Chapter 82. Black Asylum

Not even fifty minutes later, after his encounter with Vendral Trost, Michael noticed a sign on the side of the road with large, bolded words saying 'Black Asylum.' 

Scratching his head furiously, Michael sighed and decided to go through the Dungeon first.

'Between the probably haunted Black Asylum and a strange Sealed Door of Doom, it's probable that the difficulty of getting rid of the dumbasses trying to open the door would be more significant. So, I can go through the Dungeon first and level up before dealing with the other catastrophe handed over to me by the bigshot.' 

Feeling that it made sense, Michael checked his experience bar, showing 3,062/3,770. 

He was only 700 points or so away from Level 19.

'There's something strange with my Skeletons lately. I keep feeling that my connection with them gets interrupted more often than the usual 24 hours of inactivity. Huh... Wait a second...' 

Looking around him and seeing that his Minions were nowhere to be found, Michael almost cursed.

With the strange beggar and the ghost-kid encounter, he completely forgot about his Skeletons. Upon trying to summon them, he realized that his connection with them was gone, even if it had been less than 24 hours since the last time he had called them into the Sanctuary.

'Are they on a strike? Don't tell me they want a pay raise... On a more serious note, I need to get my shit together. If I encountered a sudden Event, I'd be dead without them. *Sigh* Back to hand-to-hand combat, I guess... though, I'll be using a scythe.' 

Without hesitation, the Necromancer replaced his Feather Lash with the Centurion Lash. 

His physical damage increased considerably, and luckily, his attributes didn't drop either.

'Given the similar names, they both provide increased 'All Attributes,' but the Feather wand has +6, while the Centurion scythe has +7. Speaking of which, the Centurion scythe has an empty socket. Should I add one of the gems?' 

Since he got them, Michael decided to do so and placed the Crude Amethyst on top of the weapon. 

The scythe absorbed the gem with a strange purple glow, and Michael noticed a +4% Damage Over Time in the weapon's description.

The reason why the Amethyst and not the Skull was because the scythe was already providing a +4 Life per Kill by itself. There was no need to add another +2. 

'The DOT percentage increase, on the other hand, is quite good. After all, Corpse Explosion is my main way to deal damage. Now, the question is, do I keep using the Element Focus off-hand weapon or change it to a shield?'

After a few minutes of debate, Michael reached a location with dilapidated walls and a flight of stairs leading to an almost collapsed arch. 

In its good days, maybe this arch was the entrance to the Black Asylum, but now, it was nothing more than rubble.

Carefully heading inside, Michael cursed at the lack of monsters on the way to the Dungeon while glancing at the empty 'personnel' around him.

The inner courtyard of the asylum was expansive but surprisingly clean. There was no sign of garbage or rubble in the middle of the court.

As for the entrance...

"Jeez... with that red glow in the middle of the day, who the hell would be stupid enough to venture in? Doors are wide open, while the 'lights' are made of demon heads sculpted with a flaming torch burning inside. Mhm... Not only were mental patients held here, but the staff was also mental if they somehow think this was a good idea..."

Touching the empty air at the entrance and feeling the film covering it, Michael sighed and knew he was in the right place.

Without hesitating any longer, he swapped the Element Talent for the Storm Resolve shield.

While he lost the +5 to All attributes, he gained a +9 to Intelligence and the +11 Thorns, which might be helpful inside.

"Furthermore, the shield has a +3.0% to Crowd Control Duration. With my new skill, it's the better choice anyway. *Sigh* Let's get this over with."

Looking at his newly updated Attributes Page, Michael smiled. He was as ready as he could be.

[ Attack Power: 373

 Armor: 839

 Life: 280


Strength: 74

Intelligence: 79

Willpower: 76

Dexterity: 93 ]

Nodding to himself, he stepped inside the Dungeon and again experienced the unpleasant feeling of the world spinning around him. 

It was undoubtedly worse than being drunk and deciding for some reason to take a joyride in a carnival ride.

