Chapter 68. The Book Of The Dead

The couple swiftly approached Zivek's Blacksmith, where the man greeted them with hearty laughter.

[Oh, it's the newbie Lorath sent that time. Helen as well... hmm... You two look good together.](Zivek)

[Hehe! Thank you, Uncle Zivek. We've come today to get your help.](Helen)

[My help? Don't tell me you're headed to another Dungeon!? Lass, I thought you already agreed to take a break. I'm going to get mad if you break your promise!](Zivek)

[No, no, no! I already agreed to stay as Captain of the City Guards for this full year. Also, I'm on vacation from that as we speak. Otherwise, do you think I'll have time to visit you so casually?](Helen)

[Phew! That's good. Last time you returned from the Dungeon, I spent a full week restoring and repairing your equipment. Lately, I prefer fixing newbie equipment over Legendary items. Luckily for me, Boza trains her recruits passionately and brings over their sets for repairs almost daily.](Zivek)

Hearing yet another bigshot talk about Boza and her trainees, Michael wondered if he should join the City Guards. It seems like their trainers take really good care of them.

[So? If you're not here for yourself, I guess is for this lad? Brat, don't tell me you already have items to repair?](Zivek)

"I forgot to check, but I definitely should. Especially after my last encounter in the wilderness."

Looking at the items in his Inventory, the tunic he had as a main equipment was already filled with holes and cuts. 

Pondering and looking at the item boxes quietly lying in his Inventory, Michael decided to open those up first, just in case he got another tunic or pair of pants.

"I want to upgrade my equipment, but first, I want to open up some item boxes. That way, what I'm not going to use can be dismantled for materials you mentioned last time."

[Hmm. Let me see the items you have now.](Zivek)

"Here. It's this tunic, the pair of pants, and these hand wraps."

[Let me see... Yes. Buckles need reinforcing... this leather is cracked... What have you been getting yourself into, hm? Look here, brat! You live or die by the quality of your equipment. If you have the coin and material, I can improve it. If you don't, just repair it or replace it with something better. Hurry up and open the item boxes so we can get things moving. My other customers should arrive soon.](Zivek)

Nodding obediently, Michael took out the three blue item boxes and the golden one. Under Helen and Zivek's curious gazes, he started with the magic ones first.

[ Harmonious Buckler

Item Type: Magic Shield

118 Item Power


* 40% Blocked Damage Reduction

*20% Block Chance

* +80% Main Hand Weapon Damage

* +2 Thorns


* +4 All Stats ]

Without hesitation, Michael decided to equip this shield. He would lose 16 Intelligence when not having the two-handed scythe on, but he should make up for the difference with the dagger from before and this shield.

Smiling happily, he opened up the next item box.

[ Adept Ring

Item Type: Magic Ring

111 Item Power


* 6.0% Lighting Resistance

* 6.0% Poison Resistance


* +1.0% Critical Strike Chance ]

Michael didn't even think about it and straight-up equipped this ring. Even if the resistances overlapped with his other ring, filling up another item slot was good.

[Your luck is pretty decent, lad. Hurry up with the last two boxes.](Zivek)

Seeing the curious Zivek and noticing that Helen was also acting in a similar manner, Michael couldn't help but shake his head inwardly. Irrelevant of the world he's in, lootboxes will always be popular.

Smiling, he opened up the final magic item box.

[ Evasive Strider's Leggings

Item Type: Magic Pants

111 Item Power


111 Armor

* 1.0% Dodge Chance ]

Looking at his currently equipped slashed Pants, Michael decided to go for the change and recycle his old pair for materials, alongside the spare he looted some time ago.

[ Guarding Outsider's Pants

Item Type: Magic Pants

100 Item Power


100 Armor

* 2.0% Damage Reduction from Close Enemies ]

[It's the best choice. Swap the pants you have now for the new ones, and hand the old pair to Uncle Zivek to dismantle for materials.](Helen)

[Mhm. Usually, I would advise Wanderers to have a couple of spares in their Inventory, but in your case, you might get another better pair on your next adventure due to your low level. Hurry up with the last item.](Zivek)

After deep breathing and praying for a decent item, Michael opened the rare item box.

