Chapter 51. Level-ups

Watching the Ghouls test the waters in groups of two, Michael couldn't help but hum.

"Oshiete, oshiete yo..."

As the song that certified him as a proper weeb in his previous life on Earth kept going, so did the attacks of the Ghouls. However, unlike in a certain anime, it only took two swings of the sword from the Skeleton Warriors to dispatch them.

Just as about thirty or so of them died in this manner, Burt's excited voice was heard behind him in the cave.

"He should've leveled up. And so did I for that manner."

Ignoring the shrieking weaklings, Michael opened his Skill Tree and took a quick look.

"As expected, I still need to use one more Skill Point before being able to unlock the next tier of skills. What would help me the most right now?"

Looking at the Blight and its two upgrades, only the skill itself could be upgraded.

"It would result in a percentage increase in damage and damage over time in the affected area. As for getting another skill, that doesn't seem like a good idea, as I can't exactly cast yet another type of ranged attack. Instead, it would be good to get more passive skills just like Christine has."

Looking at the available options, Michael frowned.

"There's Unliving Energy that gives me an extra 3 Essence. Uhm... having 103 instead of 100 is not as earth-shattering as I was expecting it to be. As for Hewed Flesh..."

[ Hewed Flesh


Lucky Hit: Your damage has up to a [4%] chance to create a corpse at the target's location.

This chance is doubled against Bosses. ]

Remembering his previous dream where he could use the 'Art is an explosion' one-liner, Michael instantly put a point into Hewed Flesh.

Just as he wanted to see the unlocked new tier of skills, two Ghouls behind the ones fighting his minions decided to play Spiderman.

"Damn! Running on the walls like that? That's against the rules!"

Sure enough, the running duo fell from the walls behind the currently fighting minions.

But, as they wanted to ambush the Skeletons from behind, they were greeted by the swords of the remaining two.

"Goon no.3 and no.4, teach them proper manners, would you?"

Gloating at the Ghouls that got whooped by his minions, Michael looked on the walls and saw another 'express delivery' being sent over.

"*Sigh* Why can't you just play nicely?"

Using a Raise Skeletons and throwing another ball of Blight in the middle of the swarm, Michael shook his head and backed up for a bit.

He was already close to the cave entrance where Christine stood, bow in hand, ready to shoot if needed.

Seeing as the nocked arrow was glowing, Michael raised an eyebrow.

[It's an accumulation skill.](Christine)

"Hmm? Is it that skill you used to kill the Impaler in one shot?"


"And why are you accumulating now?"

[I have a bad feeling.](Christine)

"Ugh... you too?"

Seeing the surprised look on her face turn serious, Michael wanted to say something but was surprised when he noticed the glow on the arrow increasing in luminosity.

"Would your Resources be alright if you charge it up this much?"

[It's fine. I'll only use half.](Christine)

"Half? Out of pure curiosity, how much did you use before to kill that goatman in one shot?"



Calculating slightly, Michael realized that if she used an arrow five times stronger than the one that killed the Impaler, it could only mean an Elite or Boss appearing.

Taking a deep breath, he focused on his minions that were slowly but certainly getting overrun.

Half an hour passed, and the first minion died. The second followed minutes later. Seeing the horde of Ghouls become increasingly agitated, Michael decided to keep the newly reborn Skeletons by the cave entrance as he and Christine waited patiently.

[Why are you guys so serious? Did they break through?](Burt)

[It seems so since Michael's Skeletons are here now. Still, I almost leveled up again.](Aybdah)

Just as they were speaking, the air around Christine displaced, showing an obvious level-up.

Seeing the cunning smile on her face, Michael couldn't help but shudder.

"How much did you manage to charge?"


Speechless, Michael couldn't help but give her a thumbs up. Unsurprisingly, it's always the quiet ones you must watch out for.


A loud shriek broke the silence of the night, forcing the attack of the Ghouls to pause momentarily. Seeing through the senses of the remaining Skeleton how the remaining enemies parted to give way to something, Michael shuddered and yelled.

