Chapter 135. Kor Valar

[ Main Quest update - Kor Valar

Objective: Find Reverend Mother Prava. ]

Walking under the risen gate, Michael nodded in appreciation at the Knight Penitent and unsummoned his horse. It was bad manners to ride the horse in, according to Helen.

'When in Rome... Anyway, let's see...The marker says that she's straight ahead... Huh!? Isn't that...'


The Knight was walking forward with a torch, lighting up what appeared to be the corpses of his fallen colleagues.

He was surprised to see such a funeral being held indoors but couldn't say much in order not to piss off the attendees. 

[You were good soldiers. Worked hard, fought hard. Drank hard, too.](Vigo)

A wave of laughter emerged from the surroundings, though it wasn't hard to discern the undertone. There was grief and anger mixed in.

[Brothers, sisters... I hope you find peace in these flames.](Vigo)

With the pyre ignited, Vigo walked toward Michael and smiled wrily at the man.

"Vigo. What are you doing here?"

[So you lived! I came clean to Prava about taking that woman's bribe. Eesh... it's looking bad. My ass is on the line. Might not have a job when she's done with me.](Vigo)

"I see. I hope she goes easy on you. I came here looking for her also."

[Hey! You're here for her as well? Let's go together. Maybe she will go easy on me if you're there.](Vigo)

"Stop dreaming! But lead the way. You never know..."

Walking with the man, Michael couldn't help but notice the scornful looks he was getting. It looks like he wasn't viewed in a positive light after the mess at the mines.

It would be wrong to say that it was his fault that so many knights died, but he did have a share in the blame after falling victim to Lilith's machinations.

[Not many could bear your sins...](Knight Penitent Monk)

"Looks like he's talking to you, Vigo. Your colleague doesn't seem to like you very much."

[It's to be expected after I've failed them and myself. I don't blame them.](Vigo)

The man kept quiet, but the silence was awkward. Fortunately, the Necromancer saw something that drew his attention. Pointing to it, he asked Vigo.

"Is that armor?"

[This is no mere 'armor,' Necromancer!](?)

[Admonisher. Michael is here to see Mother Prava.](Vigo)

[Hmpf! This is a holy vessel of the highest craftsmanship! It may uplift the repentant sinner directly to the Light. Can 'armor' do that!?](Knight Penitent Admonisher)

Seeing the strange look Vigo was getting from the man, Michael couldn't help but feel bad for the Knight. Just one mistake was enough to destroy one's reputation and life.

Hopefully, Prava wouldn't be too hard on him.

Gazing back at the armor that appeared to be suited for a small giant rather than a person, Michael shook his head. Even Gonk wouldn't be able to use it.

"It looks too large to move in."

[Faith, rather than flesh, moves this suit. Tough, how, it is only known to a privileged few. The practice has been long abandoned.](Knight Penitent Admonisher)

"That's a rather interesting thing to say, seeing that you're assembling it."

[*Sigh* Something big is coming. Holy war. Mark my words! She wouldn't have asked me to prepare a relic like this otherwise.](Knight Penitent Admonisher)

"Prava did? It seems that the future looks more bleak than I initially thought."

[Let's go. Don't keep her waiting.](Vigo)

Nodding at the Admonisher, Michael and Vigo soon reached a chapel of sorts, which was the location of the Quest marker. 

A guard stopped them.


[Captain. She's expecting us.](Vigo)

[*Sigh* Go in! Vigo! Good luck...](Knight Penitent Captain)

Michael frowned at the ominous words but realized that it wasn't his place to butt in. Furthermore, as much as she was a fanatic, Prava was smart.

Even Helen admitted to that. The Cathedral of Light flourished under her banner over the course of the past ten years.

With a deep breath, he entered the chapel where Prava's voice was giving orders.

[Have the new Watch Commander replace the forces we lost at the mine.](Prava)

"Miss Prava. Apologies for interrupting.

[So you've returned. Vigo here tells me you were braver than he.](Prava)

"No need to put him down. He did all that was asked of him and more. We are but humans. And humans are prone to failure. Even the best of us."

Approaching, he did his best to put in a good word for the man. After all, words didn't cost anything.

He was surprised to see the people in the room surrounding what appeared to be a War Table. There was a large map, and plenty of arrows were drawn on it. 

'Green probably marks the allies, while red the enemy forces. The situation isn't very good. Where is this, though?'

[A map of Estuar, with a throng of red markers and arrows all pointing toward the fabled city of Caldeum.]

The fact that the Sanctuary identified the War Table and provided details about it worried him even more. 

Making a mental note, he decided to ask Helen about Caldeum when he returned later today.

[Why are you here, Michael?](Prava)

"I need a divine blessing to chase after Lilith."

[*Sigh* That's not a piece of meat you can buy from a local market... Nevermind. First, you will be made worthy of a blessing. A holy war can't be won with faithless troops.](Prava)

"A holy war, huh? It's come to that already?"

[Make no mistake, this war is holy. Lilith has brought the Eternal Conflict to the Sanctuary. And Inarius will deliver us, as writ in prophecy.](Prava)

Inwardly shaking his head, he couldn't help but be amused at the irony. The divine couple created the Sanctuary as an escape from the Eternal Conflict, yet after Inarius fucked up, it was Lilith who was blamed for starting shit up.

He could understand, though. It would ruin the troops' morale if she blamed this mistake on their symbol of faith. 

After all, which soldiers were foolish enough to die for their superior's mistake?

"So? What do I need to do?"

