Chapter 86. A balanced diet

Throughout the day, Michael enjoyed a late breakfast/lunch with his girlfriend, after which they toured Kyovashad, enjoying the peaceful but bustling city.

He also ended up buying two pocket watches on this date. One was a more rugged-looking type, which he kept for himself, while the second one was more delicate and, therefore, more fitting for a lady.

Helen was radiating happiness, as this was the first proper gift she had received from Michael since they got together. 

'Well... it's not like we are together for that long, but women are more sensitive to this type of thing. *Sigh* I miss my phone. How am I going to remember anniversaries without it!?'

Worried about stupid things, laughing with his girlfriend at silly matters, enjoying her company for a full day... it was time well spent.

With how fast things progressed on his leveling-up schedule, Quests, Lilith and Inarius, Lorath and the Pale Man... Michael got so swept up in it that he forgot one of the most important rules when it came to living one's life: enjoy the little things.

As the sun was setting, Michael expressed his desire to leech off the wealthy lady in his company and take a proper bath tonight. Therefore, the couple headed to the Pink Palace, where the other sisters immediately swarmed him.

[Whoa! What happened to your hair!?](Evelyn)

[You look older.](Tia)

[Hmm... it's not a bad contrast with his eyes and skin.](Mia)

[Tsk. He looks like he could make a living based on his face alone.](Hella)

[You girls... Excuse them, Michael. Is everything alright? Why did your hair color change?](Mina)

"Helen said it's enlightenment. Not exactly sure I can pinpoint the root of the matter, but it should be at least related."

As the girls were kicking up a fuss, Michael decided that it was still okay to keep some secrets. After all, different world or not, talking to oneself in the middle of the night while naked in front of a mirror... yeah... even with Black Asylum being closed, there should still be some other ones functional.

The rest of the day was spent alongside the sisters, laughing, joking, cooking, and finally resting.

When the sun finally rose the next morning, a sense of relief and calmness overtook Michael's senses. 

'All work and no play makes Michael a dull boy, huh? It seems that I need to balance my 'work life and my personal life more. No more slipping!'

[*Yawn* You're awake early again.](Helen)

"Mhm. Good morning."

[Good morning. What were you thinking about? Are you planning to go out and do more Quests?](Helen)

"Please don't joke around... I'm already Level 22. I need to clear up two Dungeons fast before I reach 25."

[22!? How did you level up so fast!?](Helen)

"*Sigh* Quests! Lots and lots of Quests! Every single one gives me at least a level-up!"

Seeing him act pretentiously, Helen rolled her eyes and smacked his back. 

Messing around and joking for a while, they finally returned to the topic at hand.

[It's confirmed that the three Dungeons in Nevesk are in need of clearing. I talked with the ones in charge of security, and they requested assistance before they would overflow and harm the common folk.](Helen)

"That's good. I can head there today and clear up all three Dungeons. That way, I can finally get this done with."

[Mhm. Just be careful. After not being cleared for prolonged periods of time, Dungeons foster more monsters. They are also stronger, so you should meet more Elites. The Boss would be more difficult to beat as well.](Helen)

"It should be fine. My Class is the perfect counter for a large number of enemies. I hope I won't level up to 25 before I clear two of them."

[Then, ignore Quests for now. The experience gained from the monsters killed is reduced after Level 20. Also, don't use any Elixirs. It would be more challenging since you're alone, but you should be able to do it.](Helen)

"Mhm. It's cringy to say it aloud, but as a Necromancer, I never walk alone."

[That... sounds pretty awesome!](Helen)


After fooling around for a few minutes, they both got up and grabbed breakfast. 

The other sisters were all awake and garbed in their fighting equipment.

"What's going on? Why are you five geared up?"

[Hmm? Nothing much, we're headed to clear some Dungeons.](Mia)

[We received a request from Qara-Yisu. A new Dungeon called Shifting City appeared, and it needs to be explored. Since it's a relatively medium-level dungeon when it comes to difficulty, they appeal to teams with levels between 40 and 60.](Mina)

"I see. Be careful."

[Hehe! I can finally join and clear Dungeons again!](Evelyn)

Michael watched the other sisters gang up on poor Evelyn and bully her with 'advice' as she was their party's youngest and lowest level.

Speaking of parties...

"Wasn't the maximum number of people that can enter four?"

[Mhm. I'm not going with them. I received a different Quest, and I must complete it by tomorrow, or else it will expire.](Hella)

Nodding in understanding, Michael analyzed the four girls' party composition and realized they should be prepared for whatever the new Dungeon threw at them.

They had a Druid, an Assasin, a Ranger Class, and Mina, a Priestess. Except for someone who can tank, they had a solid line-up.

When he mentioned his concerns, the girls smiled and said that they weren't looking to complete the Dungeon unless it was super easy to do so. Their purpose was to scout and bring back details, after which an elite team would clear it consecutively to ensure no new elements appeared to endanger the following Wanderers.

'It's me who's silly. They have been doing this sort of thing for years and years. It's foolish to think they don't have a system in place. I'm better off focusing on my own Dungeon.'

[Speaking of, you didn't tell us your gains from yesterday.](Helen)

Seeing everyone look at him, Michael smacked his forehead and laughed awkwardly. 

When he presented his first Legendary item, the girls clapped and went into a frenzy, as the item was very cool-looking indeed.

As the other girls were in a rush, Michael decided to open up the two Golden Rare item boxes with them to share the joy.