[ Feather Lash

Item Type: Rare Wand

125 Item Power 


57 Damage Per Second

 * [38 - 58] Damage per Hit

 * 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast Weapon)

* +2.0% Lucky Hit Chance


* +3.0% Damage to Distant Enemies

* Lucky Hit: Up to a +1.0% Chance to Execute Injured Non-Elites

* +5 to All Stats ]

[*Whistle* Now that's a good item for your level.](Zivek)

[Mhm! Now you can equip this wand and the shield. You no longer have to use a two-handed scythe!](Helen)

Seeing how Helen was even happier than he was, Michael grinned and planned to equip it straight away.

With the new pieces on, his attributes page changed immediately.

[ Attack Power: 163

 Armor: 447

 Life: 158


Strength: 65

Intelligence: 50

Willpower: 67

Dexterity: 73 ]

Michael scratched his head in helplessness when he noticed his Intelligence stat was the lowest among all four main stats, even if he was a magic Class. 

All things considered, maybe he should change to a Dexterity-based build. Or change his fighting style?

Overall, it was a thing worth considering.

[My advice for you, brat, is not to make any upgrades for now - even on the rare items. You'll likely change them soon enough since you're still low-leveled. Come back when you reach at least Level 20 to 25, and we'll talk again then.](Zivek)

"I understand. Thank you very much for the advice!"

[Thank you, Uncle Zivek!](Helen)

[Yeah, yeah. Get out of here and stop bothering this old man. I need to get working before Boza returns to nag me to death.](Zivek)

Leaving the blacksmith behind, the due returned to wandering the streets. Michael was slightly lost in thought, and Helen immediately caught on.

[What are you thinking about?](Helen)

"Hmm? Sorry, I got lost thinking about yesterday."

[The Event?](Helen)

"That as well, but everything overall. I want to go out again today..."

[So soon?](Helen)

Seeing the worried expression on her face, Michael caressed it and continued softly.

"I'm pretty sure I can deal with most creatures, even if they are two to three levels above my own, due to my minions. Also, with how many active Quests I have, I feel I should complete at least some of them."

[Why the rush? It's not like you need to complete them NOW.](Helen)

"I don't know. It's a feeling I keep getting. Like I'm pressed for time. It's strange, but the feeling intensified after yesterday's events."


Michael wasn't sure if it was psychological, given that his girlfriend was towering 70 levels above him and that he almost died recently due to his weakness and lack of experience. 

But something was there for sure. It felt like it was somewhere in the back of his mind, continuously gnawing at his confidence and creating a sense of insecurity.

When that gets added on top of the Lilith situation, he feels the pressure of his low level that much more.

[*Sigh* I understand. I wouldn't say I like the idea of you going out alone, though.](Helen)

"Well, it's not like I can force others to join, given my... predisposition. As for keeping quiet about it and putting them in danger, it's not something I can do with a clear consciousness."

[I know, I know. Hurry up and get to Level 30-40. By then you can party with my sisters. It would at least give me some peace of mind. Here. Grab these.](Helen)

A trade window appeared, and Michael curiously looked at the five items he gained.

[ Weak Iron Barb Elixir

Item Type: Elixir

Level Requirement: 5


Upon consumption: +100 Armor, +50 Thorns, +3% Experience gain for 30 minutes.

Recipe: 5 x Gallowvine, 5 x Biteberry, 1,000 Gold coins. ]

Michael stared in amazement at the incredible thing. Leaving all things aside, just the +3% experience increase was an incredible gain.

Thinking of something, his face radiated joy as he turned around and grabbed Helen's hands.

"These Thorns. Can my Skeletons gain this stat as well? Or Can I share this stat with them somehow?"

[Ugh... yes. But not at your current level, I'm afraid. Some higher-level items do that, but I don't know any low-level items that can accomplish the same thing.](Helen)

Michael deflated like a balloon but quickly recovered. The dream of monsters killing themselves by hitting his Skeletons was still far, but it wasn't entirely out of reach.

"Well, I've been postponing this for a while now, since I recently opened it, but it's time to take a look. Preparations are important if you value your life."

[Interesting that you almost had to die to learn that...](Helen)

"*Cough* Better late than never."

