Chapter 113. Finding out more details

As it was embarrassing to keep crashing at Helen's place, Michael swung by, cooked dinner for the girls, and kidnapped his girlfriend to the Sleepy Peaks Inn.

The hostess joined them with drinks at their table as Michael explained what he had gone through during the day.

[That brazier, huh?](Raskya)

"You know about it? I was curious why there aren't more of them. Wouldn't it make for better protection against the monsters if they actually work?"

[Oh, they do, brat! However, you've seen the site, right?](Raskya)

"Hmm? Yes, I did."

[Did it look similar to Margrave?](Raskya)

"It did. But smaller."

[And there you have it.](Raskya)

"You mean that it needs to be built in accordance with the village or city it's supposed to protect?"

[Mhm. At least half its size. Furthermore, it needs the blessings of Inarius. And at least ten to twenty priests must visit it regularly for it to be maintained. If it's one of Margrave's size... maybe about five of them would do if they visited monthly.](Raskya)

[Sounds about right. Kyovashad would need around 50 weekly. Plus, Inarius would have to bless it himself once every two to three months.](Helen)

"And let me guess, the angel has better things to do with its spare time?"

[Pretty much.](Raskya)

The conversation quickly shifted back to Margrave and how the Priest Matvey was truly bold.

[I guess he still has connections with Kyovashad if he asked you to light it back on.](Raskya)

"Was he exiled or something?"

[Something like that. Zealotry can be a terrifying thing...](Raskya)

"No wonder he said Kyovashad was far when I questioned him about burning bandits and villagers on the pyre..."

[That bastard! He's still doing that!? Didn't he learn his lesson!?](Raskya)

[Did he tell you the reason?](Helen)

"Well... he said that mostly are bandits or thieves that attacked the outpost. As for the villagers, they are those that fell into sin. They are used as an example to scare the others. He wants to prevent what happened in Nevesk from occurring again in Margrave."


[I see.](Helen)

Michael continued his story about the brothers and the smuggler's tunnels but avoided mentioning where they went. He wouldn't care if it was just Helen or Raskya, as neither cared about it, but you never knew who else was listening.

The young Necromancer could tell at least five to six people were listening to his story from the nearby tables. After all, gossip was the best type of entertainment in this world.

After finishing the story about how he let those two go, Raskya closed her eyes and kept quiet. Apparently, she wanted Helen to speak first.

[You did well. The younger brother was foolish, but his sins don't mean he must be burned alive. Given how... persuasive Priest Matvey is, he would surely be dead upon returning to Margrave. After all, with his bad reputation, nobody would've minded if he died. Hopefully, he can change his ways in the future.](Helen)

Noticing some of the other patrons nodding their heads in approval, Michael understood while Raskya kept quiet. She had no authority to speak on this matter, and her personal opinion would be just that: her own.

If one of the Wanderers listening was a devout believer and said that he was wrong and the man was supposed to be brought back for punishment, an argument might ensue. Therefore, having Helen, Captain of the City Guards, offer her input first would give Michael a way out.

The young Necromancer felt terrible for having to use her authority again, but she took his hand under the table to reassure him.

Taking her hand and bringing it to his lips, he kissed it gently, drawing whistles from those watching.

"Then, that brat's Quest brought me to Light's Watch."

[What?! The Dungeon!?](Helen)


[Uhm... that was supposed to be cleared for the first time this month in a couple of days from now, right?](Raskya)

"Yeah, I heard the story from an officer after giving a full report about how I cleared it."

[What!? You went in!?](Helen)

Not only Helen but even the other Wanderers clamored. Seeing their strange gazes, most of which spoke the words 'Keep bragging!' he had no choice but to speak out.

"Mhm. I had to show Bronson the Aspect recorded in my Codex of Power, and he sent Riley and Sloan to verify my statement. He acted as if it was a big deal."

[This blockhead! It is a big deal!](Helen)

[Mhm. Each month, the first team that goes in is the strongest they have available, yet they always return with horrible injuries. You did them a big favor by clearing it instead.](Raskya)

"I see. Well... I'm glad I could finish my Quest. As for the Aspect... *Sigh* What good is a high roll for it if it's for a different Class!?"

Hearing his whining words, the other Wanderers burst into laughter as if they had personally gone through that before. Helen smiled gently as she noticed how he skillfully changed the conversation topic.

The conversation continued with Michael asking about the well-being of his former party members, all of whom were doing alright from the looks of things.

[Oh, right! I got a letter from Martel. He sent word through a Wanderer who was returning to Kyovashad. Apparently, the entire party should return within a week or so.](Raskya)

[Did it say how their Quest went?](Helen)

[Successful, of course.](Raskya)

[I would expect nothing less from their party.](Helen)

After more drinks, snacks, and gossip, the couple retreated to their room. Sitting in each other's arms, they continued the conversation from downstairs.

[It was my mistake for forgetting about Light's Watch...](Helen)

"Don't. Even Raskya said that such Dungeons are rare. It's not surprising that it didn't cross your mind. Furthermore, you had no way of knowing that I'll get a Quest there."


"You know I'm not a regular Wanderer. With my Skeleton minions back on the field, I can do what a normal party of five can do and even more."

Michael continued with his speculations about Dungeons, the time difference, the 'saved game' theory, and a question about the bandits in Light's Watch.

