Chapter 58. Side Quest

The girls seemed oddly interested in Poker, even more than Chess.

'It's probably because Poker is more casual.'

Of course, Poker prompted the girls and Michael to realize a serious issue: the material.

"We can't use paper since it's too thin. We can't exactly use wood unless we can cut wood thinly enough. And even then, there's the problem of carving/painting the numbers and symbols on the cards. If you want to beautify the deck further, we need a proper material to do that on."

The conversation continued until later that afternoon. Fortunately, a decision was reached: the girls would find a solution since they were more interested than Michael in getting this ball rolling.

After waving goodbye to the girls, he returned to the Sleepy Peaks Inn, where he wanted to plan the expedition for tomorrow morning with the rest of his party members.

[Yeah, Aunty Raskya made fun of us for not activating the Waypoint when we got there yesterday.](Aybdah)

"Yeah, the same thing happened on my end. It's a good thing that it happened. Every time we make it to a new place with a Waypoint, we'll activate that before doing anything else."

Laughing, the four people planned the expedition for the next day and immediately after made their way to the Blacksmith and the Healing Well, where Lidka admonished them once more while almost yelling, 'No discounts.'

[There's still lots of time until it gets dark. Any plans?](Burt)


[I'll visit the pub to unwind a bit.](Aybdah)

[Are you sure you're not going there for the redhead?](Burt)

[Hehe. It's still unwinding, isn't it?](Aybdah)

Under Christine's disdainful yet expressionless face, Michael excused himself and headed toward the one thing he's been postponing since early morning.

"*Sigh* I don't want to, but I did promise Lorath. Also, they are a very influential organization. If even Menestad needs to pay tithes to Kyovashad's Church, they should have infiltrated many other big cities."

It was pretty distressful for the Necromancer to think he ended up on these people's bad side. That's why he decided to do a couple of Quests for them, hoping to increase his favorability.

Moving past the Sleepy Peaks Inn, Michael took one of the roads going North and, after passing through a couple of stone arches, was amazed to see something beyond his wildest imagination.

"Are those... stockades!?"

As the guards kept an eye on two people locked in the wooden stockades, Michael's mind was reeling. All that was missing were a couple of kids with rotten tomatoes in their hands to throw at these 'criminals.'

Seeing as it was close to nighttime, he wondered if these imprisoned people would be kept there overnight. Usually, the stockades would be used for lighter crimes as a means of humiliation more than physical punishment.

'It seems that everything I encounter these days is set to remind me that I'm no longer on Earth. I need to get a grip, or else I might find myself in more trouble than I can handle.'

Reading the words branded on the stockades, Michael saw, 'Let this be your first step on your journey to the Light.'

"Sure enough, it's for light crimes. Eh!? I can read!?"

The Necromancer stood rooted as the guards looked strangely at him. Seeing their awkward gazes, Michael quickly left the site, still shocked at the revelation.

'I remember clearly that I couldn't read the gazette in front of Sleepy Peaks Inn a couple of days ago. What changed? And when?'

As he reached a smaller plaza, Michael still couldn't understand what and when it happened. He had no Quests or Achievements through which he could understand the spoken and the written language.

Then, as a tall statue entered his field of vision and his eyes traced it from bottom to top, the setting sun's Light burned his eyes slightly, forcing his hand to cover the incoming rays.

Looking in a trance at the giant statue of Inarius and his 'Spear of Light,' Michael sighed and moved his gaze to the mark left on the back of his hand by the Sanctuary.

'It should be because of this, right? It's a blessing of the world. Allowing one to read should be a piece of cake for a sentient world capable of leveling up normal people.'

Making his way through the small gathering of commoners praying and kneeling in front of the statue, Michael saw a woman called Priest Zelka holding a sermon about the impressive deeds of the 'Father.'

Just as he was about to leave, a hand patted his shoulder.

[My apologies for disturbing you, young Wanderer. A moment if you may?](?)

Turning around, Michael saw a middle-aged woman dressed in guard equipment.

Even more surprising, there was a blue exclamation mark above her head. This meant a Quest!

"No problem. My name is Michael, a Level 9 Necromancer. How may I be of assistance?"

[You can call me Boza. As you can see, I'm a City Guard.](Boza)

"A pleasure meeting you. How fares the City Guard?"

[It's decent. We managed to recruit many newbie Wanderers who had just received or passed their World Recognition Quest. Since they're young, they have plenty of energy, and most want to be like their idols. Poor children... they have no idea what's out there.](Boza)

"Mhm... I've just returned yesterday from my first official Quest in the wilderness. It was more dangerous than I initially thought it would be."

[I've heard from the night guards. You and the other three did a good job keeping Bozan alive. That's why I want your help with something.](Boza)

"Pray tell! As long as I can help, I won't shy away from a little work."

It wasn't a lie. If these people she was training were indeed newbie Wanderers, it would be good to get to know them. After all, with them being around Level 1, they weren't too far apart.

Furthermore, they would be power-leveled by the older guards, making them gain experience and levels much faster than Michael would through his Quests. A small act of kindness now might save his life later down the road.

[Very well. The new militia recruits have been training crazily day and night. They deserve a little praise, but I can't let them see me as soft, or I'll lose my authority.](Boza)

Looking at her strict air, Michael understood she wanted to keep her stern facade. As for encouraging, he didn't mind. It was just a couple of words.

[Mind giving them a cheer for me? Easy coin for you, a boost of confidence for the recruits, and I get to go on being the hard-ass. Everybody wins.](Boza)

"Haha. No worries, I'll handle it."