[Wait. Until then, we have our parts to play. Make a pilgrimage to the Alabaster Monastery. Cleanse your spirit. Then we may discuss a blessing.](Prava)

Vigo's face turned sour but quickly recovered. Michael raised an eyebrow at the man, who just shook his head.

[I may as well make myself useful. Come by the ruins south of here. I'll wait there for you.](Vigo)

Seeing the Knight leave, he turned to look at Prava, only to see her sport a dead-serious face. 

Knowing that he shouldn't push his luck, he walked out.

[ Main Quest complete - Kor Valar

Reward 1: 10,678 experience points

Reward 2: 1,700 gold coins. ]

[ New Main Quest issued - Pilgrimage

Objective: Complete the pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Penitent.

Description: Reverend Mother Prava requires you to complete a pilgrimage and be judged by Inarius before she grants you the blessing necessary to travel beyond the Black Lake and pursue Lilith. ]

The Necromance was given pause after noticing Inarius being mentioned in the description.

'Sure enough, I get to meet the bigshot. Still, being 'judged' by an angel... What a dream come true...' 

Shaking his head, he walked out of the Kor Valar fort and resummoned his mount. Fortunately, Vigo was waiting for him, only about four to five minutes away.

[You're here.](Vigo)

"Mhm. What must I do for the pilgrimage?"

[There's a shrine west of here, bears a realic. I'm told it takes on your sin. Weighs you down, body and soul. Beats the hell out of you. It'll cleanse you, prepare you to stand before the Father.](Vigo)

"That sounds interesting."

[I hope you don't have many regrets, friend. This kind of thing is a lot deadlier for some than others. Watch out, alright? I'll find you at the end.](Vigo)

Michael raised an eyebrow at the implied separation.

"What else can you tell me about the pilgrimage?"

[Nothing good. Lost more than a few worthy soldiers to it. But it will clean you up for Inarius. A rare honor for an outsider. Heh... if you can call it that.](Vigo)

"You're not coming with me."

[Ah, no. I'm not ready, not by a long shot. Even if I could survive the trial, there's no telling what would happen in the end. You though... I've seen you in the mines. You have a solid chance.](Vigo)

"That sounds... encouraging. What about the prophecy Prava mentioned? Do you believe it to be true?"

Seeing the Knight look at the ground, lost in thoughts, Michael patiently waited for a response.

As soon as the man gathered his bearings, he nodded.

[I had my doubts. The priests were always going on about the return of Lilith...](Vigo)

"And now?"

[ Now she's here! Just like they said. *Sigh* Be careful out there.](Vigo)

The Knight steered his horse east while Michael's Quest updated and had him head west.

[ Main Quest update - Pilgrimage

Objective: Read from the tablet at the Altar of Purity.

Description: You have begun your pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Penitent. You must bring the Idol of the Faithful to a series of shrines and read from their parchments to cleanse the idol of the curse. ]

Reading the description, the 'cursed idol' part stood out the most. Thinking how he had to carry that while he moved around made the hairs on his back stand on ends. 

Scratching his head in frustration, he wanted to give up the Quest. But remembering Neyrelle, he sighed and nudged his horse forward.

Along the way, he saw plenty of frozen 'statues,' which were both wearing regular clothes and armor.

'It seems that both normal people and Knights attempted this pilgrimage, and many died.' 

The ominous naming of the places he passed through didn't help either. From where he parted ways with Vigo, he stepped into the Serac Rapture, and once he closed in on his object, he reached the Fields of Judgement.

Seeing how the Sanctuary recognized these names, he couldn't help but become nervous.

Distracted by the surroundings, he steered the horse forward and had it trample on a frozen body hidden underneath the snow. The sickening crunch awoke some monsters as they came rushing at him.

"The horse's low aggro doesn't work on them, huh? Well, no matter."

Some Bone Warriors, some Quillrats, and a couple of goatmen joined the fight but were quickly made short work of by his minions.

Unfortunately, the more he advanced, the more distaste he gained for the church. There were more frozen 'statues' than he cared to count. 

Upon seeing one of them being a family of four, with two old and two young, Michael's blood seemed to boil in anger. Both Inarius and Prava were aware of this ridiculous practice yet did nothing to prevent it.

All for the sake of appearances.

Walking up the hill, he reached the Altar of Purity and saw the tablet. The writing slowly turned readable, thanks to the Sanctuary's interference, but Michael couldn't help but sneer.

The first three words on the tablet were 'To the Sinner.'

[Hark, creature of darkness, for you have wandered beyond the reach of the Light. Lift your sins. Breathe deep the cold air. The path to redemption lies before you... if you have the faith to walk it.](Prava)

His disappointment increased with each second as he realized that the tablet was imbued with some magic. As soon as one read the words, Prava's voice would narrate them.

The Idol in question looked like a small statue without bearing a resemblance to any particular angel or deity. 

As soon as Michael grabbed it, his surroundings changed. Red fog obstructed his field of vision, and his body became heavy.

It wasn't difficult to walk, but running might prove challenging.

Furthermore, there were whispers in the wind, as if demonic voices were tempting him into damnation. 

[ Main Quest update - Pilgrimage

Objective: Bring the Idol of the Faithful to the Altar of Martyrdom. ]

Taking in his surroundings, Michael shook his head. It might've been an amazing thing for someone living in the Sanctuary. 

But he saw much crazier stuff when he tried mushrooms. This was lightweight. 

"There are also some enemies, huh?"

Looking at the MAP indicating three red dots, he slid down the hill and charged ahead. 

The Quest had just started, but he was growing tired of this prank already.