words, Michael thought back to those times. He worked in a company that sold phones and phone services, and it was considered an entry-level job.

Lots of young people would join to gain experience, and most of them were also inexperienced in matters of the heart and flesh. Coupled with the low retention rate, it made it the perfect place for meeting new people and hooking up.

[What are you looking for now if you claim to have become such an enlightened person?](Helen)

"Well... I did say that I outgrew that phase, but that doesn't mean I'm no longer interested in the opposite sex. What's beautiful is beautiful, and that can't change."

[Again, flowery words. What about me, then? What are your intentions with me?](Helen)

"Hmm... friends with benefits, most likely."

[Huh? Friends?](Helen)

"Oh... you shouldn't be familiar with this term. It means a relationship based on sex but where the partners are intimate to the level of friendship only. I've seen cases where that can grow into actual proper relationships, though I don't want to lie and say that I want that right now. After all, we don't know each other enough just yet."

[So... all those flowery words, just to get me in your bed?](Helen)



"Can't deny that. Also, you don't seem to mind the idea."

[That's true. You seem interesting, and I also have my needs. As for an actual serious relationship, I don't have the time to focus on that right now.](Helen)

Hearing the words he would expect out of a career woman, Michael laughed and continued to make small talk with her. It seems that their thoughts coincided on this matter.

It was also the reason why he advocated for honesty when interacting with a potential partner. It lowers their expectations to a more realistic level.

They were both planning to use the other to relieve their sexual frustrations, which was quite common in the world of adults.

Why not have it all? Only kids pick options. Adults want everything!

Raskya soon brought the food, and they both eagerly wolfed it down. Michael ate something light at Lorath's house, but after all the fighting, he was hungry again.

The meal was a light stew and honeyed bread as dessert.

When they were done eating, Helen threw a marble in her mouth, widening Michael's eyes considerably.

"Did you just eat a Cleaning Marble!? Is that safe to eat?"

[What? What Cleaning Marble? Oh! You're talking about this?](Helen)

Seeing a marble smaller than he thought it was with a strong, minty scent, Michael's mind stopped working for a second.

It couldn't possibly be a mentos, right?

[It's Fresh Breath Marble. It's used to clean your teeth and maintain a fresh breath. Pretty cheap as well. It's only one silver coin.](Helen)

Michael was floored to realize that they had just eaten and that he hadn't taken care of his dental hygiene in the past couple of months. This world invented a 2-in-1 combination between mentos and toothpaste!

Also, if smooches were already planned in the following minutes, it would be quite the turn-off if his breath stank like a donkey's ass, wouldn't it?

"I honestly wasn't aware of the existence of such a thing. Can I try one?"

[You haven't seen them before? Oh, wow! I thought you were schooled in a big city for sure, judging by your ability to hold a conversation for so long without making it dull. Even thought you might be a noble for a moment. Here, try it.](Helen)

"What nobility? I learned under a master in the wilderness. Only about three months ago did I visit my first human encampment... in a long time."

It was pretty hard to weave a somewhat believable lie without getting caught in the holes you left behind. The easiest way was to talk less about it. Also, he didn't want to lie about it since he advocated for truth as the basis of a stable relationship, but... telling her she was from a different world might put a damper on his planned bed activities.

Eating the small marble, Micahel felt the refreshing taste of mint spread throughout his mouth, undoubtedly working better than even toothpaste could. It was a matter of magic being involved, after all.

"What an interesting feeling."

[It's quite a nice trinket. Helps keep your breath fresh and smelling nice.](Helen)

"Hoh? Can I test that theory?"

Eying her full red lips, Michael couldn't help but act in a rascal manner.

[What do you mean... oh... you're genuinely shameless, you know that?](Helen)

"Of course! And I'm proud of it."

[Hehe! Let's go upstairs, then. We can find out there if that's truly the case.](Helen)

Looking at the swaying hips inviting him to follow, Michael all but jumped to his feet and carried the lady in his arms.

Taking a calming breath, he followed her to the bedroom.