[So? What is it?](Helen)

"It's a Class-specific interface called 'Book Of The Dead.' I think I opened it at Level 7. But as you know, I wasn't exactly in a position to check things at that time..."

[It was during the Ghoul attack? I see. But why are you checking it only now? It's already been several days since then.](Helen)

"Eh... well..."

[You forgot?](Helen)

"*Cough**Cough* Yes. I don't agree that it's my fault, okay? There are so many interfaces, and this one popped up when I was in a life-or-death situation. It's unreasonable to think I'll open it at that point, as I had better things to do. Like staying alive!"

Looking at the giggling Helen, Michael sighed in relief inwardly. He knew she was worried about him, but there was no way around it. He had to get his hands dirty for the sake of his future survival. 

If the Sanctuary treated him like an MC of a novel, he had to buckle up since his plot armor was severely lacking.

Focusing on sharing his 'screen' with her, Michael curiously inspected the interface.

[ Book Of The Dead

*Skeletal Warriors

*Skeletal Mages (Unlocks at Level 15)

*Golem (Unlocks at Level 25)

Ignoring the skeletal heads and bones decorating the interface, there was only one single entry that he could further access: the Skeletal Warriors.

[That's amazing! Doesn't this mean that you can gain even more minions in the future?](Helen)

"You're talking about the Mages and the Golem, right? It does look like it. It wouldn't make much sense to trade one for the other instead."

[Open the first entry. Let's see the details.](Helen)

"Haha! Why are you more excited than I am about this?"

Seeing her pouting lips, Michael smiled and kissed her, after which he opened the first entry in the Book Of The Dead.

On the newly opened interface, there were three entries.

[ Skeletal Warriors

*Skirmishers - Deal 30% increased damage but have 15% reduced life.

-Perk 1 - It lets you raise one additional Skirmisher.

-Perk 2 - Critical strikes cause Skirmishers to deal criticals with a bonus of 50% crit damage; this can happen once every three seconds.

-Sacrifice - +5% crit rate; unable to summon all types of Skeletal Warriors.

*Defenders - Shieldbearers with 15% increased life.

-Perk 1 - Every eight seconds, Defenders can negate one instance of direct damage that they take.

-Perk 2 - Defenders gain 50% of your Thorns value.

-Sacrifice - +15% physical resistance; unable to summon all types of Skeletal Warriors.

*Reapers - Scythe-wielders that do a high-damage wind-up attack every 10 seconds.

-Perk 1 - Reaper attacks versus immobilized, slowed, stunned, or vulnerable enemies reduce the cooldown of their wind-up attacks by two seconds.

-Perk 2 - +15% chance to create a corpse via their attacks.

-Sacrifice - +10% shadow damage; unable to summon all types of Skeletal Warriors.

Michael barely managed to hold back the impulse to select the first perk for the Skirmishers he was currently using.

After all, getting another minion was bound to be useful, no matter what.

[Looks like your previous question about Thorns was just answered. The Defenders look quite interesting.](Helen)

"Mhm. Just thinking about it, the first perk from the Defenders is also incredible. Can't I just rotate my minions to block the attack? That way, even a Boss won't be able to do anything to me!"

[Keep dreaming! At higher levels, even Elites can attack at least two to three times in the span of a single second.](Helen)

"Ugh... then, let's pass on this for now. What do you think about the Skirmishers? That's what I'm currently using."

[Hmm... the first perk is rather obvious. Having an extra minion is always good. As for the second one... Critical Chance at low levels is very unreliable. It doesn't seem like a good idea.](Helen)

"Agreed. That leaves us with the Reapers. Thoughts?"

[Hmm... They appear to be the aggressive type. That wind-up attack sounds interesting as well.](Helen)

"Indeed. And both perks are interesting. For example, by using my Blight, I can slow down enemies. That means I can reduce their wind-up attack quite effectively. But I'm more interested in the second one."

[The second one? Oh, the 15% chance to create a Corpse.](Helen)

"Mhm. That, coupled with a passive skill of mine, makes it much easier to use Corpse Explosion."

Imagining a fight where his Skeleton Warriors hack at enemy creatures, and suddenly a Corpse pops up out of nowhere, just to explode into miasma that kills more enemies... Michael was ecstatic!