Chapter 79. Sealed Exorcist Cache

The conversation soon turned to the other two ex-party members, who appeared to be out on a Quest of their own.

Furthermore, both of them passed Level 15 from Aybdah's recounting.

"What are your plans now?"

[I'm thinking of joining the City Guards. There's safety in numbers and all that. Leveling with them won't be too difficult, as they discovered a Dungeon close to the city for newbies' use only. The monsters inside are easy to deal with if you have a proper four-person party.](Aybdah)

Remembering the Hallowed Ossuary and Helen's recount of things, Michael realized that he must be talking about it. 

There was no real point in bragging about discovering and clearing it solo since it would further alienate and make Aybdah jealous. 

Lunch was served, and the duo kept chatting while eating, discussing possible strategies for the new Dungeon. In the end, they both went separate ways after the food was finished, making Michael feel a sense of loneliness.

'I guess I need to level up faster. No offense to Aybdah and the others, but I'd rather Dungeon-dive with Helen and her sisters.'

With a new goal in mind, Michael left Kyovashad and traveled North for his Side Quest objective.

[ Side Quest update - Sealed Exorcist Cache

Objective: Collect spirit anima from the undead.]

The location marked on the MAP wasn't too far away, and it also helped the Necromancer explore new areas.

When he finally reached The Deep White region, the strange red ghosts popped up again, annoying Michael greatly.

[ Wraith (Minion) - Level 20 ]

[ Wrathful Phantom (Minion) - Level 20 ]

[ Bone Warrior Archer (Minion) - Level 20 ]

[ Bone Warrior Captain (Minion) - Level 20

*Shield: Generates a shield equal to half of its Life points to absorb all types of damage. ]

"Ugh... well then... I guess I need to start working hard again."

And he wasn't yet aware of how right he was. 

The Sealed Exorcist Cache Side-Quest was more annoying to complete than the Hungering Bone Cache. The reason was pretty simple.

"Why does it need so much spirit anima!? I've been massacring these ghosts for the past three hours, damn it!"

Seeing the progress on the anima collection reach 90%, Michael swore again and continued the grinding process. To make matters worse, these ghosts had their own haunts, so he needed to travel between spots to clean them up.

After another hour, the Side Quest was finally completed.

[ Side Quest complete - Sealed Exorcist Cache

Reward 1: 3,596 experience points

Reward 2: 840 Gold coins 

Reward 3: Exorcist Cache. ]

Not only that, but the endless grinding in the past four to five hours allowed Michael to gain 820 experience points and 721 gold coins. 

Unfortunately, there were no item boxes, but it was understandable, given the low difficulty of the Side Quest.

"It was annoying, yes! But the monsters were quite easy to kill with the help of my minions. Now I have two of these caches to open. I'll do that tonight with the sisters. They seem to enjoy the process just as much as I do."

Opening his Attributes Page, he was happy to see he leveled up to 18. 

Not only that, but his experience bar was already at 3,062/3,770 as well.

[ Class: Necromancer

Attack Power: 276

Armor: 843

Life: 280


Strength: 78

Intelligence: 74

Willpower: 80

Dexterity: 97 ]

"After all, Quests are the best way to gain experience quickly. I also have 34,712 gold coins, meaning I'm only about 15,000 or so away from getting my next horsey."

Annoyed with the large distances he had to cross on foot, Michael asked Helen and her sisters about it.

It seems that it was possible to get another mount; however, it was pretty expensive to do so.

[You said you already visited Oskar, the Stable Master in our city before, right?](Helen)

"Mhm. I've met him when Lorath brought me here."

[Well, you can easily buy a good horse through him. However, it might be slightly expensive for you.](Helen)

"Ugh!? How so?"

[Well, the horse itself is not worth more than 1,000 to maybe 5,000 if you buy a better breed. The problem is the protection contract for it.](Helen)

"Protection contract? For the horse?"

[Yes. Since it's a Wanderer's mount, there are obviously times when monsters ambush us in the wild. So, if we were just to change mounts every time one got killed by the creatures outside, we would've long stopped having any.](Helen)

[That's why the stronger Mages made a contract with the Sanctuary for protection. If a mount suffers more than three attacks, it will be instantly summoned back to the stables of the city it was purchased from. Also, those first three attacks are nullified.](Mina)

[It also serves as a warning signal for the City Guards. Suppose the Stable Master notices a mount returning through the forced method. In that case, they'll explain the situation to them, and a squad will be dispatched to search and rescue the said Wanderer immediately. If they're alive, they will be escorted back. They'll at least try to bring the corpse back if they're dead.](Helen)

"How much does the contract cost then?"

[[100,000 gold coins!]]

Remembering the ridiculously high price, Michael's face soured. 

"Yet, it's not that bad. At least, with a horse, the distances between cities can be greatly reduced. Also, there are no Waypoints in the wilderness where Side Quests often bring you. So, traveling with a mount is still the best option."

He wondered why there were so few Waypoints, but the girls explained that each cost around 1,000,000 gold coins in materials and labor. 

Furthermore, only Mages specializing in space magic can help set the Waypoints. Otherwise, there's a risk of death with each teleportation.

"In the end, it's still a matter of technology. Or the lack of it, anyway. With enough roads paved, even traveling on foot would be easier. Not to mention that carriages would also move faster between cities, facilitating trade and better development in the lifestyle of common folk. That, in turn, would also prompt other improvements, allowing for a faster progression from a technological standpoint."