Taking a couple of seconds to gather his bearings, Michael raised his shield to protect his chest area while inspecting his surroundings.

"Let's see... walls made of iron fences similar to a prison, check. The smell of blood in the air and horrifying silence, check. A portion of the iron fence is broken, and behind it is a portion of the collapsed building leading into an unending abyss - check. Mhm! I want to get the fuck out of there right this second."

Unfortunately, it seemed he wouldn't have a chance to do so, as strange wails of unidentified creatures appeared to be heading his way.

With an ugly complexion, Michael advanced carefully through the narrow corridors.

Feeling that the wails were familiar, the Necromancer pondered silently until he made the connection with the red ghosts he usually got ambushed by in the wilderness.

'Great... as if the atmosphere wasn't creepy enough. All I was missing were weird phantoms with weapons ready to jump me at any given moment. Fuck!'

Just as he was complaining inwardly, an arrow was launched his way. Fortunately, the shield was ready to block.

[ Wrathful Phantom (Minion) - Level 22 ]

The red archer phantoms were already attacking him from a distance, annoying the crap out of him.

Before he could attack, four other creatures bearing shields moved toward him, making the situation a one vs six.

[ Skeleton Captain (Minion) - Level 23

*Shield - Generates a shield protecting from all incoming attacks, equal to 50% of total Life points. ]

Michael's face turned ugly upon seeing these bastards. Not only were two damned archers shooting at him comfortably from afar, but there were also four Skeletons with tower shields blocking for them.

Two balls of Blight were thrown at the Wrathful Phantoms wielding bows, and a Bone Prison was cast in front of the Skeleton Captains. 

"You want to play tower defense with this daddy!? I have more experience, you fuckers!"

Swiftly replacing Bone Prison with Bone Spliters, Michael began pelting the archers to their deaths. Afterward, he swiftly used Raise Skeletons on the two newly formed corpses, introducing Pathfinder and Goon No. 1 to the Captains. 

Not even half a minute later, all Michael's Minions assembled in front and behind him.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! The Reapers are truly remarkable. Their chance of creating a Corpse upon each attack is a heaven-sent. Let's see... I got 60 experience points and 80 gold coins. Not a bad start, not bad at all!"

[ Side Quest update - Cries of Innocence

Objective: Slay the tormented spirit of Corik Trost. ]

[ Dungeon Event - Black Asylum

Objective: Activate Gate Winches (0/2) ]

Looking ahead at the gathering ghosts and skeletons, Michael sighed and ordered his Minions to march forward.

It seems there were gates to be opened and ghost children to be slain. Such is life!

'About twenty enemies already... Things might get tricky if I didn't level up before. Let's try my new skill then.' 

With his Reapers attacking in the frontline and the Mages from behind, several Skeletons and Phantoms were already killed.

Looking at the Corpses on the ground, Michael selected the one closest to all nearby enemies and used Corpse Tendrils on it.

Immediately after, worm-like vines crawled out of the Corpse in a particularly disgusting manner, making Michael doubt this skill's ability.

"That's way too slow... Huh!?"

Before he could finish complaining, the tendrils snapped at every enemy in a five-meter radius, grabbing hold of their legs, waists, arms, or even heads.

The speed was incredible, and the force with which they were pulled was even more so. Watching all types of monsters bundled together and held tightly by the tendrils, Michael used Corpse Explosion excitedly.

Five seconds later, all the hostile creatures in the room were already cleared.

"Holly crap! That's way too OP!

Before he could continue rejoicing at his incredible prowess, a group of three Wraits, Skeletons, and Wrathful Phantoms charged at him.

Nevertheless, the result was the same. A wipe would happen as soon as the Corpse Tendrils skill was off cooldown.

Sometimes, the remaining enemies would be out of range for the tendrils to grab them, but it was sufficient for the Skeleton Minions to deal with them.

All the Necromancer had to do was cast Corpse Tendrils and Corpse Explosion from afar. Even his minions were mostly useless during this ridiculous combo.

