Chapter 137. Meeting Inarius

The Sanctuary reacted and identified the writing on the plaque under the statue.


[ Our Father Inarius laid down this ground, opened up the sky, and created this Sanctuary from the bounty of the Worldstone. ]


The bells of the monastery were ringing, but Michael's mind couldn't help but wander. It wasn't related to Inarius... no. In his mind, as powerful as the man was, he was only a pawn in Lilith's game.

The more he thought about it, the more it made sense. A tortured angel in hell, set free and tempted into doing what she wanted. Then, when he realized his failure, it was too late.

He could only send Lilith to the Void, but it wasn't enough to compensate for his failure. The High Heavens wouldn't accept him any longer, as seen due to his desire to return.


'So now, he would do anything to return his home. Even if it meant destroying the Sanctuary in the process. Fuck! I hope I am overthinking this...'


Another statue titled Inarius the Hopebringer stood doused in light from an unknown source.


[ Cast down from the Heavens, but prophecized to return. Our Father Inarius will ascend to the Heavens, and we will be redeemed on his wings. ]


Michael walked silently, contemplating what he should and shouldn't say. What he should and shouldn't ask.

Stopped in front of a door, the Necromancer could feel a sense of Light blinding his eyes, even if the luminosity in the room was normal.

Sucker for Lilith's schemes or not, the creature behind those doors was more powerful than his wildest imagination. More powerful than him, more powerful than Helen, and probably the only one who could stop whatever Lilith was planning.

Taking a deep breath, he touched the door and was teleported inside the room.

'How strange... the overpowering feeling vanished. Is it because I am closer that my body and mind ignore it entirely in order not to scare me shitless? Or is it all bluster? No... it wouldn't make sense. Lilith wouldn't have chosen him if he was weak. Furthermore, as one of the angels of High Heavens, he fought in plenty of wars against the Burning Hells, according to Lorath.' 

Looking around the room, except for some murals on the walls, there wasn't anything impressive to take note of. 

Two statues of blindfolded women stood guard, and between them was a spear. Albeit unassuming, judging from the floating angel behind it, he was sure it was of high enough level.

Sitting in front of a mural portraying himself, Inarius looked at it in deep contemplation.

Labeling the feathery pigeon as a narcissist, besides the arrogance he kept hearing from others, he couldn't help but evaluate him more earnestly.

'Fully dressed in armor and a hood to cover his face. Also, those wings... they are not feathers or lightning, as I thought in my vision of Valhalla when he came to cure me of the mental demons. Those are light tendrils, five on each 'wing'... They seem to interact with the surroundings, and it's them that keep him afloat, though the process through which that is accomplished eludes me.'

[Have you watched enough?](Inarius)

"Hmm? Oh. My apologies for intruding."

[This is how you chose to approach me?](Inarius)

"Would you prefer to have me bend the knee? I don't mind, but as the monk downstairs said, it's not about kneeling; it's about reverence. I can complete the gesture if it would satisfy your ego. Though, I don't think you lack a Level 34 Wanderer that admires your... greatness."

As inwardly appalled as he was, Michael's mouth seemed to keep moving without his control. Yes, he said what he was thinking, but he can usually keep himself in check and act according to the situation.

He wouldn't doubt that those light tendrils might tear him into little pieces if he kept spewing nonsense.

[Hmpf. Tell me what you need.](Inarius)

"I must traverse the Black Lake, and it cannot be done without your blessing, or so it seems."

A sigh echoed throughout the room as Michael watched the pretentious levitating bastard stay with his hands behind his back, assuming the 'inscrutable expert' pose.

[If I've learned anything during my time here, it is that what we're looking for and what we need are rarely the same thing.](Inarius)

"Then why are you trying so desperately to return to Heaven? You literally created this world, and all of it worships you as its God. I don't think returning to be a soldier would be an upgrade of status..."

[...I once thought that I could find an end to this war, but there has been no resolution. Only more pain.](Inarius)

Michael kept silent, as he felt that anything he would say would only lambast this self-deprecating piece of angelic shit even further. 

He wanted to make it out of here alive, with or without his shitty blessing.

[Everything I've done has only pulled me further away from home, from the place I need to be. You couldn't understand... Or you might, all things considered...](Inarius)

"It seems that you know. Then Lilith should be aware of it, too... How could the 'creators' not?"

[Lilith... This world the two of us made was born from the impossible. But like its creators, it rots from the inside out.](Inarius) 

"You're changing the subject again... Lilith has already entered the Ancient City. With your blessing, I can follow her."

Finally annoyed, the angel turned around, and the atmosphere turned oppressive. 

Even compared to carrying the cursed Idol from one altar to the next, the pressure Inarius was exuding was at least tens, if not hundred folds in comparison.

[Your kind are weak, and this world has been wasted on crusades of the unworthy. I have wasted too much time cleaning after your mistakes.](Inarius)

Finally, something snapped inside Michael's brain as he looked dead at the angel.

"Oh? Is that why you shackled your children and forced them into damnation as the Burning Hells invaded? Is that why you banished Lilith to the Void, only to have her escape and now drag the entire world into your petty squabble? Isn't it funny how it is the fault of the weak, yet the strong take no blame in the matter?"

[ This audience is concluded.](Inarius)

"You're damn right it is! Tsk!"

Turning around and walking without looking back, Michael left the room and returned downstairs, only to see a smiling Orlin.

By now, he had cooled off enough to realize that he had somehow messed up again. Not only did he defy a being that could sneeze him into particles of dust, but he also decided to take a shit-stick and stir Inarius's wounds with it.

Even stranger, he was somehow alive after doing all that. With a grim face, he thought about Nevesk, Lilith, the Black Lake, and now the meeting with Inarius.