"Back into the cave, now! A big one is coming!"

[Shit! Elite?](Burt)

"Most likely. Christine, please don't shoot at it yet. Aybdah, as soon as the fucker enters the cave, activate the trap. It would be good if we could catch him in it, or if not, just close it behind him. Burt, use the Totem of Protection when I ask you to. As for the location of the shield, it should be two meters away from the entrance. Actually, if you cast it now, can the enemy see it?"


"Shit. That won't work. We'll go with the two meters... Holly fuck!"

As he was exhorting Burt, he 'saw' through his minion as a green Ghoul at least twice as big as a normal one sent Pathfinder flying.

The damage wasn't great, but it inflicted something on the Skeleton, killing it mid-air.

"It's here, get ready."

Just as the sound of rapid footsteps could be heard, the five people in the cave were shocked when they noticed a green Ghoul charge through the entrance.


[On it!](Aybdah)

With a shout, the trap exploded, and the leg of the Ghoul was trapped for a mere second until it was easily removed due to its speed and strength.

Looking at Burt, the Shaman Warrior didn't need a prompt and simply activated his Totem with a roar.


Seeing him reel back, Michael realized that he must've used more than 50% of his Resources to create the brown wall, but there was no time to worry.

The Ghoul hit the barrier and caused it to shatter instantly. Fortunately, Burt added enough umpf to force the Ghoul to show an opening as it was taking a step back from the recoil.


The answer was a loud twang, resounding in the sealed cave like thunder. The monster froze due to the loud booming sound, and the arrow hit true and burrowed through its right eye and into its brain.

The result: an insta-kill!

[ Tainted Champion Ghoul (Elite) - Level 11

*Tainted: All attacks deal an extra 30 Curse damage and inflict 'Vulnerable' status for 3 seconds. ]

"Shit, it's not dead! Stay back!"

Just as the Ghoul Champion was planning a surprise attack, four blades fell on it from behind, courtesy of Michael's minions.

Not willing to leave anything to chance, he lobbed a ball of Blight and spammed Bone Splinters like crazy until a Corpse entered his Necromancer vision.

Seeing as the experience points increased almost to 3/4 of his current level (including the previously killed Ghouls), Michael sighed in relief and moved forward.

[Be careful! Its corpse should be poisonous as well.](Bozan)

"Don't worry, sir. I am well aware."

Moving within range, he managed to loot 142 gold coins and an item box. As it was shining with a blue color, it was clearly...

[A magic item!](Burt)

[Dropped from an Elite nonetheless.](Aybdah)


Seeing even the silent Christine being moved by the item, he threw it to her.

[Why give it to me?](Christine)

"Well, we all did something. But you dealt more than 90% of the total damage. So your contribution is obviously higher. Nobody else has any complaints, right?"

[None here. Still, I should learn that charging thing. It looks seriously overpowered.](Aybdah)


[No problem here.](Burt)

Since everyone was okay with it, Christine opened it and began smiling like a blooming flower.

Michael and Aybdah were stunned for a moment but recovered quickly. Burt, on the other hand, appeared to have been turned into a statue.

With a cough and a not-so-gentle nudge from Aybdah, Burt recovered and blushed furiously.

Michael shook his head as the woman was clearly confused by the whole shenanigan.

'She seems like the dense type. Poor Burt. He'll have to try harder.'

[It's a bow. Much better than what I have now.](Christine)

[Any skills on it? I heard there are some with skills on it.](Aybdah)

"Ehm... I think that's for items of higher rarity."

[No skill. But it increases my attributes by a lot. And it has increased elemental damage for my arrows.](Christine)

Seeing the happiness radiating on her face, Michael chuckled and clapped to draw their attention as he let the scythe defy physics by standing upright.

"Again, sorry to be the party pooper, but it looks like the remaining Ghouls want to come and say hello. Burt is on an empty tank right now, so we must..."

[No worries. I have a Resource Potion.](Burt)

Seeing the man take out a blue vial and down it, Michael was speechless. Deciding to figure out where the hell he could buy one into the future, he turned to face the cracking ice covering the entrance.