[It wouldn't be a first. There were times when we camped in Dungeons for days in a row before being able to clear it, only to find out that less than 10 hours had passed on the outside. As for the devil nobles keeping the Dungeon in this 'initial state' that you mentioned, it would make a lot of sense.](Helen)


[Mhm. Especially when it comes to Resource conservation. The souls they replenish are fine, but if they have to personally put back barrels and chests that Wanderers destroyed after each clear, it would drive them mad.](Helen)

"Haha! Imagining a bigshot devil noble carrying barrels through the Dungeon is quite..."


After having a good laugh because of that mental image, the duo caught their breath and continued.

[As for the bandits, you're right. I'm surprised you figured it out so clearly.](Helen)

"So it was indeed a trap for them."

[Mhm. I heard it from one of the higher-ups in the Knight Penitent. They don't want it publicized because it would damage the prestige of the Cathedral.](Helen)

"Understandable. Even if it was a great tactic, it was underhanded. It would be fine if the City Guards would do it, but if the Church does it, its reputation would definitely drop."

[Hey! What do you mean the City Guards would be fine?](Helen)

After teasing the pretty lady for a while, the couple returned to the previous topic. 

"Does the devil noble in charge of the Dungeon just automatically gain all those souls?"

[Not really. But it's not like they have much of an option except to hand them over. Think about it... the only thing they can do is try to clear the Dungeon just after it was formed with maybe seven to eight low-level Wanderers or give up their souls and join the Burning Hells. The strong ones become demons, while the weaklings are imprisoned in the Dungeon and used as materials to defeat future Wanderers.](Helen)

"Why do you say they won't have a chance to clear it? Also, if there are more than five Wanderer parties, which usually clears them, wouldn't make it even easier for them?"

[Because, if they were caught, the devil noble doesn't have to play by the rules of the Sanctuary. Yes, they can choose to fight, but who says they have to clear it only once? Also, who says that the strength of the monsters inside will be reduced to their levels?](Helen)

"I see. So upon its creation, the Dungeon doesn't necessarily adhere to the laws of the Sanctuary."

[It doesn't. It might be macabre to think about it like so, but in a way, these Dungeons are like businesses for the devil nobles.](Helen)


[Mhm. Why do you think these devils create the Dungeons, to begin with? Especially when it costs them a LOT of resources and a portion of their soul they need to gamble with every time it gets cleared.](Helen)

Pondering briefly, the only thing that came to mind was souls.

"To gain human souls?"

[Correct. That's their currency. Furthermore, it's not exactly restricted to the Dungeon, you know. If the devil beguiles one Wanderer to join their side, they can also exert their influence in the outside world. Also, in the beginning, newly formed Dungeons have very strong monsters. Because the souls of the monsters fighting are fresh, their skills are higher, and so is their power. But, the more they are defeated and resurrected by the devil, the more... blunt their claws turn.](Helen)

"I see. But since you said it's a business, and the Dungeon needs to follow the Sanctuary's rules, does it mean that the Sanctuary allows for their existence?"

[To some extent, yes.](Helen)

"Do you know why?"

[Just speculations, really. If the devils want human souls, the Sanctuary wants demonic ones. Since they belong to a different plane of existence, their value is very high for the respective worlds. I don't know the exact details, but that's what I've heard from the Horadrim. As for what the Sanctuary gets from this...](Helen)

"Isn't it those demonic souls?"

[Mhm. But not exactly the ones in Dungeon.](Helen)

"What do you mean?"

[Think about it like a betting match between two Wanderers. One bets the gold coins he has on his person, while the other bets a portion of what he has on his person and the possessions he keeps stored at home.](Helen)

"Ehm... so as Wanderers, we gamble with our lives, while the Demons gamble with other souls they have in the Burning Hells?"

[Pretty much. This one is more or less confirmed. However, those who die are not spared entirely. Remember, I did say a portion of what he has on his person. Each devil noble has its own army and territory in their realm. If, for example, their bet was two 'villagers' and a portion of the soul of the soldier who died, why wouldn't the Sanctuary accept that deal?](Helen)

The revelation was nothing short of shocking. After all, if the Sanctuary allowed for this to happen...

"This is not common knowledge, is it?"

[Not really. But all high-level Wanderers know about it. So do most clergy members. In the end, it's a matter of reality. Sanctuary is a newer plane of existence compared to the Burning Hells. They barely spare some energy to deal with us since we have resources they want, and the High Heavens keep them in check. If they were to invade us aggressively, we wouldn't stand a chance.](Helen)

"So, Dungeons are the Sanctuary's way of compromising. It is quite impressive if you think about it... Not only did it find a way to protect its people, but it also found a way to empower them."

[Mhm. So we have to work hard and live up to its expectations.](Helen)

Seeing the pretty tigress look so fierce, Michael gulped and decided to indulge in a couple of fighting rounds with her. Tonight, he shall claim total victory!

The following day, the couple parted ways as Michael made his way to the Waypoint. He was feeling strangely unclean after using only the Cleaning Marble and hadn't yet taken a bath at Helen's place.

'After the intense workout last night... Hehe! But it does seem that she spoiled me quite a bit. Anyway, this gives me an idea for another business. Maybe I can suggest this to Ms. Raskya. A bathhouse! She could make money from Wanderers, and I don't have to visit Helen whenever I want to bathe. I don't mind visiting, but... it's taking a toll on my pride as a man... I feel... Kept!' 

Shaking the strange thoughts out of his mind, Michael teleported to Margrave.

He had two Quests that he needed to turn in, and... after looking on the MAP, the smuggler's tunnels seemed to connect Margrave to Yelesna.

It was time for a visit!