[ Chaos Brand

Rare Sword

236 Item Power


136 Damage per Second

* [99 - 149] Damage Per Hit

* 1.10 Attacks per Second (Fast Weapon)

* 4.5% Critical Strike Damage


* +5.0% Critical Strike Damage

* +2.5% Damage Over Time

* +6.5% Damage To Slowed Enemies ]

[ Order Scourge

Rare Sword

262 Item Power


156 Damage per Second

* [114 - 170] Damage Per Hit

* 1.10 Attacks per Second (Fast Weapon)

* +4 Life On Kill


* +16.0% Overpower Damage

* +4.0% Vulnerable Damage

* +7.5% Damage to Slowed Enemies ]

The girls clapped as the items were impressive, but Michael was slightly disappointed. After all, his Centurion's Lash was more adequate to his current fighting style.

After being comforted by Helen and told to go to the Blacksmith and salvage it if they weren't to his liking, everyone went their separate ways.

Watching the girls leave through the Waypoint, Michael and Helen headed to Zivek.

"You still didn't tell me why you are also equipped."

[I got an assistance request from a Stronghold in Dry Steppes. I will head over soon.](Helen)

"I see."

[Tsk! Aren't you going to ask me not to go?](Helen)

Seeing her pouting expression, Michael burst into laughter, drawing quite a few glances and embarrassing Helen further.

After finally coaxing the unhappy tigress, he smiled and kissed her.

"Given how strong you are, there is no reason for me to worry about you. Furthermore, I don't think you'll do something you are uncertain about. After all, your sisters still need your protection."

[Hmpf. And you don't?](Helen)

"Please spare me, Miss! If I get your protection while outside, I'll have to deal with monsters more than 50 Levels over me..."

Laughing, they reached Zivek's shop and stood on the side while the man was working on some equipment.

[Hurry up and open the remaining item boxes. It's best to take care of everything in one go.](Helen)

"I guess..."

In the end, under Helen's pestering, the Necromancer opened up the remaining Magic item boxes, turning completely sour when noticing that, except for one ring, everything he had on now was much better.

[ Lingering Ring

Magic Ring

186 Item Power


* +1.5% Resistance to All Elements

* +1.5% Cold Resistance


* +4.5% Damage Over Time ]

"What luck..."

[Stop complaining! You got a Legendary item at Level 20. What more do you want!?](Helen)

[Brats! You're here again? What now?](Zivek)

With Zivek's help, Michael salvaged all the items in his inventory. He went as far as getting rid of the Rare Wand and the Rare Focus since he decided on the melee build with a shield.

The results were... decent. After 21 total items were sacrificed, the gains were... underwhelming.

The list looked like this:

4 Magic Rings - 4 Iron Chunks

3 Magic Wands - 5 Iron Chunks and 1 Silver Ore

2 Magic Pants - 2 Rawhides

1 Magic Crossbow - 4 Iron Chunks

2 Magic Helms - 3 Rawhide and 1 Superior Leather

2 Magic Gloves 4 Rawhides

1 Magic Scythe - 2 Iron Chunks

2 Rare Swords - 3 Iron Chunks and 2 Veiled Crystal

1 Rare Scythe - 2 Iron Chunks and 1 Veiled Crystal

1 Rare Wand - 4 Iron Chunks and 1 Veiled Crystal

1 Rare Dagger - 1 Iron Chunk

1 Rare Focus - 1 Iron Chunk

So, overall, the raw materials he used to improve items in the future grew a bit.

-6 Blightshade

-2 Lifesbane

-16 Gallowvine

-15 Biteberry

-5 Reddamine

-1 Howler Moss

-6 Veiled Crystals

-98 Iron Chunks 

-55 Rawhide

-17 Silver Ores

-11 Superior Leather

[Stop sulking, and let's go. There's no need to improve your current items. You could do that for your Legendary headpiece, but you should be temporarily fine.](Helen)

"Mhm. I agree with that. *Sigh* I had higher expectations for some reason."

[Be more realistic, will you!? Do you remember what I told you about the Dungeons in Nevesk?](Helen)

"Yup. Lost Archives and Tormented Ruins."

[The Lost Archives, it's a priority. The Aspect of the Protector you'll gain from there is incredibly useful. You'll have another life-saving trump card if you clear it.](Helen)

"Understood. I'll head straight there."

The couple continued chatting until it was time for Helen to leave for her mission. Deep down, Michael was indeed worried.

He remembered how horrifying Gonk described the difficulty of recovering a Stronghold that fell in the hands of the demons. Leaving aside all the bloodshed she'll encounter, Level 80+ demons and monsters shouldn't be easy to deal with.

'Much less Elites and Bosses. In the end, there's nothing much I can do to help her. We're in different leagues. At least for now...'

Watching Helen teleport away, Michael waved her goodbye with a smile on his face. The best he could do was not to add extra worries and try to lighten her mental burden.

Taking a deep breath, he stepped onto the Waypoint himself and traveled to Nevesk. 

Michael looked around curiously when his surroundings were clear of the teleportation fog. Now that he was Level 22, he wasn't as scared of getting singled out by the Merchant Alliance due to the previous matter in which he and his party got involved. Even if that happened in Menestad, the Merchant Alliance was responsible for restoring the businesses in Nevesk.

'Still... looking around at how fast the previously burned down buildings are getting reconstructed, it's pretty amazing.'

Even the chapel he watched burning down from both close and afar was in the process of being rebuilt.

The image of Lilith walking among the common folk and them descending into madness was still fresh in his memory.

Not only that, but he saw the inn he stepped into for warmth that night and the courtyard where he was taken and almost sacrificed. 

'Looks like that Voszalko is also there. *Sigh* I can't say that I'm not curious about what crap he was spewing, but I can't get involved in the Quest now. I need to clear out two Dungeons before considering anything else.'

He didn't linger in the city and instead headed to the Lost Archives as promised. The guards were happy to hear that more Wanderers were working hard to clear the almost overflowing Dungeons, but they still cautioned him to stay safe.

With their help, he found the general location of the Dungeon on the map and marched straight there.