Chapter 74. Repeated offender

After fifteen minutes of backtracking, Michael finally made it back to the entrance of the Dungeon, happy to get away from the stale air.

Using his Skeletons as vanguard to scout outside for potential enemies, he followed behind them. Once the clean, wintry air hit his nostrils, he almost teared up, realizing he was done with the stuffy Dungeon.

"No wonder people party with each other before clearing one. It's all fine and dandy while you're fighting since it keeps your mind busy. But having to walk out of it is an absolute nightmare. Thankfully, I had the MAP; otherwise, I'd get lost in this stupid maze for hours. Never coming back here aga... huh!?"

Turning around to give the Hallowed Ossuary the middle finger, Michael blinked thrice to ensure he wasn't hallucinating.

"Didn't I just clear the Dungeon? Also, it was a temporary Dungeon, according to what Aylin told me back at the camp. They are supposed to vanish after being cleared once. So... why the hell is there still a film covering the entrance?"

Shocked and curious, Michael moved closer to inspect the film. After ten minutes of waiting for it to vanish, but it didn't, realization kicked in.

"Did the Hallowed Ossuary somehow turn into a permanent Dungeon? I specifically asked Helen about it before coming here to clear it for the Quest, and she said it wasn't. This..."

Thinking of Hoduin's explanation of how certain places get flooded by demonic energy and then are used as springboards to turn the area into a permanent portal between the two worlds, Michael grimaced. 

He clearly remembered the story he read in the two pieces of paper recognized by the system and realized that the Boss of this Dungeon, the Bloody Bishop, was probably a demon or a servant of one.

The Quest he received to put Lord Avitus to rest was the Sanctuary's way of drawing attention to this newly established Dungeon.

"Huh... does this mean that if I re-enter, I will encounter all the Elites I did before? The exact same ones? Isn't that a bug?"

Looking in his inventory at the golden item gift box waiting to be unwrapped, Michael swallowed hard and tried to keep his greed in check. 

Unfortunately, he didn't manage and, as a result, he stepped back inside the Dungeon.

The disgusting, stale air inundated his lungs, but the Necromancer focused on his surroundings and the pop-up window blinking erratically. 

[ Warning!

You have re-entered a recently cleared Dungeon. 

All spawned monsters are in a weakened state, and the experience they provide will be reduced by 90%.

Dungeon cooldown: 23 hours, 31 minutes, and 12 seconds. ]

"Now that's interesting. The monsters are weaker, reducing experience by 90%, right? Weren't these demons invading the Sanctuary coming over with their true bodies if they were minions and Elites? Could there be a secret involved?"

Pondering momentarily, Michael remembered how the Sanctuary took the souls of the slain demons and converted them into experience points for the Wanderers.

"So, does that mean that the monsters in the Dungeon don't have a soul right now? Doesn't that make them puppets, which the big-shots of Hell stuff with the soul of their minions? That implies that if I clear the Dungeon now, I will only destroy the puppets, therefore costing the demons only some materials to be wasted. That's... interesting. Why isn't this common knowledge then?"

Michael was sure that Helen or Hoduin would've mentioned it since it's pretty important. Or maybe it's indeed common knowledge, so Helen and the trio didn't consider it important enough to remember.

After all, who would waste their time fighting weaklings when they give no experience at all?

Scratching his chin and pondering on the situation, Michael decided to give it a shot. Since the monsters are weaker, it would be foolish not to use them as target practice.

"Now that I'm at Level 16, my Life points have reached 240. That means I'm harder to kill. Also, I want to test if I'm right about this..."

Reading the system prompt about how experience points would be reduced by 90%, but there was no mention of the loot, Michael grinned from ear to ear as he decided to demolish everything in his path.

In the end, after spending about an hour wrecking monsters, Michael returned to the exit confused. No gold coins were earned, but the Blood Bishop dropped a rare item. 

Looking at the second golden item box in his inventory beside his previously gained one, Michael felt even more bewildered.

"Is this a consolation prize? Also, I barely gained 200 experience points after killing everything that moved in this Dungeon."

And the experience gained was precisely 200, not a single point more. He was currently at 1,573/3,510 and 31,079 gold coins saved up.

Overall, his Attributes Page changed significantly compared to a couple of days ago, to the point where Michael was in awe.

[ Class: Necromancer

Attack Power: 276

Armor: 735

Life: 240


Strength: 74

Intelligence: 59

Willpower: 76

Dexterity: 82 ]

As always, his Dexterity was leading by quite a bit, while his Armor and Attack Power improved by leaps and bounds compared to when he was only Level 12.

"No wonder it felt much easier than the first time clearing the Dungeon. Well... most of the monsters are also weakened, making it a walk in the park. I spent more time than needed since I was too cautious, but I should be able to clear it in about 30 minutes or less if I hurry up."

The second run took only 40 minutes, and after killing the Blood Bishop for the third time today, another Rare item dropped.

Michael rushed back to the entrance of the Dungeon and started his fourth run. 

This time around, he didn't even bother with the small critters and only ended the Elites and the Boss.

Looking at the latest Rare item box he had gained, a foolish smile adorned his face. 

"My experience is now at 1,973/3,510, and I can finish a Dungeon in less than half an hour if I ignore the mobs. If the experience gained was higher, it would've been the perfect way to grind levels. Unfortunately, I must clear at least 15-18 times to gain a level. With half an hour per run, that's 8-9 hours I need to spend daily in this disgusting place..."

The Necromancer already had enough of this ossuary's stale air and gloomy atmosphere. To grind in this place for another six to seven hours was too much to ask.

"Not to mention that Quests give way more experience. Preferably, Quests that lead me into Dungeons would be nice. Not to mention, I have a serious problem..."