Some things appeared to make sense, while others didn't. There was too much to consider only as machinations of fate and too little to consider them arrangements made by either Lilith or Inarius.

With another deep breath, he nodded at Orlin.

"Inarius didn't seem very welcoming. Maybe I should've taken your advice and knelt."

[No, no, no! You heard him, but you did not listen. His voice is music, a symphony of Light. Look beyond the words themselves, and you will find truth.](Orlin)

"Heh. The Father works in mysterious ways, huh? I need to go. Thank you for the information, old monk. Stay well."

Hearing the old monk mutter, 'Mysterious are his ways,' Michael held back the laugh that might cremate him into atoms. He didn't want to step on Inarius's toes more than he already did.

Furthermore, he considered the angel might be speaking in riddles, but after more thought, their conversation was similar to that of a sober man with his drunk friend who had just been dumped.

Whatever question you'd throw at him, he would only answer with what he's thinking. He was amazingly immature for a creature as old as the Sanctuary - actually even older. 

Yes, you fucked up by hooking up with the enemy and therefore losing your place in the Heavens. But for fuck's sake! Did you create an entire world with your hot girlfriend and decide to mess everything up?

And you blame your children and women for it?

'What a disappointing creature. Nothing more, nothing less than what you'd expect from a human. It's only his strength that is a bit higher. *Sigh* What now? Neyrelle is waiting for me...'

[ Main Quest complete - Light's Judgement

Reward 1: 10,875 experience points

Reward 2: 1,750 gold coins. ]

[ New Main Quest issued - Light's Protection

Objective: Return to Reverend Mother Prava

Description: You stood before Inarius in the Alabaster Monastery and received his judgment. You must now return to Reverend Mother Prava in Kor Valar. ]

Leaving the monastery and getting back on his horse, Michael patted the neck of the intelligent creature and made haste for Kor Valar. 

The night was approaching quickly, and he didn't want to stay in the wilderness longer than he should. He could handle himself, but if the horse would die, it would be an extra fee of 10,000 to resummon it again.

On their way, a couple of Bone Archers tried to snipe him, but the shield was enough to protect himself and his mount. Some Ghouls attempted an ambush, only to be trampled under the hooves of the hurrying beast and turned into mincemeat. 

Satisfied with the high-speed travel, Michael unsummoned it and re-entered Kor Valar.

[Excuse me, Wanderer.](?)

A few steps in, a nun stopped him. Turning around and seeing the blue exclamation mark above her head, Michael resignedly nodded.

"How fares the ministry? The name is Michael."

[You can call me Sister Vera.](Vera)

"How can I be of assistance?"

[Since you're an outsider, I could use your help. *Sigh* A dying Knight mistook me for his confessor. He spoke of... sacrilegious things.](Vera)

"Wouldn't it be better to talk directly with Prava about this?"

[I cannot! He said his party of Knights found a secret to life eternal. A Red Chalice. Said the Bishop leading ordered them to drink of it, deep.](Vera)

"That doesn't sound good..."

[He confessed they shelter now in a place he called the Sanguine Chapel. The Chalice must be retrieved... and I must leave. Find me at the Bear Tribe camp when you have it.](Vera)

Seeing the woman hurrying to get away after handing the Quest, Michael grabbed her hand and stopped her.

"What can you tell me of this Sanguine Chapel?"

[Not much. I couldn't find any record of it. But the Knight said it was right under the Father's nose, through a side door beneath the Alabaster Monastery.](Vera)

"Can't say I'm surprised... What about the Red Chalice?"

[The Knight said they found it in an ancient ruin, far underground. It was covered in dust yet still full of fresh blood. He became... disoriented after that. I could only make out a few words. Blood Sermon. Sin. That man was petrified.](Vera)

"Mhm. I'll see what I can do. I'll let Prava know about it. Don't worry, I won't mention your name, only that I found something suspicious at the Alabaster Monastery. I just returned from there, after all..."

[I understand. I'll wait for you at the Bear Tribe Refuge.](Vera)

Watching the woman get on a horse and run out of Kor Valar, Michael shook his head in incomprehension. How was it that everyone had a mount when it was so damn expensive!?

Returning to the chapel, he walked past the still-smoking wooden remains of the dead Knights and sighed. 

To make matters worse, Prava was giving another sermon.

[Blesed are those who bask in the Light! Let our faith be our armor against the encroaching darkness!](Prava)

'Except for this 'armor' made out of faith can't stop blades and arrows, much less skills and magic. Brainwashing is good if done up to a point...'

Ignoring the strange looks, he climbed to the chapel and nodded at Prava.

[You've returned. Come, let's speak inside, out of the cold.](Prava)

Walking before the War Table, Michael waited for Prava. When she arrived next to him, he spoke flatly.

"Inarius refused to bless me."

[Yet you stand before me unscathed.](Prava)

"If the only options are blessing or death, I am starting to feel sad for you believers, Miss Prava."

[I know his ways. That you are alive is approval enough for me. Don't forget about the Greater Heal also. You hold a major role in his plans.](Prava)

"That might be so, but what now? I still need a blessing he refuses to give."

[Who says that he needs to give it out himself?](Prava)

Watching the approaching woman, Michael frowned as her hand touched his forehead.

[In the name of the Light, I bless you. May the Light flow through you and keep you from corruption and sin.](Prava)

'A bit late after being fed Lilith's blood petals, but sure... I'll take it...'

[Our victory is prophesied in the Heavens!](Prava)

'Except that it isn't. It's ambiguous, and you chose to interpret it in such a way that's useful to you. *Sigh* I want to return to Kyovashad. Being around members of the church is tiring.'

[ Main Quest complete - Light's Protection

Reward 1: 5,437 experience points

Reward 2: 1,400 gold coins. ]