In the next room he ventured in, he discovered the first Elite of this Dungeon.

[ Shocking Wrathful Phantom (Elite) - Level 23

*Shock Lance: Creates a ball of lighting that attacks everything in a two-meter radius. ]

This Elite was quite the disappointment, as he was actually team-killing with his crappy Shock Lance. Every poor Skeleton or Phantom that would be in the range of the randomly thrown skill would get fried.

After he cleared the room and the Elite, Michael entered the skill's radius out of curiosity and was surprised when he noticed he received only an insignificant damage worth 5 Life points.

"Talk about having a pig for a teammate. At least he was polite enough to drop an item box. It's only Magic, but I'll take it!

Moving forward, Michael cleared a couple more rooms, and the Elites found in it.

[ Fiery Wraith (Elite) - Level 22

*Fiery: Throws three fireball attacks at the enemy's current location. ]

[Fiery Skeleton Captain (Elite) - Level 22

*Fiery: Throws three fireball attacks at the enemy's current location. ]

[ Tainted Wratful Phantom (Elite) - Level 23

*Plaguebearer: Upon death, detonates its Corpse and soul to deal 200 fixed damage, as well as 50 Poison damage per second, for a duration of 5 seconds. ]

Luckily, he encountered the Lethal Shrine on his way and got a buff from Inarius, increasing his Critical Strike.

Yup. It was totally useless, as it didn't apply to his Corpse Explosion or other skills and only to his melee attacks. Not even his Reapers could enjoy the blessing.

Arbitrarily deciding that Inarius was a dick, Michael steamrolled through the Dungeon, killing everything that appeared in his path.

[Father lied...]

...until a childish ghost voice echoed through the empty hallways. Michael instantly recognized it as Corik and used his hands to rub down the goosebumps forming on his arms.

Looking at the three-meter-tall phantom holding a sword in its hands, the Necromancer couldn't see a trace of the previous child.

[ Corik Trost The Abandoned (Elite) - Level 23

*Cold Enchanted: All attacks deal an extra 50 Cold damage.

*Chilling Wind: Summons a wall of wind to block all ranged attacks.

*Hellbound: Summons a Hellbinder that latches chains on enemy targets in a five-meter radius. ]

Taking a deep breath while looking at the overpowered Elite, Michael almost turned around and ran in fear.

[He never once had the courage to face me!](Corik Trost)

With Corik's shout, a strange, devilish statue emerged from the ground. The system quickly identified it as Hellbinder but didn't give Michael any further information.

None were needed either, as the Hellbinder sent four ghostly chains that coiled around the Reapers' legs, slowing them down and restricting their movement radius to five meters around it.

Michael immediately lobbed a Blight ball at Corik, and the Skeleton Mages attacked as well, but unfortunately, Corik used his Chilling Wind modifier and blocked everything.

Seeing as the child-turned-murderous phantom charged at him, Michael panicked and retreated into the next room, leaving the Reapers behind to fend for themselves.

Even more Skeletons and Wratful Phantoms greeted him, but the Necromancer didn't despair and rejoiced instead.

Using his Skeleton Mages to kill a bunch, Michael waited until Corik got in range, allowing him to use Corpse Tendrils.

Most enemies in the area were pulled in, Corik included, allowing Michael to use Corpse Explosion to its maximum effect.

Unfortunately, even after most Corpses in the room were used, only about 70% of Corik's Life was finished.

"Shiet! Back to my Reapers, I need to free them and have them tank!"

In the scuffle with the Elite child, Michael received one of its blows and was thrown back three meters. A full 112 points were reduced from his Life, and that was after successfully blocking the strike.

Luckily, he could destroy the Hellbinder by using Blight and his Reapers' physical attacks on it, finally freeing his beloved meatshields.

Three minutes later, Corik finally dropped dead.

[Father lied! Father lied! Father lieeeeeed!](Corik Trost)

With an unsettled look on his face, Michael watched as the ghost of the child dissipated, leaving behind a single item box.

The color was orange!