Looking at his Equipment Inventory, which was filled to the brim, Michael scratched his head and decisively returned to Kyovashad. 

To his surprise, he only met a group of five Ghouls on his way back and no other monsters.

"It makes sense, though. After massacring everything coming my way for two days in a row, it's not unexpected for monsters to be less in numbers in this area. That's the reason why there are patrols on the main roads, after all."

Judging by the sun's position, Michael calculated it should be around 3 PM. He spent about two hours just running between the city and the Dungeon, making it very inefficient. 

Thinking about how he should get another horse, the Necromancer added another question to the already long list he had ready for Helen.

[Back already?](Guard)

"Yup. Fortunately, this time around, without any major injuries."

[That's always a good thing. Anything of significant importance that needs to be reported?](Guard)

"Eh... I think so. I found a Dungeon, and I'm unsure if you knew its location."

[Hmm? A new Dungeon? Where?](Guard)

"The Hallowed Ossuary. I got a Quest yesterday when I met Sir Cromwell dying in that area. By the way, I still have his corpse in my inventory."

[That's indeed a new Dungeon. And quite close to the city as well. We'll need a detailed report on what you encountered.](Guard)

"I was planning to meet up with Helen straight away. Would it make it easier on your end if I provide her with all the details and she takes care of everything else?"

[Honestly... yes. Especially if the nobles get involved, and they will since the ossuary belongs to them. Not to mention that Sir Cromwell died as well... I'm getting a headache only thinking about the chaos they'll stir.](Guard)

"Well, in that case, just take it as I didn't say anything about the Dungeon. That way, you do not need to get involved in the mess."

[Thank you, Sir Michael!](Guard)

"No worries. I'll be on my way then."

After some deliberation, Michael decided to meet with Helen first before going to Zivek. 

Gold coins were important, but materials for future equipment upgrades were even more so. He would ask Helen for advice before doing anything.

[Sir Michael, welcome. Miss Helen ordered us to let you in and bring you to the pavilion if we meet you in the city.](?)

Just as he was lost in his thoughts, a young woman's voice caught his attention.

Turning around, he saw the young lady the famous sisters usually sent out on errands.

"It's Miss Sophia. I was planning to visit, so I'll head over now. Will you join me?"

[I still need to make a couple more stops, so you can go first, sir.](Sophia)

"Call me Michael. I'm not a noble and not that old, either. It feels strange to be called 'sir'."

[Understood. I'll do my best... Michael.](Sophia)

"I'll be on my way then. Take care!"

[Thank you.](Sophia)

Seeing the young lady leave, Michael smiled and shook his head inwardly. It wasn't easy to get used to the culture of a different world, and it was even more challenging to make them get used to your notion of 'normality.' 

With such thoughts in mind and some budding plans on how to slowly change the Sanctuary in a way through which he won't get 'blessed' by divine lightning, Michael reached the 'Pink Palace.'

[You're here much earlier than I was expecting.](Helen)

Seeing the pretty tigress in the pavilion playing chess with Mina, Michael smiled and felt his body relax.

"Just the two of you?"

[Mhm. The girls left to meet with a local carpentry master. They want to create a simple set of cards for the game you mentioned.](Mina)

"It's good to get busy."

[It's also good to see you return with all limbs intact. Was it easier this time around?](Helen)

Hearing the question and recounting the Dungeon experience in his mind, except for that one time when he was smacked flying into a wall, it was indeed relatively easy.

"Yup. I reached Level 15 before making it to my Quest target, and I summoned three more minions to help me out."

[Oh? What are the new ones?](Helen)

As both she and Mina appeared very interested, Michael simply summoned all his Skeletons, having the seven minions stand at attention at the pavilion's entrance.

[Oh! They're floating!](Helen)

[I feel magic fluctuation from them. Mages?](Mina)

"Yes. Shadow Mages, to be precise. They were instrumental in clearing the Dungeon for the first time."

[[Dungeon!? First time!?]]

Seeing their exaggerated expression, Michael almost wanted to smack his cheap mouth. He initially planned to ease into the subject rather than kicking the door in.

After re-explaining the Quests, he got to Mina and walked them through the entire process of clearing the Dungeon; the two women were finally somewhat calm.

Nevertheless, their faces had a strange expression when looking at him.


[Well... I'm unsure if there's another person insane enough to clear a Dungeon three more times after it was officially cleared.](Helen)

"I didn't know about it initially, okay? Also, it dropped a rare item each time, okay? Getting a Rare item every half an hour is pretty good for my level."

[I agree that it is; however, that's the stranger part. We usually call those items 'consolation prizes.' Nobody at higher levels would clear Dungeons continuously for a meager Rare item...](Mina)

"Oh! So even at higher levels, it still drops only a Rare item box?"


"Stingy. Anyway, I kept all four item boxes unopened so I could share the joy. Before that, though, what do you think I should do with the two corpses? It feels weird carrying them around with me."

Seeing the girls go quiet and seriously consider the situation, Michael realized how sensitive the problem was.

[For the monk's corpse, you can keep it for now and return it to Margrave when you get the chance. I'll go later today for a chat with Prava. This foolish tradition of theirs took many innocent lives. *Sigh* It's hard changing something practiced for many decades.](Mina)

[You can pass the body of Sir Cromwell to me. Now that I know the situation, I'll meet with the mayor and request the other Captain to join. Since it's a new Dungeon and so close by, the recruits would probably be sent there daily as training.](Helen)

Hearing the words of these two, Michael was feeling pretty bad. After all, he was taking advantage of their connections and kindness on a daily basis. 

Thinking about it, he decided to come cook more often for them in the future.

[Now, open up those item boxes. I'm curious what you've got.](Helen)

"Mhm. Thank you for the help."

Seeing them wave him nonchalantly, the Necromancer smiled and took out the four golden boxes.