[ New Quest issued - Raising spirits

Objective: Encourage the recruits. ]

Boza guided Michael to the training grounds a few steps away but didn't go with him.

She said she didn't want the recruits to think he was paid to praise them - even if he was.

As soon as he stepped onto the training field, over twenty recruits handling longswords, spears, bows, and other strange weapons turned their eyes at the 'novelty.'

With a polite greeting, Michael introduced himself as a newbie Level 9 Necromancer, claiming that Boza asked him to supervise their training for a while and share some of his shallow knowledge with them.

The recruits were excited to hear about the adventures of someone that hasn't been a Wanderer for more than a month or so, impressed by the troubles he had gone through already.

Hearing Michael urge them to always go out with a party when traveling the wilderness, the men and women on the field glanced at each other with fire and longing burning in their eyes.

The Necromancer continued demonstrating his skills, including his Raise Skeletons, which amazed the crowd immensely. Some of the more courageous of the bunch asked if they could spar with the minions, to which Michael agreed after ordering Pathfinder to fight the man but avoid injuring him.

Unfortunately for the newbie, Pathfinder was strong even while holding back since the Skeletons leveled up according to their master's level. The Level 1 Warrior wasn't strong enough to overcome an eight-level difference.

After throwing some praise left and right - which was genuine after seeing how hard everyone trained - Michael left to meet back with Boza.

[It seems that it went well. They are even more fired up than usual. I might have to bother you again in the future.](Boza)

"They are a lively bunch. With how hard and passionate they are training, they will become more amazing than me. I might need their encouragement instead."

[Haha! Thank you. I only hope they don't get too used to being complimented.](Boza)

[ Quest complete - Raising spirits

Reward 1: +20 Fractured Peaks renown

Reward 2: 910 experience

Reward 3: 400 Gold coins

Reward 4: Salvage Cache. ]

Looking at the ridiculous rewards gained for moving his lips instead of his scythe, Michael sighed and shook his head in dismay.

He gained the gold equivalent of more than 14-15 Ghouls without splitting it with his party; as for experience...

'I'm almost at Level 10... The current experience bar is at 3,295/3,445. At this rate, I only need to do just one more Side Quest or kill a few monsters, and I'll reach Level 10!'

Excited by the unexpected reward, Michael looked toward the stairs ascending from the plaza to a large building. Based on his MAP, the location of his Quest was marked somewhere up there.

After climbing for over two minutes at high speed, Michael reached the entrance to the Cathedral, unsurprised by its ridiculous size.

[Halt! Who goes there!?](Guard)

Two huge men, probably over 2 meters tall, blocked his path. Their equipment was also different from the City Guards, though Michael could see at least six more of them nearby, similarly protecting this place for apparently no reason.

"The name is Michael, a Necromancer. I am supposed to meet with Miss Prava to discuss important news regarding Nevesk. Could you please let her know?"

Seeing his polite yet confident speech, the guards scratched their heads and sent someone to notify Mother Prava.

Five minutes later, the man returned and nodded to the guards. They gestured for him to be on his way, to which he nodded in thanks.

Upon reaching the entrance to the Cathedral, Michael pulled on the large doors that seemed to be over four meters tall, easily opening them.

'I guess the wood they are made of is lighter than the normal type used for furniture. My increased Strength stat might also have to do with that.'

[We were born in sin, children of darkness. But the Father's Light can be sought through patience and faith. Walk in the Light!](Prava)

Listening in as he walked further, he noticed that many parishioners were present, taking in everything Prava was preaching. Their expressions were filled with excitement, making Michael unconsciously shake his head at the poor brainwashed sheep.

He took a seat and continued waiting, even though Prava already noticed him. Some things can't be interrupted just because you want to.

It took almost an hour for Prava to finish her rant, making Michael almost fall asleep in the process. Fortunately, she dismissed the crowd soon after, and the commoners left one by one.

The show didn't stop there as a monk kneeled before Prava, just like a priest asking to be absolved of his sins by a cardinal back on Earth.

Getting up to his feet and walking closer, Prava glanced at the Necromancer but focused back on the Monk right after.

[We must be ever vigilant against sin, Brother.](Prava)

[Yes, Reverend Mother.](?)

Shocked, Michael looked at the Monk and recognized his voice.

This was Iosef, the Monk he encountered in Nevesk. The same one that 'saved' his life.

[Let the Light of Inarius burn away wickedness. Let not temptation lead you away from his holly radiance. Let righteousness sear away corruption and sin. Cast out the darkness, for only Light must remain!](Prava)

[Cast out the darkness, for only Light must remain!](Iosef)

Seeing Iosef get up and grin at him, Michael nodded in greeting and glanced at Prava right after.

[Is this the Wanderer you met in Nevesk?](Prava)

[Yes, Reverend Mother. Hmm? Did Lorath not accompany you, Necromancer?](Iosef)

Michael nodded and explained calmly, ignoring the form of address that showed both his disdain toward the Class and the Monk forgetting his name.

"He sent me on without him. After reaching Kyovashad, he left straight for the Dry Steppes to deal with important matters pertaining to our current issue."

[Tsk! Putting faith in that old man was a mistake. What could possibly be of greater import?](Iosef)

Seeing how worked up the Monk got and how silent Prava remained, Michael sneered at the play these two were acting.

So he decided to play along.


Unfortunately for him, the answer he got back wasn't the one he was expecting. The duo was relatively calm about it, given that Iosef had experienced Nevesk and probably had already given a full report of what happened there to Prava.

[So... you already know.](Prava)