The catchy phrase 'All roads lead to Rome' back on Earth wasn't just for show. There was a reason for which the Roman Empire was one of the greatest in human history. 

Roads would be the basic infrastructure that would allow a country to live. The lack of them would undoubtedly become a stopper in the way of progress.

"I guess I can ask Helen about it. The Sanctuary doesn't seem to be against the idea of roads. There's still the threat of monsters and demons, but roads are different than buildings and are easier to maintain. The most important part is selling the idea to the people in power. Like the mayor, for example."

Done with the Side Quest and seeing the Sun already setting, Michael pondered for a few seconds and decided to head back to Kyovashad. 

He could try to go to Yelesna, but it would be dangerous and useless - especially since he couldn't complete his Main Quest for the time being.

There was also the problem of being able to do the Main Quest but realizing he was too weak to complete it. So, there was no point in rushing.

"*Sigh* Now, the question is, do I walk back to the city or teleport?"

In the end, the Necromancer decided to take the more challenging path since using the 'Quick Travel' option would add a 24-hour cooldown to his one way of getting out of trouble unscathed. 

Walking back to Kyovashad, Michael couldn't help but think he was overreaching with all the changes he had in mind for the Sanctuary. 

"In the end, it's a matter of safety. If one is strong enough, they have the means to live and speak freely. Otherwise, if I keep feeding the girls ideas, they'll probably end up in danger. As for myself, the instigator, I'll die way before they get their turn."

So far, he has suggested the idea of restaurants to Aylin and her party, chess and poker to Helen and the sisters, and the idea for an information agency and a newspaper. 

While the first two could be considered harmless, the latter were dangerous. As a person who lived in the information age, Michael knew that information was power.

Back on Earth or in the Sanctuary, he was confident that there would be people willing to do anything to get their hands on such a powerful weapon. 

"I was too reckless. I need to talk with Helen and Mina when I return. A newspaper won't be too bad as long as it stays casual, but the information agency could endanger their lives and mine."

Looking at the surrounding snow-covered scenery, Michael sighed and continued walking. 

There was no need to force things. All pieces would eventually fall into place.

The guards greeted him when he returned, and Michael exchanged pleasantries with them. After about ten minutes of conversation, he decided to ask Helen about the means to identify Wanderers.

'Every novel with adventurers and levels has some sort of identification system at the city's gates. It's meant to keep the bad folk away. Maybe the guards also have that, but it's hidden, and I am unaware of it yet.'

He felt again that he was meddling too much with the people's way of life, but his safety was also at risk. 

What if a demon disguised as a Wanderer or a bewitched Wanderer sneaks in and assassinates the City Guards? If the enemy then opens the city gates and allows a horde of demons to get in and slaughter the entire city, wouldn't he also die with grievances? 

'No, no, no! I need to ask Helen about this.'

Hurrying to the Pink Palace, Michael met Burt and Christine while passing through the plaza. 

"You two... are you okay!?"

The duo turned to look at Michael and showed a shallow smile in response.

Their armor was filled with holes and cuts, and Burt held his severed right arm in his left hand.

[*Sigh* We got unlucky and met an Event in the wilderness.](Burt)

"Shit! Was it only the two of you that went?"


"It's great that you got away! I almost died as well in a similar manner. I literally returned to the city with a single breath left in me."

[I agree that we were lucky as well. Fortunately, we completed the Event and got lots of experience, gold coins, and item boxes. I'm already Level 16, and Christine is Level 17.](Burt)

"You two are really amazing. *Sigh* Be more careful in the future. It would be shitty to hear that you were killed outside."

Fortunately, it seems like the Side Quest they completed was given to them by Prava. So Burt's arm could be reattached by her as well. 

At a cost, of course.

[Don't worry about it. That's a normal day for us Wanderers.](Helen)

"I know and understand that, but it still sucks to see them so battered."

Back in the pavilion with Helen and Mina, Michael explained the situation he went through to them. 

Unable to hold himself back, he asked about roads and an identification system. These two issues would pester him to no end if he didn't get an answer now.

[Roads... well, it's not like we didn't try before. It's just that it makes no difference between walking through a plain or a beaten path. It's the same for carriages. After all, all it takes is a downpour to create potholes.](Helen)

"I see. What about identification upon entry into the city? I traveled back to Nevesk for my Quest today, and the guards didn't even bother checking me after I said I was a Wanderer."

Seeing the wry smiles on the girls' faces, Michael understood immediately. There was no such system in place!

"That's... dangerous! Especially now with the demons roaming about! There has to be a way to detect at least Wanderers manipulated by demons, or demons in disguise!"

[I've been talking with Prava about this issue, and we're working on it. The Cathedral will send monks and priestesses with Evil Detection skills to help guard the gates in the near future. It's all we can do for the moment. As for those that have already infiltrated the city... we can only pray the damage they cause isn't too great.](Helen)

Hearing Helen's helpless tone, Michael sighed and put the matter to rest. He knew that she was already doing her best to protect this city as the Captain of the City Guards, so there was no need to point out the inadequacies. 

"Don't worry. I'll help you think of something. For now, how about I prepare some delicious food for us? Also, where are the other girls?"

[Oh, them? They decided to teleport around the continent and search for interesting stories. They want to see if they can put together enough material for the newspaper you mentioned.](Mina)

"Glad to see them so motivated."

Michael still had some worries about the newspaper, but since he had caused this chain reaction, he decided to see it through to the end. 

He still had plenty of knowledge to be put to use. There was no reason to hesitate if any of it could ensure the girls' safety and maybe even the city.