"Then, let's finish this mess. As long as we hold on for a while longer, help should arrive to get us out."

About five minutes later, the first Ghoul managed to dig through the ice and screeched at the party in the cave.

Unfortunately, its head popping through the ice was the best target for Christine to try out her new bow. Unsurprisingly, after the headshot, the Ghoul died immediately.


[Wasn't charged. Normal shot.](Christine)

"Damn! That was a normal arrow!?"

[Elementally enhanced.](Christine)

Michael was speechless at the ridiculous increase in damage. Just as the ice broke completely, the four Skeleton Warriors took their places and started slashing away at the remaining horde.

As for the rest of the party, Michael and Christine continuously threw ranged attacks at the Ghouls, and even Aybdah lobbed some daggers that seemed to magically return to his hands after they stuck a creature.

Half an hour later, the party was already exhausted, but the number of Ghouls didn't seem to diminish at all. On the contrary, it kept increasing at a ridiculous pace.

[Shit! My hands will fall off at this rate!](Aybdah)

"Don't complain! Christine's fingers are goddam bleeding."

[Where the fuck is the rescue party!? Did my sense of time go to shit alongside these Ghouls? I thought two hours had passed already.](Burt)

"More than two hours passed indeed. The rescue party should be on their way. We only need to hold on long enough for them to arrive."

As he was talking, Michael's hands kept performing the same motion of throwing the Bone Splinters, even against the protests of his muscles and tendons.

With no other option, he gritted his teeth and made his decision.

"Fuck it! Burt, please give us a Stamina Potion each. We're dead if the guards don't come within an hour."

Hearing the words, everyone's faces became solemn. Burt handed each of them a yellow vial and walked toward the Skeletons.

His actions surprised the trio, but they quickly understood.

"Burt, you don't have to. If the rescue party is not here in an hour, you're our last line of defense."

[I know. But I can't stand still. You're all fighting continuously while I'm only gaining experience freely. At least, this way I can earn my 'pay.'](Burt)

Shaking his head while smiling, Michael gave the order for the minions to make space for their new companion.

As Burt saw the space made on the right side, he shook his head in response and took out a black colored vial.

[Michael, open up the middle for me.](Burt)

"Huh!? That's dangerous..."

[Do it. He's gonna take a Berserk Potion.](Christine)

"What does it do?"

[Increased Attack Power and Armor. Increased Attack Speed and less pain sensitivity.](Christine)

[What the hell!? That sounds awesome!](Aybdah)

"...what are the drawbacks?"

[Internal injuries. Increased pain sensitivity for a full day.](Christine)

"Can they be healed by Healing Potions?"


"Thought as much..."

Looking at the man carrying his greatsword in one hand and downing the vial with the other, Michael gave the order for the Skeletons to make room for him in the middle.

Just as they did, a Ghoul rushed at Burt, only to have its head sent flying the next moment.

What followed next left the group speechless, as the Shaman Warrior actually dove forward and unleashed complete mayhem in the ranks of the monsters.

Michael quickly ordered his Skeletons to follow but had problems keeping up with the crazed Shaman slaughtering his way through the weaklings.

"Fuck! Too many Corpses. That crazed bastard! I can't keep up with him."

[He'll be fine.](Christine)

[You seem oddly uninterested in his well-being, Miss Christine...](Aybdah)

[New Skill. Stoneskin.](Christine)

Hearing her words, Michael and Aybdah realized that the man wasn't crazy but rather had a good ace to use.

"Its effects?"

[60% Armor increase for one minute.](Christine)

[That's short!](Aybdah)

Michael was also both scared and surprised, quickly using a Raise Skeletons to rush his minions to follow the insane bastard.

Unfortunately, once they caught up to Burt, he 'saw' the scene of an almost five-meter-tall Ghoul smacking him away.

[ Rhaz'Al'Ghoul (Boss) - Level 11

*Poison Enchanted: All attacks create a poison puddle on the ground. Enemies affected by poison are dealt 35 damage per second for a duration of 3 seconds. ]